Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1084: After the war

Since Lu Chen returned to the Yang Realm, he has not laughed so happily, with tears in his laughter, but it is heartfelt happiness.

Seeing the father and son reunited, Li Wei couldn't help crying, "Great, little beast is okay!"

However, Liwei must be more rational than Lu Chen at this time. She suddenly thought of a question and said to Xuanlong, "Excuse me, is the little beast dead or..."

Seeing the little beast in the underworld, it is still uncertain whether the little beast is still alive...

Xuanlong smiled, "Our dragon blood has the ability to destroy stardust, but at the beginning we just helped the solitaire raise the level of the dragon, and the loss of itself was too large, so we could only temporarily save the little beast, and then rested. It took a few days to rescue him."

Hearing Xuanlong's words, Li Wei felt relieved.

Lu Chen finally eased from the joy of the little beast's resurrection, stood up and bowed deeply to the Minglong clan, "You don't want to say thank you for your great grace. You can come to me whenever you need me in the future."

Xuanlong smiled and said, "I am the only one who is crazy. We have already said that we will help you twice, and you will save us twice. Everyone is even and no one owes anyone."

"If we go to you in the future, we won't let you pay back the favor, at best we can only ask you for help."

Lu Chen smiled, and the temper of the Minglong clan was somewhat similar to his own.

"Dad, did Xiao Mao Tuan miss me?" Xiao Beast said happily, "I want to go back and see them soon."

Lu Chen nodded, "There is one more thing resolved, I will take you back to see them."

Lu Chen looked at Xuanlong and the old man, "Now the Ming Army is rapidly defeating, but if there is one thing left, it will be a hidden danger after all."

"You mean the gate of the underworld?" Xuanlong said.

Lu Chen nodded, "The underworld and the sun shouldn't be connected. If a large number of underworld doors are allowed to open, it will inevitably bring a lot of hidden dangers. I don't know how to close these underworld doors."

Xuanlong said immediately, "Leaving the gate of the underworld to open will also affect the order of the underworld."

"Don't worry if it's not enough. These entrances don't exist originally. It's like a wound on the flesh. It only takes a few days to heal on its own."

"You only need to let the people in the Yang world block the entrance, and within three to five years, those entrances will disappear."

Lu Chen nodded, so that's it, just turn around and let the people in Tianxian Castle inform.

At this time, the affairs of the underworld were finally handled, and Lu Chen could leave the underworld without worry.


After Lu Chen came back, he informed Mobei about the gate of the underworld, and it happened that when they were attending the general assembly meeting this time, they asked Tianxianbao to announce it.

A few days later, all continents began to push out the occupied entrances of the underworld one after another, and blocked the exits on the side of the sun.

On the frontal battlefield, there were only sporadic battles left at this time, and there was no idea that the underworld could not make any waves anymore.

Little Beast returned to the team, and Lu Chen's house was almost demolished by the little Beast guys.

Lu Chen is also the first and two older. These three guys fight every day, and he can't give birth for a moment.

Since many people think that the little beast is a human being, Lu Chen simply decided to let the little beast join the Academy of Gods and Demons and live with the students.

Yunhai and some of his disciples began to busy fill up the secret road on the Siguo Cliff. The Academy had Lu Chen in charge, and the Academy of Gods and Demons did not need other academies to help defend.

Mobei attended the celebration banquet organized by Tianxianbao, but according to Lu Chen's words, he credited the credit to those disciples who died in battle, and did not mention Lu Chen's name.

No way, he was also afraid of offending Lu Chen...

Two months later, except for the heavy blockade at the entrance to the Underworld, Yang Realm began to slowly restore its former order.

In this war, the colleges and universities have sacrificed to varying degrees. In the recruitment of new recruits, the colleges and universities have launched fierce competition.

Especially the colleges that participated in the frontal battlefield, some even lost more than two-thirds!

In view of this, Zhongxian Pavilion stipulated that within one year, colleges participating in the frontal battlefield will be given priority in recruiting, and other rear colleges will suspend their right to actively participate in recruiting.

Originally, Zhongxian Pavilion wanted to give privileges to the Academy of Gods and Demons, but Lu Chen gave up the privileges due to such a big issue.

The Academy of Gods and Demons sacrificed more than 300 disciples to open the portal, and the opening of the main spiritual vein had to be delayed.

Although Lu Chen gave up the privilege of recruiting new recruits, the reputation of the Academy of Gods and Demons has spread in the mainland of Shengze. Even if the Academy of Gods and Demons did not send people to recruit new recruits, many newcomers still went to the Academy for interviews.

This was something that Lu Chen didn't expect.

Lu Chen naturally had no reason to refuse when others came to the door on their own initiative, so he set up a new recruiting site in the academy for newcomers to test the space here.

In this way, without any publicity, the Academy of Gods and Demons was able to maintain the speed of a few newcomers every day and develop slowly.

At the same time, the Academy of Gods and Demons established exchanges with more outer courtyards, and a large number of disciples went to the outer courtyard to study.

After this great battle, the enthusiasm of the disciples of the Academy of Gods and Demons for cultivation has been unprecedentedly high.

Those disciples who pretended to be noble and lofty, now one by one are making progress.

Ye Fan, Chu Tian, ​​Xiao Zhan, Wuxuan, Tianyu and other super-strength newcomers often practice for half a month, causing those newcomers to be affected and mistakenly believe that they have entered a very competitive academy.

"Senior Sister, are you practicing so hard to compete for the list of gods and demons?" A disciple who had just been admitted to the hospital looked at the seniors and sisters who were seriously practicing on the martial arts arena, confused.

The rewards of the Gods and Demons List are the lowest in Shengze Continent. Everyone is a genius. Who doesn't have any inventory on hand, and is worthy of this resource?

Then the elder sister shook her head, "The Gods and Demons Gang? That's something that the exchange students of the Outer Academy care about. The disciples of this Academy will only go when they verify their actual combat ability."

"Ah? Well, then, when I see these senior brothers and sisters practicing cultivation, they don't hear things outside the window, they are all working hard, and don't need to rest?"

"Resting?" The senior sister looked at the newcomer in surprise, "Do you know the dean's strength?"

"Uh...I heard it, it is said to be very strong..."

"More than strong? Let me tell you that, our dean is actually a newcomer, but his current combat power, I can't say exaggeratedly, has reached the peak combat power in the sixth day!"

"What? The peak power of the Sixth Heaven? Impossible, I know the Academy of Gods and Demons is very strong, but if the peak power of the Six Heavens is a bit exaggerated?"

The senior sister snorted coldly. If the dean hadn't said it, don't mention the underworld, she slapped her face on the spot!

Forget it, the dean lightly ordered, hoping to let Liuzhongtian remember those heroes who died in battle, instead of remembering him alone, she was not good or bad.

"Anyway, cultivate well. There are people with better qualifications than you. The more so, the harder the cultivation. Because we have the strongest dean in front of us, we can't shame the dean!"

The newcomer is a little confused, but seeing is believing, his test score of more than 7 points is not in the top 100 at all. The brothers and sisters have worked so hard, and they have to work harder.

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