Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1089: Victory for the disciples

Lu Chen didn't know what was happening outside, and the smoke was already running like a dense forest.

"I'm going, it's too cruel!" Lu Chen panted. With his current attributes, it's a bit tired to run so far in one breath.

Although Lu Chen survived somehow, but now he hasn't grabbed anything, it is very dangerous when he encounters people.

"I don't know if there will be a box here, it's better to look for it outside."

"What kind of **** exercises, equipment, just get me a little, at least it makes me a little self-protective." Lu Chen wandered in the woods for a while, still feeling unsafe.

There were no people in the woods. Lu Chen walked along the woods for almost an hour.

Suddenly, across the trees, I saw a farmhouse in the distance.

Take a closer look, there is a wooden box on the wooden table outside the farmhouse!

Seeing the wooden box, Lu Chen felt as if he was beaten with blood.

He checked carefully and found that there were no other people around. He quickly rushed to the wooden house, picked up the box, and went into the house to check it quickly. After seeing that there were no other boxes, he ran back to the forest.

Looking at the box in front of him, Lu Chen was very excited, "Finally found a box for me. It's up to you to counterattack!"

"Please, come to a practice!"

The disciples of the Academy of Gods and Demons were also praying at the same time.

"Don't give the dean exercises, don't give the dean exercises! Don't give him exercises!"

Yitian glanced at the picture of thousands of people praying behind him, frowned slightly, and said to Yunhai, "Lao Hai, these little rascals probably won't make it into the top ten."

Yun Hai nodded, "It should be, if Wuming gets the exercises, it will definitely be different."

Lu Chen prayed alone, he didn't know that more than 1,000 people in the college were praying...

After some prayers, Lu Chen carefully opened the wooden box.

【Get the item "Haste Talisman", which can be used once. 】

Puff~ Lu Chen almost finished spraying a mouthful of old blood.

"Hey, what kind of shit? There is still this thing in the box? I finally got a box and got a haste that can only be used once?!"

At the same time, there was a burst of cheers from the Academy of Gods and Demons.

"Great, our prayers worked! God heard our prayers!"

At the Zhongxian Pavilion, Mobei just finished spraying a sip of tea, "What luck is this guy, this is probably the worst treasure, but if he can get any exercises, this guy is likely to take off, even with attributes. Dan is better than this thing."

Huangtian Immortal Palace, Xin'er said with a bitter face, "Quick Talisman? The nameless luck is too bad, I finally found a box and got this most useless item. Look at Brother Ying, there are already three treasure boxes, two The exercise is equipped!"

Xin'er's father smiled slightly, "That guy is really bad luck, especially the initial role of luck is more important... However, I want to see if this guy can counterattack under such an opening."

Tianyin Pavilion, at this time, they were also paying attention to Lu Chen's performance, after all, this guy was also their favorite candidate at the beginning.

"Quick talisman?" Qing Lu Pavilion's master Qing Ying smiled slightly. "It's been more than an hour since the game started. Wuming got a quick talisman. It seems that it is only a matter of time before he is eliminated."

Pavilion Master Gaoshan said triumphantly, "The person we are looking for is much better than him. Thinking about it now, we should also thank him for rejecting our Divine Body Pill, otherwise it would be a loss."

There is a dense forest somewhere in the Zijin continent.

Lu Chen put away the Haste Talisman with a look of lovelessness. Although this thing is bad, it still works a bit.

The Tianjiao Tournament was held in the Zijin Continent. Since it was a mainland, the scope would definitely not be small. Lu Chen didn't worry about being intercepted in the woods.

He glanced at the system of Tianjiao Competition.

At 13 minutes after the start of the game, 4,700 people have been eliminated.

"There are still more than 60,000 people...it is very difficult to get into the top ten." Lu Chen shook his head.

Lu Chen can be considered a person who has seen treasure chests. He found that treasure chests usually appear in some conspicuous buildings.

However, now Lu Chen has almost zero combat power. Once he is discovered, he might be eliminated.

"No, I have to go out. I have Haste Talisman. Now their attributes and skills are not many. Haste Talisman is still useful. Once others have displacement skills, my Haste Talisman will be useless!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chen gritted his teeth and walked out of the dense forest towards an abandoned town on the map.

This time Lu Chen's luck finally improved. There were obvious signs of fighting in this small town, but there was no one else here.

Lu Chen hurriedly got into a private house and started searching.

After searching a few places, Lu Chen found a few opened boxes, all empty. It seems that someone has searched this place.

However, Lu Chen was still searching carefully.

Finally, in a hidden closet, Lu Chen found the second wooden box.

The size of this wooden box is at least three times that of the box that Lu Chen found first! This is a secondary treasure chest!

According to the description of the natural rubber stopper, there are at least three items in this secondary treasure chest!

Lu Chen almost cried with excitement, "Second-level treasure chest! Lao Tzu finally turned around! Let me wait for each one!"

"Come on, give me a skill! No matter how much **** it is!"

At the same time, thousands of people prayed at the Academy of Gods and Demons.

"Haste talisman, haste talisman, haste talisman! Three haste talisman!"

I don't know how many people who follow Lu Chen are watching Lu Chen nervously. After all, there are still some people who know Lu Chen's identity. As long as this guy has a skill that can be used, the situation is definitely different.

"Second-level treasure chest, hiss, now, this guy might get the technique!"

Lu Chen shuddered and opened the box.

[Get the item "Accelerator"*3. 】

Lu Chen sank to the ground, his expression sluggish, and his whole body was not well.

The disciples of the Academy of Gods and Demons cheered, celebrating this great victory...

"Hahaha, the dean deserves to be the dean, sure enough, he will never let us down!"

"Hey, Senior Brother Xuan Jia, I have squeezed 8 million, 8 million!" Xiao Zhan shook Xuan Jia for a while, "You are going to lose money now."

Lu Chen honestly collected the three haste charms, and the four haste charms had some thickness.

With a long sigh, Lu Chen continued to search the house.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no other fish slipping through the net here. As long as it is an item in the early stage, no matter how good or bad it is, others will take it away.

With four haste charms in his arms, he checked the map.

From the map display, there is a big road leading to a small city not far ahead, which is much larger than the previous town.

"This road is the only way to the town, but it's very suitable for ambush..." Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "You can't go directly like this!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chen quietly left here and entered the dense forest on both sides of the road to hide.

This waited for a few hours, until the sky darkened, Lu Chen was always hiding in the forest!

Lu Chen could calm down, but Tianying Pavilion was a little bit tired.

Their people were lying in ambush near the mainland, only four to five kilometers away from where Lu Chen was hiding! But it was obvious that their people hadn't revealed their whereabouts at all, and Lu Chen didn't show up when he saw nothing!

"Is this guy... cheating? People who know us are here?" Pavilion Master Gaoshan said fiercely, "I won't be run away by him!"

Not long after, a figure suddenly appeared on the road, and he quickly passed in front of Lu Chen.

At this moment, on the other side, a sharp sword aura whizzed towards that figure!

The two of them were just a kilometer in front of Lu Chen, fighting each other!

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