Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 109: I'll stop you a little bit

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This was Lu Chen's first time logging into a foreign server, and there were unreadable text everywhere.

Choosing a zone randomly, Lu Chen appeared next to the Tiger King Cave as soon as he entered the game.

Now in the big hanbok, there are hundreds of people in front of the Tiger King Cave, waiting to enter the instance. Most of these people are 13th and 4th level, and some are 15th level. It seems that they may be team management, who are directing him.

Why did the people of Dahanbok upgrade quickly? Lu Chen knew the reason too well.

It is because of the powerful experience of Tiger King Cave! Even if they are teaming up, they don't have as much experience as Lu Chen, but the upgrade speed is far faster than the wild monsters outside.

It's no wonder that the three saints were only level 14 when it was broadcast live.

Lu Chen deliberately chose a hidden place to go online, so no one saw him. He lowered his head and quietly left the Tiger King Cavern from the side.

This is not his destination!

Lu Chen walks through the dense forest!

"Strange, the entrance of Hanbok is not in that place. It seems that the entrance of each national costume is not the same."

But it doesn't matter, the range here is so large, you can find it in a little longer.

Sure enough, after ten minutes, Lu Chen was already standing still in front of a dead end.

On the surface, there is nothing strange here, with lush foliage and rocks behind, there is no way out.

However, others cannot see through the disguise here, but Lu Chen can! He could clearly see that the narrow entrance was right in front of him.

"Hehe, I finally found it for Lao Tzu."

"Then the game begins!"

Lu Chen sneered and went straight into the foggy forest!


The players of Korean clothes were happily leveling, and suddenly received a system message.

[The player "???" activates the foggy forest, full-server warning, and activates the full-server mission-"Resist the invasion"! 】

[Task: Defend against invasion (level 20 full server task)]

[Task description: Unidentified fog on the east side of Xianshan is activated, and it is spreading at an extremely fast speed. After investigation by the elders of Xianshan, it was found that the fog is a huge hazard, which can enhance the strength of wild monsters, weaken the human attack ability and the effects of exercises, permanently corrode equipment (reducing the upper limit of equipment durability, irreparable), and slow down the speed of spiritual power training. 】

[Task content: Destroy the octagonal array in the misty forest as soon as possible! 】

【Task Reward: Those who break the eye can get special rewards. After the mission is successful, full server will get double experience for 10 hours. 】

[All districts of Dahanbok will be combined! 】

When the players received this news, the Korean clothes exploded!

"Full server mission? My God, is it the sacred beast mission of China? We also have a full server mission?"

"Who activated the all-server mission? Why did it display a question mark? Hey, no matter what, it's great, we also have a beast in our big hanbok!"

"Haha, now we are all at a high level, just let the waste of Huaxia see how we do this task!"

"With the sacred beast, Wuming can no longer be arrogant! The frontal rigidity can easily kill, it's so cool!"

"All the members of Jinrui are online, and they will gather immediately after the servers are combined! This time, we must grab the beast!"

Ten minutes later, Dahanbok completed the zone.

There are a large number of high-level players in Dahanbok, and the entire fairy mountain is crowded.

The major guilds quickly gathered their own hands, quickly rushed out of the fairy mountain, and went straight to Youyue Canyon.

Why are so many foreign server players afraid of Chinese clothing? One big reason is the beast. Except for the Chinese clothing, no one currently has a beast!

But now it’s different, and the full-server mission is also activated in Korea!

On Huaxia's side, the players also got news that Dahanbok activated the full server mission.

"Does this mean that they will also have mythical beasts?"

"What's the matter, why did they activate the full server mission?"

"Damn, they are now at a high level, and they must have studied how we pass the mission. Not only can they get the beast, they will have 10 hours to double in the future."

"How about we organize a wave of butchery?"

"Tu Hanbok? Unless Brother Wuming, who else can slaughter? Besides, if they have a beast, they might not be afraid of Brother Wuming. Hey..."

Dahanbok's full server mission has also attracted the attention of other Asian countries. For a while, the popularity of the live broadcast rooms of Dahanbok's official website has exploded.

Everyone is paying attention to the full server mission of Dahanbok.

Korean players came to Youyue Canyon enthusiastically, but soon encountered the first problem.

Although Hanbok players are of high level and have a basic occupational classification, no one still has the ability to see through the entrance of the foggy forest.

The entire Youyue Canyon is full of players, but people can never find the entrance to the misty forest.

"We have seen the location of the entrance of China Clothes for countless times, and there is no entrance at all."

"Maybe the location of the entrance is different between the national servers, everyone will look for it again."

"I remember that Huaxia Clothes finally found the entrance based on the direction where the mist emerged."

At this time, the system message appeared again.

[The player "???" entered the eyes of the East, and the fog began to spread! 】

Lu Chen was actually a bit strange. Why did the system display his name as a question mark? After thinking about it, it is possible that he was not registered on the official website of Hanbok, so the system could not trace the ID of "Only Me Crazy".

It doesn't matter anyway, everyone will meet sooner or later.

After receiving this system message, the Korean costume players were very excited.

"Great, the fog is beginning to spread, everyone, look for it!"

"Everyone follow the direction to find!"

"Be careful of the mutated Youyue Silver Wolf, they are very dangerous!"


Lu Chen touched the Eastern Stone Pillar, and the system jumped out of a section of Korean.

"What the hell?"

After translation, the general meaning is that it is detected that you have obtained the cub of the beast, and the stone pillar cannot be activated.

Lu Chen was not surprised at all. In nine days, he was allowed to change IP, but he was not allowed to use BOSS, otherwise he would have gone to various national servers to do so.

"Sure enough, it can't be activated." Lu Chen shook his head, walked to the only entrance to the misty forest, and sat down.

I looked at my medicine pack again. There were thousands of small bottles of healing medicine, some of which were accumulated before, and some of them were dropped by players who exploded in Hanbok last time.

"I really miss the foggy forest. Here I have become super mutant again...Tsk tusk, this attribute..."

Thousands of attacks, more than 400 defenses, 20,000 blood...

With his current attributes, no player can stop his attack!

"Hey, I don't know when those people will be able to find them..."


After all, there are many high-level players in Hanbok, and they really soon encountered the mutant wolf army!

Hundreds of ghost wolves are crushed in front of the black Hanbok players!

"Hahaha, cool, we will enter the misty forest soon!"

"Hua Xia, see clearly, this is the spirit wolf army that smashed you into an army. It looks like a paper in front of us. This is the gap!"

"You didn't even have the double, and we got the sacred beast and doubled it, hahahahaha, it's so cool!"

"I have seen the despair on the faces of Huaxia players!"

The army killed the well, and there was no end in sight.

People began to scramble to the place where the mist emanated until...

I saw a man in black standing at the entrance.

That person also turned on real-time translation purposely, and his voice was flat, "Well, cough cough, I heard that your Korean costume has activated the full server mission. Chinese players are relatively busy. I have nothing to do anyway, so I will stop you on behalf of Chinese players. ."

"Want to enter the foggy forest?"

"Try to pass me first!"

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