Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1093: Dean licks bag

"You're looking for death!" Zhonglou reflexively is a sword. However, this person with all the equipment skills already formed, the attack speed is actually not as fast as Lu Chen!

There were a few more haste charms in Lu Chen's hand, and in a blink of an eye he detoured behind the heavy building.

"No bone-breaking attack? Then another set!" Lu Chen yelled, avoiding the opponent's attack and launching a second wave of offensive.

The fist was like raindrops falling on the heavy building.

A close uppercut hit the body, hitting the rib of the heavy building, and only hearing a click, the rib of the heavy building broke!

Chonglou suddenly felt a sharp pain!

"Damn, what kind of exercise are you! Why, why is there such a strong technique!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "How can you understand the strength of the technique?" After that, he received a set of quick punches and smashed the right sternum of the heavy building.

At this time, Chonglou has completely lost combat power.

Lu Chen attached a haste charm to his legs, avoiding the demon puppet, and rushed towards Chongbei.

The heavy north combat experience is also quite rich, and quickly controlled the puppet interception.

Lu Chen's torso was attached with a haste charm, and his short body avoided the puppet sweeping, and went straight to the puppet master behind the puppet.

"Damn, this guy is so flexible all over? The haste can actually be used like this!" Zhonglou hurriedly shifted, "Jiang Qing Yanfei!"

The Chongbei displacement skill is fairly advanced, with three flashing displacements.

However, after three stages of displacement, Chongbei became embarrassed.

Although Jiang Qingyanfei can quickly open the distance between him and Lu Chen, his skills have a cooling effect, but Lu Chen's haste charm can be used all the time, and it doesn't take much effort!

Not long after, Lu Chen was already approaching Chongbei.

"Damn, this guy can't get rid of it!" Chongbei tried to withdraw the puppet block, but it was too late.

"Extract poison silver needle!" Chongbei's demon puppet opened its abdominal cavity and shot a silver needle.

Although Chongbei's reaction was fast enough, for Lu Chen, this degree of reaction speed was not at the same level as the battle he had experienced before.

In the case of Yama, it is faster than the naked eye can distinguish!

"Small bugs!" Lu Chen snorted coldly, quickly avoiding the silver needle, and already slayed in front of Chongbei.

Lu Chen's close body can kill even Chonglou, let alone a puppet master!

"Bone Breaker!"

However, what was unexpected was that Chongbei had actually picked up a defensive technique. When Lu Chen hit Chongbei with his fist, a spirit shield flashed out of him.

"Hahaha, bastard, I didn't expect I still have a shield! Your attack, I'm afraid it's not tickling me!"

"Evil Sha, kill him for me!"

However, Lu Chen completely ignored the rushing demon puppet, still entangled Zhongbei, relying on agile posture, quickly punched a second set of bone-breaking fist.

The shield was not broken, but with a click, Chongbei broke his right arm!

The puppet, who was rushing in, fell directly to the ground out of control.

"This..." Chongbei showed horror.

Lu Chen sneered, "Just when I got close, I deliberately forced you to move, and found that you didn't hesitate to stay away from the puppet to prevent me from getting close."

"It means that you are afraid of me being close. Since you are afraid of me being close, and you obviously have a shield, why are you afraid of me being close? My attack is not high? The only explanation is that your shield level is not high and can prevent me. Attack, but I can't prevent my special effects!"

Chongbei is pale.

This guy is too accurate in his own psychology!

He was indeed bluffing just now. Under normal circumstances, when the other party saw that the attack was blocked, he should be thinking about how to dodge the puppet attack, but this guy ignored it and directly launched two waves of attacks, finally hitting a bone-breaking attack!

"The Academy of Gods and Demons...you, who are you!"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you have already lost!" Lu Chen followed closely with the Bone Breaking Fist and accepted Chongbei!

After returning to make up an attack and completely defeating the two, Lu Chen sat on the bridge and leisurely organized their backpacks.

Within six days, the audience was stunned.

Xiner's sleepiness of watching the battle all night, of course, did not exist at this moment, she stared at the guy in the picture with wide eyes.

Just now, the representative of the Emperor Tianxian Palace completed a kill and slashed a powerful opponent under the sword, but Xin'er was deeply attracted by Lu Chen's battle.

The representative of the Emperor Tianxian Palace relies on powerful equipment skills to win, but I am so mad, but it is only used for haste and broken bone fist, defeating two powerful enemies with one enemy and two!

You must know that although she admires the so-called madness for killing Yan Wang, but she has no hope for the mighty madness in the Tianjiao competition!

"This, this guy... uses two items that others don't want to have such a terrifying effect? ​​What kind of evil is this!"

The martial arts field of the Academy of Gods and Demons is full of blue light.

The eyes of a crowd are splitting!

"I'll go, this will do?! The dean killed him?!"

"What the hell? No way, how did a Haste Talisman and a Bone Smasher make the feeling of several sets of heavenly techniques?!"

"It's over, it's over, the dean licked the bag!" Xiao Zhan trembled all over.

Both junk skills are so strong, now the dean has two backpacks for him to pick, or is it a two-person bag that is basically formed... Is there a way to survive?

"No! My 8 million! What are the two brothers in Zhonglou and Zhongbei doing, they can't kill the dean?! This is completely over!"

Everyone looked at Lu Chen who was sitting leisurely searching for the bag, and his heart almost stopped beating.

Lu Chen sat alone searching for bags.

The two of them have almost all equipment, Lu Chen compared them, weapons, clothes, helmets, shoes, arm guards, wrist guards, leg guards...

These equipments are somewhat interesting. They are all on-body equipment without special effects, but they can add attributes to the main body.

It should be a specially made equipment for the Tianjiao Tournament. After all, soul and body cannot be used here, so the attributes must be added to the body.

Perhaps it was because it was more difficult to make the main equipment, and the added attributes could not be compared with the battle spirit equipment, which were all dozens and dozens of additions.

However, after a complete set of equipment, Lu Chen's attributes have been greatly improved.

All four dimensions have reached more than 2000 points.

In addition, Lu Chen learned two sets of scimitar sword techniques "Crescent Blade", "Swivel Moonlight Slash", one set of "Finger Puppet Technique", two sets of body techniques "Jiang Qingyan Fei", "Single Tree Instant Shadow", and Puppet. Line, that demon puppet.

Lu Chen checked the puppet's attributes. It has one defense skill and two attack skills.

Putting the Crescent Scimitar on his back and putting away the puppet, Lu Chen stood up and sighed for a long time, almost burst into tears, "I finally have equipment and skills!"

"This time you should be able to look forward to the top ten!"

"Now, my students must be cheering for me! Dean did it!" Lu Chen found a shadow stone in the sky, clenched his fist at the shadow stone, and made a gesture of cheering.

Inside the Academy of Gods and Demons, the atmosphere is sad.

"The Dean took off... Completely finished..."

"My 500,000 spiritual stones...that is what I saved by saving for a few months."

"Is there any foreign trade business in the college recently? Does it still need manpower? It's okay if the salary is low, just take care of two meals..."

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