Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1095: Has been accelerating

Lu Chen chose to kill the strongest first!

Tang Yu had already prepared to deal with it. Although this guy increased his speed with an accelerator, but after all, it was just an accelerator. He also had displacement skills, so he didn't need to be afraid.

"Look for me? You really have the guts! Void Treading Waves!"

Tang Yu is sure that as long as he keeps a distance, he has enough output space, and with his skills, he can kill this person without injury!

However, what Tang Yu didn't expect was that when he had just landed, another figure suddenly rushed towards him at a very fast speed.

"Lai Ren" has a hideous and weird face and stiff joints, but the speed is faster than the guy from the Academy of Gods and Demons!

"This...a puppet?!" Tang Yu's eyes widened.

The personality of the Academy of Gods and Demons is agile and responsive. Judging from the process of evading everyone's moves just now, he should be a fighter who is good at close combat.

But who knows, he is actually a puppet master!

Even if it's a puppet master, it's fine, but this person's puppet is too fast!

And without using displacement skills!

It wasn't until he saw the talisman paper on the puppet's legs that he was shocked.

Why is it so fast? Because that guy used an accelerator for his puppet!

In the Tianyin Pavilion Hall, Qing Ying's eyes widened, "This guy can actually use Haste Talisman like this?"

Pavilion Master Gaoshan couldn't help standing up and staring at the screen, "He not only digs to the extreme in the use of Haste Talisman, but also matches with his own skills...The puppet is not too strong, but in his hands, it is almost comparable. God of War puppet!"

At this time, in the first seat of the Tianyin Pavilion Hall, a burly alien man slightly narrowed his eyes, "The same thing, in the hands of an unknown person, has a completely different effect."

"It's no wonder that this person can escape from the abyss of the underworld, and can kill the Demon King of Yan. If you give him a chance, he will be sure of it!"

Under Lu Chen's control, the power of the demon puppet far exceeded that of the pure puppet master Chongbei.

His body and the puppet cooperate almost as a whole, plus one person and one puppet, all of which are accelerating their holdings. Both the movement speed and the attack speed are always at a very high level.

The most important thing is that other puppet masters are remotely controlled behind the puppet, and Lu Chen himself is good at close combat!

As soon as Tang Yu landed here, he was attacked by a puppet, and he hurriedly activated his displacement skill again.

However, what is waiting for him this time is Lu Chen himself.

Suddenly, Lu Chen avoided most people's attacks by pulling the distance, and at the same time let Tang Yu fall into a situation of one enemy and two.

"Haste Talisman! Bone Breaker!"

Tang Yu hurriedly offered the shield, "Golden Jade Shield!"

Suddenly, spiritual power collided, sending out a series of treasure chests.

"Damn! Don't be arrogant! Crane walking with sword shadow!" Tang Yu shot out his sword like electricity and launched a fierce attack on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen quickly relied on the haste effect of the haste talisman to avoid Tangyu's attack.

Suddenly the puppet's chest behind Tang Yu opened, "Extract poison silver needle!" A flash of silver light flashed, and a large number of silver needles swept towards Tang Yu.

Tang Yu's two displacement skills not only did not get rid of Lu Chen and the puppet, but now he was in a situation where no displacement skills could be used. Facing the random shooting of the silver needle, his current attributes were not enough to support himself avoiding the high-speed silver needle.

Dangdang Dangdang, a series of dense collision sounds sounded, and the silver needle shot on his shield.

"The shield is good!" Lu Chen sneered. If he had previously fought against Brother Chonglou, he would probably not be able to penetrate Tang Jade's shield with his attack, but now he is fully equipped and his attributes are not so low that he can't break the shield at all.

"Revolving Moonlight Slash!" The scimitar shot out several arcs of sword energy. After being bounced off by the Tang Jade shield, it did not disappear. Instead, it repeatedly launched two or three attacks, and finally its spiritual power was exhausted and dissipated.

After a series of blows, Tang Yu's shield has been broken!

"Evil Sha, it's now!" Lu Chen added a few Haste Talisman, so that Evil Sha always maintained super high mobility.

Tang Yu has been besieged by these two guys who seem to have started to speed up, and he is also very strenuous in a **** costume.

A sword aura temporarily forced Lu Chen and the puppet back, Tang Yu said angrily, "You, you are not over! Where do you guys have so many haste charms!"

He really didn't expect the haste charm to be used in this way, but the problem is that this guy has used more than 20 haste charms with him, and now he still has a lot of it!

"Not many, only a few thousand!" Lu Chen sneered, and then he and the puppet came to kill again.

Even though Tangyu has five or six quite powerful attack techniques, two advanced displacement techniques, and one defensive technique with considerable defensive power, the opponent would not give him a chance at all!

"Haste Talisman! Bone Breaker!"

In a series of fierce attacks, Tang Yu fractured his right arm with just a click!

Tang Yu had just slowed down by half a minute, and the accelerated version of evil spirits quickly caught up with Tang Yu, opened his arms, and hugged Tang Yu firmly, "The mechanism is bound!"

Tang Yu, who had just broken his arm, was stuck in the wound by a powerful force and screamed in pain.

"Bone Breaking Fist!" Lu Chen attacked again.


Soon, Tang Yu fell helplessly.

Xin'er looked at the screen incredible, Tang Yu was actually defeated by the solo!

The equipment level of these two people is not the same level at all. As a result, Tang Yu was beaten with no power to fight back!

"This... why can that guy use such a low-level technique to defeat Tang Yu?!" Xin'er only felt a mess in her mind.

Not only a defeat, but a complete crushing defeat! Tang Yu hasn't even encountered the solo madness!

Xin'er's father didn't know when he stood behind her again. After a long time, he said, "The so-called extreme, maybe it's me alone!"

"Utilize existing resources to the extreme!"

"Furthermore, in the battle with Tang Yu, he also showed a lot of experience, which Tang Yu can't match at all!"

"It is estimated that it will not be long before the puppets cooperate with their own close attacks, and they will become a new model that the puppet masters are vying to imitate!"

Xin'er was stunned when she heard that, that guy casually matched it, would it become a textbook that was vying to imitate? !

"Xin'er, do you still think he is stupid now?" The man smiled and looked at Xin'er.

Xin'er took a deep breath and smiled slightly, "Father, although he is really amazing when he fights, but I don't know why, I still feel that he is stupid... so cute..."

The man looked at his daughter's reddish cheeks, smiled and shook his head, deliberately sighed loudly, "Hey, the female college won't stay here..."

"Father, what are you talking about..."

Here Lu Chen solved Tang Yu, and reappeared another person.

"Haste Talisman! Bone Breaker!"

This guy was not lucky, and the first wave of Bone Breaking Fists broke his ribs directly.

Before the guy could react, Lu Chen and the puppet decisively put him down and rushed towards the next target.

Suddenly, people saw what it means to "accelerate all the time"...

"Nima, how many accelerators is this guy?!" A man with a broken leg looked at the two figures in horror, "We are so many top-notch masters who were singled out by him?"

"Who is he!"

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