Seeing Mu Xuan's remnant spirit dissipate, Lu Chen sighed, his heart was full of mixed flavors.

Mu Xuan was gone after all, and even Lu Chen was helpless.

But he left a mystery.

This girl, who Mu Xuan feels sorry for? what is the problem!

"Mu Xuan, whether it's because of you or myself, I won't care about her this time..." Lu Chen finished softly and jumped back to Naihe Bridge.

The two golden crystals were in his hands, and he finally had a chance to see who the owner of the tears was.

"Senior Mengpo, how do I check?" Lu Chen asked.

Po Meng smiled slightly, "Leave it to me."

Lu Chen handed the two drop-shaped crystals to Po Meng. With a wave of her hand, Po Meng dropped two teardrops floating in front of them.

Then, several pictures appeared.


The screen is from the first perspective, and you can't see the memory of the owner, Lu Chen can only check them one by one.

In the ancient battlefield, she was teleported to a strange ring.

This was the first time she participated in the ancient battlefield competition, a little nervous and a little excited.

"I hope the opponent is better!"

However, when her opponent appeared, she almost collapsed.

The opponent has the body of a large spider, with eight slender feet like thorns, and a thick snake tail that is several meters long behind him. This "spider" also has the upper body of a jackal, with a head suspended on the side.

A closer look revealed that the head was even more horrified, a tiger head with a pair of wooden horns and red eyes.

She had never seen such a terrible monster in nine days! And this terrifying creature is still making a deep cry of "Uhhhhh".

"Ah! Ghost! Don't come here!"

This time, she didn't even have the courage to fight such a terrifying creature, and fled straight away.

Returning to her own world, in order to avoid that terrifying creature, she did not hesitate to challenge the more difficult ancient battlefield.

However, when she saw the ghost again, she broke down completely and quit the game urgently...

Three times in a row, she met that guy, as if a lingering demon was staring at her. In the next few days, that terrible head would appear in her dreams and circle her...

Next, is the picture of Er Zhong Tian.

She is fighting in the wild with Xiao Tian, ​​Bamen and others. The strength of their group is very strong, and the five can already pull three or four together. At this speed, they will soon be able to go to the main city of the holy mountain.

However, when everyone was in high spirits, hundreds of Silvermoon werewolves suddenly rushed out in the distance!

After a bitter battle, the team was destroyed by the regiment.

And the one who pulled a large group of wild monsters in front of them was a young man in his twenties.

Later, she learned that the kid was called "Only Me!"

After that, he offended the holy mountain and was wanted by the holy mountain, and they also had more intersections...

Later, when she learned that on the Fairy Spirit Mountain, I alone was killed by a super skill, and her mood was extremely depressed.

It’s just that she is still carrying the mission of the family and can’t stop. She went to the so-called solitary earth alliance and gave the equipment he had placed in her place to the mad waves guild. From Leng Nuo and other populations, she learned that so-called solitary. Crazy past...

She understands solipsism more and more, but the more she understands, the heavier his place in her heart.

It seems that the egoism is an indifferent person, but when the earth player is besieged by the double heaven player, when the strong of the refining center comes to slaughter the earth player, the egoism will always stand up for the first time.

He silently guards the earth...

The screen turned again. That time, Mufu Squad fought against the Triple Heaven master who was found by the students of Lianxin Academy. She finally desperately tried to fight the Triple Heaven Master Qinglang for that person!

Fortunately, I alone arrived in time.

After defeating the Blue Wolf, Lu Chen killed a large number of Earth players.

And she saw Lu Chen's attempt at a glance, he wanted to draw a clear line with the earth players, so as not to let the enemy find the earth players again.

That time, she and I alone sat on the top of the mountain, watching the sunset together.

They talked about irrelevant topics, but they didn't feel a trace of embarrassment. This state was comfortable and natural.


Seeing this, Lu Chen already knew who this girl was.

Mufu Jiuer!

Because Po Meng would delete all her memories of Lu Chen, even the memory of encountering the monster form Lu Chen in the ancient battlefield was also sealed.

They both met in the first and second heavens, but since the second heaven, Lu Chen never heard from her again!

"Jiu'er..." Lu Chen murmured, she regarded herself as the most important person, but he didn't know.

"Do you know who that girl is?" Po Meng looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen nodded blankly.

"Her memory is not over yet, you can read on."

Lu Chen was a little surprised. Meng Po deleted information about herself, didn't she? The intersection between him and Jiu'er probably only had so much.

With doubts, Lu Chen continued to watch.

This is an elegant boudoir, and two men push the door in.

One is a middle-aged man, and the other is Mu Xuan!


"Father, grandfather..."

"Jiu'er, you are going to go for nine days soon, are you ready?" The middle-aged man looked different and seemed to be worried.

"Father, I'm ready, but what kind of treasure does the family want me to cultivate?" The girl looked forward to it.

Mu Xuan sighed, "Jiu'er, I was about to tell you about this..."

Jiu'er also found that his grandfather's expression was a little wrong, and frowned, "Grandfather, what are you going to say?"

"The family's test results have come out, you...your," Mu Xuan couldn't say anything.

It was Jiu'er's father who said, "Your body is suitable for carrying that treasure!"

Jiuer couldn't help taking a few steps back. The news was like a bolt from the blue.

"Father, grandfather, what you are talking about is... eclipse!"

Father's eyes were already red, and he pressed his mouth tightly, nodded, and then spoke for a long time, "The eclipse is the treasure left by my ancestors of Mu Mansion, but there is no human body in the clan that matches. I did not expect Jiuer you...I, I... "

Mu Xuan also looked lonely. The one he loved most was Jiu'er, but the fate was arranged like this, which caught people off guard.

"Jiu'er, grandfather is not capable, after all, he can't become a true immortal, he can't save Taiwuxing, only you..."

"I often say that the most precious thing for people is the right to choose, but I let you have no right to choose... I'm sorry, Jiuer!"

The picture turned, the girl was already standing in front of Naihe Bridge.

Faced with Po Meng's demanding requirements, Xiao Tian suggested that the family should transfer some gold coins. For the Mufu clan, this gold coin was still used.

However, Jiu'er stopped his brother, "Brother, no need."

"Ah? Jiu'er, we don't need to forget the most important person." Xiao Tian said strangely.

Jiu'er smiled slightly, with a sad and helpless smile, "That thing will swallow my consciousness sooner or later, and I would rather leave the most precious memory here."

"This at least proves that I once existed."

Seeing this, Lu Chen was even more shocked.

Others have no choice but to give up their most precious memories, but Jiu'er takes the initiative to choose her most precious memories and will always be dusted in the Wangchuan River!

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