Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1115: back to Earth

Lu Yi and Leng Nuo have been in the wild waves together for nearly ten years, and they have been born many times after entering the fourth heaven. Lu Yi has encountered such a big thing, and Lu Chen is not there, so I want to total the total with them. .

The eldest brother is like a father, now that Lu Chen is back, he is naturally Lu Yi's parent.

"Brother, do you think it's okay?" Lu Yi stared at Lu Chen nervously.

Although Lu Chen couldn't bear his sister, he also knew that his sister was going to marry after all.

If you want to marry someone, Lone Fei is indeed a good choice.

Lu Chen sighed, "Yiyi, Gu Fei is a good guy, but you are in two worlds after all. It is impossible for you to marry in the future, right?"

"Brother, we will spend most of our time in nine days in the future. Unless necessary, we don't need to go to each other's world." Lu Yi said, "It's just that we also apply to let each other come into our own world. Need to understand the situation of the other party in reality."

Lu Chen nodded. If it was in nine days, it was still acceptable.

"Well, don't rush to agree to Gu Fei's marriage proposal. I will take care of the things on my hands and go to their world with you."

"Brother, did you agree?!" Lu Yi looked at Lu Chen excitedly.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I didn't say yes, I have to investigate before I can give them a reply!" Then, Lu Chen touched Lu Yi's hair graciously, "Fatty grows up, and brother can't stop you from finding your own happiness. ."

"Brother..." Lu Yi's eyes were blurred with tears, "No matter what happens in the future, I will never leave you! You are my brother, my dearest person!"

With Lu Chen's reply, Lu Yi's matter was officially put on the agenda, only waiting for the Beixue family's reply.

After Lu Yi's affairs were temporarily determined, Lu Chen looked at his friends around him again and had a good chat with them.

The development of Crazy Wave is very rapid, the guider plan has become more and more powerful, and the strength of earth players is rising rapidly.

More earth players have entered the Fifth Heaven. In the Fifth Heaven, the new country they formed with the indigenous people is developing at a rapid pace.

When we talked about noon, I started to cook in Ten Steps. Ten Steps of cultivation was not good, but the cooking level was not low, and he was already a master of Seven Star Cooking.

Others also helped him handle the ingredients, and the figures in the kitchen and living room walked around, making it extremely lively.

In fact, since Lu Chen bought the villa, the house has never been so lively.

Seeing the busy figures of everyone, Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh. In nine days, he has had so many friends...

In the crowd, Lu Chen saw Li Muhua and pulled him over, "Mu Hua, how is the Five Heavens Dongyue Country now?"

"Are you asking Dongyue Kingdom or Dongyue Kingdom?" Li Muhua aimed at Lu Chen with a look through everything.

Seeing Lu Chen a little embarrassed, Li Muhua really caught the reaction he wanted, and grinned, "Hey, I know it! After all, Kong Luoyao is so beautiful, and he still misses you, so if you have anything to do, come to inquire about your situation, you guys. There must be a leg in between!"

"Hey, what a pity, did you know that many girls who like you recognize a cruel reality and they have to accept it."

Lu Chen gave Li Muhua a white look, "When did you guy speak so inexplicably? How can a girl like me!"

"No one likes you?" Li Muhua's eyes widened, "You, are you a titanium concrete straight guy! I go, I really want to be **** off by you, I thought it was because you had too high a vision to find a girlfriend. Because you are stupid!"

Lu Chen frowned, "I'm stupid? I tell you, I'm an expert on emotional matters! Many people have consulted me on emotional issues."

Li Muhua took a breath, "Expert? You, do you really think so?"

"Not only are you straight, but the people around you are also straight?"

"Forget it, I won't tell you this anymore. I am a single person who is still worried about the man born in the flowers. I am afraid that I will analyze it for you. A heart attack... In short, Cherish the people around you."

"Luo Yao is a lot thinner than before. She really wants to find you, but Dongyue country can't be without a ruler for a day, so...hey, do you know, once you like you, it's really hopeless."

Lu Chen kept frowning, "Why desperate?"

"Your growth rate is so fast that no one can keep up with you!" Li Muhua said bitterly, "To be honest, I am also very anxious about your lifelong events. You say you look like this, who can Always be with you."

"I really don't know which woman can make you stop."

Lu Chen was slightly surprised.

Luo Yao... is she thin? He was also a little distressed.

"I can't stop." Lu Chen suddenly said blankly, "Forget it, don't talk about Luo Yao. You take me to the Earth Alliance tomorrow, and I want you to help me find someone in the fifth heaven."

"Looking for someone? Who?"

"A very dangerous woman!"

Li Muhua suddenly became serious, and even Lu Chen said that she was a dangerous woman, so this matter must definitely be taken seriously.

"Okay, the headquarters is now moved to the Pacific islands. I will transfer a fighter plane. The road in front of the community has been requisitioned, and it is now converted into an airstrip, which is very convenient."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Don't be so troublesome. Tomorrow I will take you with the mount. You should inform the Alliance first.

Lu Chen has shown Tai Shuo, and the speed is also very fast, Li Muhua still knows this.

"Okay, I'm going to notify the above."


Early the next morning, Li Muhua came over and called Lu Chen, "Chen, let's go."

Lu Chen walked out of the villa, but found that there was no big enough place around him. He thought about it and said to Li Muhua, "Let's go to the Royal Hotel."

"Ah? Didn't you go to the headquarters?" Li Muhua asked puzzledly.

"You can just go with me." Lu Chen didn't care, and grabbed Li Muhua, "Seven stars chasing the moon!"

"Ah, this..." Li Muhua hadn't understood what was going on, but Lu Chen had already dragged him out.

A few minutes later, the two had reached the top floor of the Royal Hotel on the 28th floor.

Li Muhua is a little bit overwhelmed with this speed, and is still undecided, "I said Chen, you shouldn't be because I said you were stupid yesterday, deliberately retaliate against me... How can you keep using this displacement, I almost vomit... "

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Li Muhua who was pale, and smiled gloomily, "That's too much? It's more exciting later. Go, jump with me!"

"Huh? What!"

Li Muhua hadn't reacted yet, but was pulled by Lu Chen, and jumped from the Royal Hotel together!

"Ah! Chen, stop making trouble, I was wrong, don't kill me!" Li Muhua shouted.

Lu Chen laughed, "Look at you, why am I killing you."

"Ten Wings!"

Suddenly, a giant dragon appeared outside the Royal Hotel.

That huge body was winding and circling in the air, and it was hundreds of meters long.

"Roar!" With a long chant, all the glass above the 20th floor of the Royal Hotel was shattered.

People looked at the giant dragon in horror, their faces pale in fright.

"Dragon! It's a dragon! Could it be... the mount in nine days?"

"Nonsense, there is no such horrible mount in nine days! Ten Wings? Better than the Nine Wings of Mad God?"

"what is the problem?"

Ten Wings accurately caught Lu Chen and Li Muhua, then disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye.

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