Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1117: Ye Fan's Enmity

"Mufu Jiu'er!" Zi Ye Tianzi walked in front of Jiu'er, his eyes full of appreciation, "It's actually an eclipse...How many eclipse Chaos suits have you integrated now?"

"Six pieces!"

"Six?! Good, great! Listen, I don't care what you are, the purpose of coming here, I only want Ye Fan to die!"

Jiu'er sneered, "Ye Fan? That guy who broke your good deeds? I'm not interested in this kind of small role, I'm only interested in me!"

"You want his gods and demons to rebel?" Zi Ye Tianzi frowned.

"Just leave it alone, as long as you promise to create conditions for me, I will agree to join your Purple Heaven Palace!" Jiuer said calmly.

Faced with the emperor Zi Ye, she was still arrogant.

Zi Ye Tianzi didn't care, after all, she was not the woman she looked like now, she was an eclipse!

Zi Ye Tianzi thought about the deal in his heart.

"The Academy of Gods and Demons is in the limelight right now. With the protection of all the fairy pavilions, I can't find a chance to do it! But if I alone die, then I will kill Ye Fan and no one will stop... I agree with your proposal!"

"Jiu'er, what resources do you need during this time, just tell me."

Jiu'er smiled slightly, "Then I'm not welcome! When do I need to do it, when to call me, I am going to practice now, no one will disturb me." After that, Jiu'er left the hall without looking back. .

"The emperor, is she really an eclipse?" the purple-clothed man asked.

Zi Ye Tianzi glanced at his subordinates, "Yes, she is Eclipse! I didn't expect that Eclipse would take refuge in my Purple Heaven Palace. This is still going to drag my madness, hahaha."

"Congratulations to the emperor."

Suddenly, Zi Ye Tianzi suddenly put away his laughter, and slapped the man's Tianling Gai with a palm.

With a muffled sound, the person fell in front of Zi Ye Tianzi in shock, as if he didn't know why he died until he died.

Zi Ye Tianzi looked at the person's corpse blankly and snorted coldly, "This matter must never be known to anyone, so I can only kill you!" After that, he took out a medicine bottle and scattered the corpse. Fan, dispose of that person's body.

"Come here!" Zi Ye Tianzi shouted, "Preparing to teleport formation, I'm going to Tianyin Pavilion."

In the Tianjiao match, Lu Chen cut off the arm of Tianyin disciple Cang Yun with a single sword, making him miss the top 50. He did not believe that Tianyin Pavilion did not resent Lu Chen.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend!

Two big forces joined forces, he didn’t believe that he couldn’t get a college

"Ye Fan, as long as I'm the only fanatic is killed, I see who else will swear to protect you! No one can escape from the person I want to kill in the Purple Heaven Palace!"


Lu Chen returned to Sixth Heaven from the earth.

His mood is much better than before.

Handing Jiu'er's affairs to the Earth Alliance is definitely far more efficient than looking around like a fly without his head.

When I found Jiu'er and dealt with the matter, I went to Bei Xue's house to investigate the situation of his future brother-in-law.

"This girl Lu Yi is going to marry..." Lu Chen came back from the portal and couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this. That girl, unexpectedly, some people proposed marriage!

While Lu Chen was walking, he suddenly saw a young man in the distance walking while looking at the ledger.

"Ye Fan?" Lu Chen finally saw this guy, so he called him over, "Ye Fan, don't you look at the road when you walk?"

"Dean? You, when did you come back?"

Lu Chen's face was dark, "I've been back a few days ago! I was so muddled all day, why?"

"Aren't I doing the final settlement?"

Ye Fan is famous for making money and hardworking, and Lu Chen has heard about it, so he asked, "I remember when you first came to the gods and demons, you owed you 300,000 spiritual stones from Brother Xuanjia Wang. Eating frugally and working hard to make money, you should have a lot of savings."

"Deposit? Dean, how can I have a deposit? I just calculated it, and now I owe Senior Brother Xuanjia 500,000."

Lu Chen almost spit out blood. He owed more than 200,000 yuan after working for a year?

"No, are you deceived by King Xuan Jia?"

"Senior brother shouldn't be able to calculate me... At that time, I was about to pay off. I had bet and lost almost 80,000. Then I thought that Brother Xuanjia made a lot of money, so I just let him borrow a little , Bought some materials for the refining device, and now owes him a total of 500,000 yuan."

Lu Chen took a breath, this stupid boy probably will not be able to pay off the bill in his life.

"President, Rong'er said that she would like to borrow money from me without charging me interest. I think this transaction is quite cost-effective, what do you think?" Ye Fan asked seriously.

Lu Chen's eyes widened, "Don't worry about Rong'er borrowing, you owe King Xuanjia a little spirit stone and hope to pay it off. Don't pay yourself for 500,000!"

"Not so much."

Lu Chen looked at Ye Fan so poor and destitute, and finally moved with compassion, "The academy will soon unblock the mission system. When you go to the three major hunting areas, you can sell the things on those monsters."

"Dean, I dare not leave the academy too far. I'm afraid that the people of Zitian Temple will make trouble, and I will be tired of the brothers..." Ye Fan finally expressed his concerns.

"The Purple Heaven Palace seems to be quiet now, right."

"They are now hindered by the strength of the dean and the development of the gods and demons, but if they stay away from the academy, based on their hatred of me, it is impossible to let me go." Ye Fan said, raising his head and squinting his eyes slightly. , Said fiercely, "They won't let me go, but I won't let them go. When I have enough strength, I will surely level the Purple Heaven Palace!"

To be honest, when Ye Fan said this, he was totally different from the financial idiot!

"What's the feast between you and the Purple Heaven Palace, to such an unending degree?"

Ye Fan looked at Lu Chen. The dean didn’t ask anything at first, so he forcibly rescued himself from Zitiangong’s subordinates. After that, he never asked. For so long, he had already regarded Lu Chen as his master and friend. .

At this point, he didn't want to hide it anymore.

"My Ye family has a mental method called "Ye Tiandi Sacred Heart Art." Zi Ye Tianzi, the palace lord of the Purple Heaven Palace, was injured and saved by my Ye family, but he also knew this mental method in my family. I coveted it for a long time, and after he recovered, he would not hesitate to slaughter hundreds of people from my Ye family! Fortunately, I learned the mental technique and escaped from their clutches!" Lu Chen's fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Lu Chen's eyes widened, Ye Fan's words were simple, but what happened was too cruel to Ye Fan!

The people who were rescued were massacred all over the house, so **** and deep enmity, naturally endless!

On the one hand, Zitian Palace wanted to seize the mind, on the other hand, they were also afraid that Ye Fan would grow up and seek revenge from them, so that they would chase Ye Fan repeatedly.

"Ye Fan, if you need my help..."

Ye Fan suddenly raised his hand, "Dean, your kindness to Ye Fan will be remembered forever by Ye Fan, but I will not allow others to intervene!"

Lu Chen nodded in understanding, "Okay, I won't interfere. I also believe that you will avenge your family one day!"

"Thank you dean for perfection!"

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