Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1125: Seven-day covenant

"Zi Ye emperor!" Ye Fan stared at the man, and said fiercely.

"It's the Purple Heaven Palace!" Xiao Zhan and others also saw the identity of the other party.

And Lu Chen kept staring at the woman behind Zi Ye Tianzi, who kept her head down.

The woman lowered her head slightly, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, her eyes staring at Lu Chen, as if staring at her prey.

Lu Chen was very sure that the woman was Jiu'er, but Jiu'er had only excitement in his eyes at this time, more like a stranger.

"Undercut..." Lu Chen murmured, Jiuer doesn't recognize himself at all? Could it be that the eclipse has completely robbed her of consciousness!

Jiu'er has reached the sixth heaven? But why is she in Zitian Palace?

The emperor Zi Ye walked to Lu Chen and the others, and then stopped, he looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "No name, we finally met."

Lu Chen retracted his gaze to look at Zi Ye Tian Zi, "Are you the Zi Ye Tian Zi of Zi Tian Palace?"

"Not bad." Zi Ye Tianzi smiled, "Speaking of which, your performance just now left a deep impression on me. If someone moves your disciple, you have to flatten the opponent's power? What a coincidence, I just happen to If you want to kill Ye Fan, I wonder if you have the ability to beat my Purple Heaven Palace?"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the other party was obviously unkind.

It's just that he didn't mention Jiu'er, no matter whether Jiu'er was completely dominated by the eclipse, but now Jiu'er has no memory of himself, if he said this first, he would be used by the Zi Ye Tianzi instead.

Mobei looked at these two groups of people, everyone with murderous intent hidden in their eyes. He had to stop Lu Chen and said, "Anonymous, you can refuse their challenge. You have passed the student competition with full marks."

Zi Ye Tianzi said impatiently, "I said Mobei, you will not forget, if someone is dissatisfied with the results of the Academy of Gods and Demons, you can challenge them."

Mobei said, "Challenges are possible, but the Academy of Gods and Demons can also reject your challenges!"

"Reject?" Zi Ye Tianzi said with disdain, "Wuming, if you really refused, wouldn't it be inconsistent with your previous answer? Is it possible that you are just a silly person?"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I don't need you to talk about who I am."

At this moment, Jiu'er stepped forward and said in a cold voice, "Nameless, dare not to play bigger, I want to kill you!"

Lu Chen looked at Jiu'er's purple-brown eyes and squinted.

The woman's beauty was undiminished, but her purple-brown eyes made her quiet beauty even more enchanting, but Lu Chen could still be sure that she was Jiu'er.

Just judging from the tone of her words, her expression and demeanor, where is the Jiu'er he knew, she now only sees killing...

Lu Chen thought of Mu Xuan, and he promised Mu Xuan would help Jiu'er.

He also thought of several encounters between him and Jiu'er.

However, who would have thought that Jiu'er would meet him in such an identity a few years later!

Finally, Lu Chen spoke.

"How do you want to compare?"

Zi Ye Tianzi sneered, "Wuming, you know that I will kill Ye Fan, and my disciple is also very interested in you, so the previous discussion is not interesting at all."

"To compare, naturally it is a fight for life!"

Fight for life?

Many people have heard this statement and have come to understand that Zitian Palace is not really here to challenge, they are here to kill!

Mobei really couldn't ignore it this time. He sternly said to Zi Ye Tianzi, "Zi Ye, don't think that you can come here as a Zitian Palace. This is Shengyuan Continent, and here is the final decision of all the Immortals!

Zi Ye Tianzi's gaze also became fierce. If it weren't blocked by Zhongxian Pavilion, could he keep Ye Fan until now?

"Mobei, do you really think I am afraid of you in the Purple Heaven Palace? If you dare to stop me from doing things in the Purple Heaven Palace, I don't mind tearing my face with you!"

Mobei was not afraid at all. He could tolerate Lu Chen's wool, which were all trivial matters, but could not tolerate someone doing wrongdoing in the Shengyuan Continent.

This is the site of the Zhongxian Pavilion. If the Zitian Palace is allowed to act here, the Zhongxian Pavilion will lose face in the colleges and even the continents. This is the most unbearable thing for the Zhongxian Pavilion!

"Zi Ye, I'm also warning you for the last time, if you dare to continue to make trouble, my celestial pavilion will never sit idly by! Although your Purple Heaven Palace is powerful, it is not big enough to behave!"

Zi Ye sneered, "Mobei, don't worry, you Zhongxian Pavilion has repeatedly badd my good deeds. I didn't say that I have to let you forget about this account!"

At the moment when Mobei and Zi Ye were not giving way to each other, Lu Chen suddenly said, "Zi Ye, it seems that you are here prepared."

"How is it? Who made the nameless dean famous? Why, is it possible that our nameless dean is scared?" Zi Ye said in a weird tone deliberately.

Lu Chen thought a little bit in his heart, and said, "Today is the day when my gods and demons join the rankings. I don't want to see blood, let alone fight with you!"

Although Lu Chen was anxious to rescue Jiu'er, after all, the occasion was wrong!

If Jiu'er had been controlled by the eclipse, then her strength now might far surpass Ye Fan and the others!

If they want to follow the rules of competition, let Ye Fan and others play first, then Ye Fan and others may be in danger...

The emperor Zi Ye really has a good abacus!

Fortunately, Lu Chen knew about Jiu'er now. To be precise, it should be called "undercut." This situation must be avoided, so he had to make other plans.

Zi Ye squinted slightly, "Then what do you want?"

"Don't you want to fight for your life? Okay, seven days later, a battle in the Immortal Corpse Tomb!" Lu Chen said.

Zi Ye Tianzi's gaze swept towards Ye Fan. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of his disciples and let the Eclipse kill Ye Fan first and then Lu Chen. However, being dragged by Lu Chen, it seemed that he planned to go to bed. .

But he changed his mind, since Wuming had agreed to the decisive battle, as long as he was killed, Ye Fan could not run away naturally.

The most important point is that although Eclipse has grown rapidly, her level has increased too fast recently. It feels that she still has not fully adapted to the current level. A few days to adapt to the command will let her exert a stronger strength!

That being said, it would be beneficial to him to postpone a few days!

"Okay! Seven days will be seven days. I will wait for you for seven days! Seven days later, at the Immortal Corpse Tomb, I will take the lives of you and Ye Fan! Let's go!"

Since Lu Chen promised in front of so many people, then he had nothing to worry about.

After all, Zi Ye Tianzi took a few disciples and left the Academy of Gods and Demons.

Seeing the emperor Zi Ye and their backs leaving, Mo Bei stood beside Lu Chen, frowning, "This Zi Ye is more arrogant than usual! It seems that he has full confidence!"

Lu Chen nodded, "I know."

"You shouldn't have agreed to Zi Ye Tianzi's request, I have already spoken for you... I still don't believe that he dared to confront my Immortal Pavilion." Mo Bei shook his head.

Lu Chen sighed, "Mobei, if you don't get rid of this person, you will be in danger too!"

Mo Bei widened his eyes and looked at Lu Chen incredulously. If others said that, he would only be a joke, but Wuming said that, it would never be groundless!

After that, Lu Chen looked at Ye Fan. The kid was in a daze now, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, Lu Chen could roughly guess Ye Fan's thoughts.

His current strength is not enough to defeat the emperor Zi Ye.

"Ye Fan, don't worry, I won't kill the emperor Ziye, you will avenge you yourself!" Lu Chen said.

Ye Fan just recovered, "The Dean..."

Lu Chen took a deep breath and squinted his eyes slightly, "If I guess right, my opponent is not the emperor Ziye."

"Not Ziye?" Everyone looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

Zi Ye Tian Zi's strength is obviously the strongest in Zi Tian Palace. If they really want to kill Lu Chen, why not let the strongest fight against one?

Only Lu Chen knew that in seven days, his opponent would be that woman, the one who sealed all his memories in Wangchuan River... Mufu Jiuer!

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