Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1127: The mysterious man in the starry illusion

Purple Heaven Palace, Xingtian Fantasy Realm Practice Room.

From the outside, it looks similar to an ordinary training room, but when you enter it, you will find that the entire training room is like being in a galaxy.

Zi Ye Tianzi stood beside Jiu'er, "Jiu'er, you have recently increased your level too fast, and you have passed the Human King Realm. Both your physical and spiritual power have been greatly strengthened."

"You should be able to feel that when the five-star emperor starts to cultivate, the body strengthening can be upgraded not only by improving the spiritual power." Zi Ye Tianzi said, "because the spiritual core will transform the physical body once when the star is upgraded. If the physical body is not strong enough, it will not be able to withstand this transformation!"

"One of the reasons why there are not many top human players is that their physical upper limit is too low. The higher the level, the more difficult it is for them to promote. The human race that can truly reach the human king realm is even rarer!"

"But whether it is a human or another race, after the physical body is strengthened, it needs to adapt to the strength of the new physical body, and the most direct way to adapt to the strength of the new physical body is to fight!"

Zi Ye Tianzi looked at Jiu'er, this woman's body was a human race, and I don't know why the Eclipse chose this woman's body to occupy it.

Of course, from the current point of view, Eclipse Jiu'er is upgrading her level very quickly, and she can also control her body very well. It seems that Eclipse has a way to solve this problem.

"In short, Wuming proposed to fight again in seven days. It is actually more beneficial for us. I have already used the Starry Sky Fantasy Realm. Seven days here are seven months. You have to improve your strength here as much as possible!"

Underlying Jiu'er's eyes were cold, "Even if I don't need to practice, I can kill Wuming. Haven't you already simulated his illusion before!"

Zi Ye Tianzi smiled, "Yes, you have defeated the nameless illusion I simulated, but that only shows that you have a great chance of winning, not that you will win!"

"What's more, if you can become stronger, wouldn't it be better? Your goal should not be just to kill the nameless."

Jiu'er had no objection to this point. After all, Wuming was just a stepping stone on her path to becoming stronger.

As for Zi Ye Tianzi, after receiving the support of Undercover Jiu'er, his gaze was definitely not just about killing Ye Fan!

"In addition to allowing you to quickly adapt to your new level in these seven days, this starry fantasy world can also simulate a strong opponent, which can make you stronger in actual combat." Zi Ye said, "Thousands of years Here, we have collected information on nine powerful players of different levels in the Purple Heaven Palace. If you want to challenge, you can directly let the Star Fantasy Realm simulate your opponent."

Jiu'er narrowed his eyes slightly, "How does this starry illusion compare with the nameless illusion?"

The emperor Zi Ye smiled slightly, "In the starry illusion, most of the illusions are stronger than the nameless."

"Every illusion is the strongest person in the sixth heaven! These people are all beings who later became true immortals!"

"It's just that we selected their abilities in different periods for comparison, so there is a difference in strength. With Wuming's current strength, in the Star Fantasy Realm, it is probably only two or three from the bottom."

The corners of Eclipse Jiu'er's mouth raised slightly, "That is to say, there are six or seven better than the nameless? Interesting!"

"Okay, restore the pill, and I will leave it to you with the withdrawal scroll. You can cultivate here with peace of mind." After that, the emperor Ziye left the Starry Fantasy Realm.

As soon as Zi Ye Tianzi left, Dark Eclipse Jiu'er summoned a nameless illusion.

In front of Jiu'er, the man stood.

Jiuer paused slightly to see Lu Chen's appearance.

I don't know why, she always feels that this man is very familiar, like someone who has known him for a long time.

She felt this way during the first test!

This time, after seeing Wuming with his own eyes, this feeling became even stronger.

Suddenly, two tears shed from the corners of the eyes of Eclipse Jiuer... Eclipse Jiuer wiped away his tears in shock, his eyes full of incredible!

Jiu'er still has the remaining consciousness?

"Damn it, it really is the memory of that woman! But why can't I find the memory of namelessness!" Underlying Jiu'er held his head in pain.

If you can't find that memory, you can't delete it!

But soon Jiu'er calmed down, his eyes full of anger, "Mufu Jiu'er, don't struggle! I don't care who he is! I will kill him!"

Killing Lu Chen's illusion for the second time was smoother than the first time. After being fully activated, Eclipse Jiuer defeated Lu Chen's illusion again.

When Lu Chen's illusion dissipated, it seemed as if the subconsciousness of Jiu Er in his heart also became more blurred.

Eclipse Jiu'er sneered, "It seems that he is the person you care about. Every time you kill him, you must be more desperate. Very good, then I will kill him all the time, so that you will be in despair. I disappear!"

In the Star Fantasy Land, a day is a month, and Eclipse Jiuer has been repeatedly killing Lu Chen's illusion.

She just wanted Jiu'er to watch Wuming die in her hands again and again!

Finally, that irritating concern became less and less.

"Hahahaha, Jiu'er, this time you must be completely dead, right! When you choose to train me, you should know that one day, I will take everything from you!"

At this moment, a voice sounded in the Xingtian Fantasy.

"It turns out to be Eclipse Chaos... I have already collected six Eclipse Chaos sets."

"Who!" Eclipse Jiu'er said angrily, that voice was obviously not from Zi Ye Tian Zi, only Zi Ye Tian Zi could come in here.

The voice didn't panic, "You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I am here to help you."

"Help me?" Underlying Jiu'er asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

The voice let out a burst of laughter, "Hahahaha, really ignorance! Do you think you can really kill Wuming by defeating a few nameless illusions? Wuming is more powerful than you think!"

"He has six sets of Gods and Demons Rebellion, and you have six pieces of Eclipse Chaos, but you have to know that although Eclipse Chaos is of the same level as the Gods and Demons Rebellion, it’s because the Gods and Demons Rebellion cannot collect all the suits !"

"Actually, you are far worse than the gods and demons!"

That person's words seemed to touch the Nilin's undermining Jiu'er. She yelled, "You shut up! The gods and demons recalculate the gods and demons, but they are used as tools, but I, the master, can Become a real strong! What can it compare to me!"

The voice said unhurriedly, "But, how can a mortal be the master who can control the destiny of the gods and the devil? It's already hard to get a piece of the devil's destiny!"

"Your backlash against the master means that you lose the key combat power of "master" than the gods and demons!

Eclipse Jiuer looked even more manic, "Who the **** are you! Is this an illusion here? Which one, I want to kill you!"

"Sorry, there won't be my illusion here, I existed earlier than Zitian Palace!" said the voice, "you don't have to be angry, I said I'm here to help you."

"Although you are not an unnamed opponent right now, if you have collected nine eclipse suits, it will be completely different!"

"What? Collect the nine pieces?" Eclipse Jiuer was completely shocked. "

As she spoke, there were already three more eclipsing chaos equipments in front of her!

"This is a gift from me!" said the voice, "and all you have to do is kill Wuming!"

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