Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1129: Weird main spiritual vein

"Three days? Wuming, what are you going to do?" Mobei said strangely.

"I'm going to the main spiritual vein of the Academy of Gods and Demons!" Lu Chen said.

He only has three days to prepare! Obviously it is too late to spend these three days to find the star core. The fastest way is to... the main spiritual vein!

Although he didn't know what was in the main spiritual vein, since the mountain people let him come, it would not be unreasonable.

Now every minute the outside world spends, Eclipse Jiuer will get stronger, and Lu Chen must take a gamble!

"Mobei, trouble you to lift the seal arranged by Zhongxian Pavilion, I want to enter the main spiritual vein!"

Everyone looked at Lu Chen in shock.

Mobei said anxiously, "Nameless, the thing in your Lord’s spiritual veins is very evil. When Immortal Venerable came to check in person, he was also clueless. We can only make this move and seal it. ."

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "I can't manage that much now, I must go in and take a look."

If Lu Chen insisted, Mobei had nothing to say. After all, Lu Chen is now the dean of the Academy of Gods and Demons, and he has the right to ask the Immortals Pavilion to lift the seal.

"This... OK, but I think it's better not to completely lift the blockade. I can let you in, so that even if an accident happens, it will at least be within control."

Lu Chen nodded, "If you can do this, then it will be the best. I'll take care."

Mobei sighed. In short, he couldn't change Lu Chen's decision.

"By the way, you must remember not to stay in it for too long. The contents are too mysterious. Many of the people who participated in the sealing of the main spiritual line at the beginning have suffered heavy losses, including the Immortal Venerable God."

Lu Chen frowned, "Is he killed?"

Mobei smiled helplessly, "Not only were they killed, so many people entered and checked together. They and their companions didn't know when they were killed, and they didn't even find the body."

"Not only that, at that time, our people went in for less than an hour, and many people regressed in level, and they also forgot their skills and lost equipment..."

"What! There is such a thing?" everyone exclaimed together, and even Taihao thought it was a little weird.

Mobei said helplessly, "Because of this weirdness, we dare not continue to look for the problem of the main spiritual vein of Wunian, we can only set up a formation to seal this place."

"Unfortunately, in the past four hundred years, Wu Nian Sanctuary has suffered greatly, and there is nothing we can do about it."

It was obviously the first time Lu Chen had heard of such a weird thing, but now he didn't have time to hesitate, he had to go in and take a look.

"Mobei, let's go now!"


The main spiritual channel is located in the back mountain of Wunian Mountain. At the moment, standing at the entrance of the back mountain, Lu Chen frowned.

Man in the mountains, is this what you want me to find?

Mobei said to Lu Chen, "Nameless, as soon as I open the seal, you will go in immediately. I have already given you the sound transmission talisman. If you want to come out and tell me, I will start the big formation immediately."

Lu Chen nodded.

This time Lu Chen didn't bring the little beast. After all, the danger level of the things here is second, the key is too mysterious.

"Anonymous, be careful, we will wait for you outside the array!" Li Wei was worried.

Lu Chen nodded, "I will be careful."

Mobei was ready, and the moment he opened the big formation, Lu Chen rushed into the entrance.

As soon as he entered the entrance, the large formation behind him closed again.

From here, you could see that Mobei and the others were all looking at him. Lu Chen smiled at them and then entered the narrow path without looking back.

Along the path deep, Lu Chen arrived at a cave not long after, and there was a stone stele in front of the cave, which said, "No entry is allowed."

Lu Chen entered the cave directly.

After passing through the cave and exiting the entrance on the other side, Lu Chen found that there was an open valley in front of him.

The central area of ​​the valley is a huge lake with a stone monument on the bank that reads "Nianqiu Lake".

The valley, the lake, and the fact that no one has been here for a long time, logically speaking, it should be a green scene. However, this valley can only be described as "a dead silence" at this time.

The soil on the ground is dry, and there are withered branches and leaves everywhere, and the lake is as quiet as a mirror without a trace of wind.

Looking at the past, Lu Chen couldn't see a trace of life here. It was hard to imagine that this was once the main spiritual vein of Wunian Sanctuary, known as one of the three major spiritual veins in Shengyuan Continent!

Mobei reminded Lu Chen not to stay here for long.

But Lu Chen is completely confused now, and naturally it is impossible to leave now. He can only be vigilant and beware at any time.

"Isn't there even a gathering spirit formation?" Lu Chen was a little surprised.

You should know that natural spiritual veins should be used as fixed spiritual veins, and spirit gathering formations are generally arranged to gather spiritual energy.

After choosing the site of Wu Nian Sanctuary, it is impossible not to arrange the Spirit Gathering Array.

"Is it too old?" Lu Chen shook his head.

"By the way, where is the spiritual source of this spiritual vein? It won't be in the lake, right?" Lu Chen opened the Tiantianmu to check, "No, the spiritual energy here is too thin..."

Not long after, Lu Chen noticed a farmhouse by the lake, and he hurried to check it.

It seems that the farmhouse has been abandoned for many years, the walls are broken, and the exposed bricks are sandy. It is a miracle that the house has not collapsed until now.

Lu Chen walked carefully into the farmhouse, and saw that there were common furniture in the farmhouse, which was covered with dust.

Apart from this, there is no other special place.

"What's the matter with this farmhouse? Seeing that there is a complete set of dishes and chopsticks here, it seems that someone once lived here..." Lu Chen couldn't think of the original, so he could only walk out of the farmhouse first.

Looking at the desolate valley again, Lu Chen finally set his eyes on the lake.

"There is no spiritual gathering formation, no spiritual source, nothing... If there is really anything here, it should be in Nianqiu Lake!"

When Lu Chen was about to walk towards Nianqiu Lake, suddenly, a figure flashed in front of him!

After all, Lu Chen was always on guard against the enemy's sneak attacks, and quickly started the symbiosis between gods and demons... However, when Lu Chen had just turned on, the shadow was long gone.

"Is it the thing in the main spirit vein?" Lu Chen frowned, "but it didn't attack me. It should have been a good time..."

Just as Lu Chen was surprised, he suddenly found the system prompt.

[The spiritual power of the body drops by 10,000 points. 】

Lu Chen's eyes widened suddenly, his spiritual power actually decreased?

"This...what's the situation?"

Unexpectedly, just as Lu Chen was stunned, there was a sudden movement of spiritual energy behind him. After Lu Chen turned around and looked at it, he found that there was nothing.

[Body strength decreased by 30,000 points. 】

"Damn!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, he lost another 30,000 power?

Wait, Jiu'er has crazily improved his strength in the Star Fantasy Realm, and lost his attributes crazily in the main spiritual vein by himself?

How to play this? !

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