Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1145: Angry Undercover Jiuer

"Just now it was just a small test, now let you taste the true power of the eclipse clone!"

"The eclipse clone·Jiuying chaos! The eclipse destroy the world·break the sea and divide the sky!" The eclipse Jiuer let out a low voice, and the four clones attacked at the same time.

She divided this trick into four!

The attacks in these four directions all produced spatial confusion. Each attack seemed to strike from the front, but Lu Chen clearly felt the aura in other directions.

It stands to reason that as long as Lu Chen can determine the direction of the opponent's attack, he can block the attack.

However, at this moment, the other five clones also moved!

When the nine clones attacked at the same time, Lu Chen had already noticed something was wrong.

The attacks between the nine clones changed quickly, and he couldn't even be sure that the four attacks would be used in which direction until the last moment.

This is equivalent to constantly using the triple door to change the direction of the skill during the attack!

Impermanence narrowed his eyes slightly, "That eclipse has already brought the space attack to its extreme. The attack keeps beating, and it can't be blocked. In addition, the Nine Infant clone has restricted the unnamed movement. This blow will definitely hit!"

An old man beside him frowned, "If it were me, how should I respond? I... Grandma's, the attack changes so fast, I can't fully capture the actual attack position with the slightest aura, I can't think of a response. The law!"

"I didn't expect the eclipse to be so strong!"

While everyone was still worrying about the way to deal with it, Lu Chen had already moved.

Just as the opponent was about to attack, Lu Chen looked at the right time and did not retreat but moved in. It went beyond everyone's expectations!

"Shou Xu!"

Lu Chen accurately found the opponent's three attacks and blocked them.

"This... Wuming actually greeted him? Damn, how could I forget that I could do this!" The old man widened his eyes.

"Tianxuan, it's not that you forgot, it's that you never thought of it!" Wuchang said, "In that case, the nameless can capture the opponent's attack so accurately, which even I can't do. ."

"Since the opponent's attack has been changing, then instead of waiting for her to attack, it is better to meet him, and block the attack at the moment when the opponent's real attack is locked. This is the only solution!"

"It's just that this requires a very strong ability to observe aura and courage beyond ordinary people." Wuchang narrowed his eyes slightly, "That kid's aura has reached its peak!"

However, the opponent has four attacks!

After Lu Chen blocked three attacks, he did not stop in the slightest, "Nine steps in the void! Buddha body clone! Attack the void, the gunway, and the sky of the gun!"

The three avatars fired at the same time, and one shot pierced one avatar.

The avatar showed a shocked look, and she didn't expect Lu Chen to find herself so accurately.

In a rush, the clone hurriedly made moves, and the two powerful moves collided.

It's just that this time Lu Chen directly used the Buddha body clone, which was equivalent to a triple attack. The Eclipse Jiuer clone was unable to resist in this spiritual collision.

Jiu Ying's chaos was directly defeated, and the tip of the silver gall spear shot a fiery red light, piercing the heart of the clone!

At this moment, the black shadow behind Eclipse Jiuer wrapped her heart in time.

The tip of the gun directly touched the dark shadow, as if pierced on steel.

Lu Chen didn't stop his attack and continued to exert his strength.

The tip of the silver gall spear rubbed against the armor formed by the black shadow on Jiu'er's chest, creating a dazzling cremation.

"Break for me! Gunway·Smashing Star!" Lu Chen directly activated his skills, and a new round of spiritual power surged from the tip of the gun.

With two clicks, the solid black shadow cracked directly...

Earth, fire and silver daring drove straight in, directly into the heart of the clone!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked to stunned.

"This, isn't it! I was still in a desperate situation just now, but in a blink of an eye it became the key to his reversal of the battle?" Tian Xuan widened his eyes.

"Defensive three attacks and one attack!" Wuchang frowned, "This namelessness is impeccable in terms of combat experience and mentality."

"Although many people think that Eclipse Chaos can be as famous as the incomplete Gods and Demons, but the Dark Eclipses bite their masters, and the Gods and Demons will only choose the masters. The masters chosen by the Gods and Demons are indeed extraordinary!"

Qingli squinted his eyes slightly, "Liwei, Yaohe, are you really familiar with Wuming? How could a powerhouse of his level work with you?"

Liwei and Yaohe were a little embarrassed, but it's no wonder, after all, Qingli no longer saw them as sisters, so naturally they would not care about their feelings.

"He is not like this..." Li Wei could only answer like this.

"How is he usually?"

"A bit dumb..." Yaohe answered truthfully.

Although Lu Chen penetrated a clone, everyone did not think that the battle was over, after all, it was just a clone.

At this moment, in the battlefield, the clone of Eclipse Jiuer looked at Lu Chen in shock, "You, you... how dare you block my attack!"

Lu Chen put away his avatar and looked at the dark eclipse Jiu'er lightly, "You divide the broken sea into four, and your single attack power drops drastically, but my guardian is the master of all kinds of bells and whistles, naturally dare to block. "

"Although the eclipse clones are all phantom clones, I noticed that the clones have the characteristics of the main body when making moves, so to break your eclipse clones, you can only attack when you make a move."

"It's just that I didn't expect the defense of the Nine Eclipses to be so high, so I had to temporarily add a skill to penetrate your Nine Eclipses."

"The eclipse, as I said, the eclipse clone has been seen through by me. If you only have this degree, you can't beat me." Lu Chen said lightly.

Although Eclipse Jiu'er wanted to kill Lu Chen, Lu Chen couldn't hate Eclipse Jiu'er.

There is no murder in his eyes, only regret!

But the regret in Lu Chen's eyes made Dark Eclipse Jiu'er even more angry.

In Wuming's eyes, there are only Jiu Er, no eclipse!

The clone disappeared, not far away, the shadow of Jiu'er's true form reappeared, and the purple mist beside her eyes became more and more intense, "Nameless, I want to kill you!"

"Thank you for telling me the secret of the God and Demon Taixu Arm. If so, let you taste the true power of the Dark Eclipse Chaos!" Dark Eclipse Jiu'er burst out with terrifying aura.

Dark clouds in the sky obscured the sun, lightning and thunder.

The earth cracked, and the stones on the ground slowly rose into the air!

The entire corpse mound is like a **** on earth.

"I see if your defensiveness can block my move!" Jiu'er's voice became sharp and crazy.

In the distance, the emperor Zi Ye saw this scene, his blood boiled with excitement.

"Come here! That's the trick!"

"Jiu'er used this trick to defeat the strongest illusion in the Star Fantasy Realm!"

"Let these mortals tremble, let them see your true strength, and let everyone know the ultimate ultimate move of the Nine-Piece Erosion Chaos Set!"

"Quickly, kill Wuming!"

The Eclipse Jiu'er slowly rises into the air, like a witch descending into the world, revealing the world.

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