Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1148: The end of the breach

Eclipse Jiu'er stared at Lu Chen, this guy was still chatting with the people of the Gods and Demons Sanctuary, but she was about to use the spirit pill to explode!

How not take her seriously!

"You, even if you can survive, it is absolutely impossible for you to save Mufu Jiu'er!" Underlying Jiu'er said angrily.

Lu Chen summoned Xiao Yuan and asked it to protect the people in the Academy of Gods and Demons, and then looked at the Eclipse Jiu'er.

"Actually, I've been waiting for your words!" Lu Chen said suddenly

"Eclipse, the reason Jiu'er promised you to devour her consciousness is that you must protect Taiwuxing! If your spirit pill explodes, it means that you have no intention to abide by the agreement between you and the Mu House!"

"I can't save Jiu'er, but she can!"

"This battle is not between me and you at all, but between Mufu Jiu'er and Eclipse Jiu'er!"

With that said, Lu Chen took out two drops of crystal spar and looked at Jiu'er undercut, "Aren't you surprised, undercut, why you haven't been able to completely control Jiu'er's consciousness? Just look at this and you will know."

This time, Po Meng didn't need to start, the teardrops released Jiu'er's memory.

The ancient battlefield, Erzhongtian Novice Village, Global Village, Naihe Bridge, Mufu, scenes and scenes of their memories are presented one by one.

Looking at this scene of memories, Jiu'er's eyelids twitched, his eyes fluctuating.

"Damn, her, her consciousness...begins out of control!"

Lu Chen's eyes softened and softened, "Jiu'er, I guess you didn't know when you chose to seal the memory. The person who pretended to be a ghost to scare you was actually me."

"We met as early as the first day of the day, but at that time you would be scared to quit the game when you met me. I still want to meet you a few more times." Lu Chen couldn't help laughing.

"In Nieryuan Village, I recognized you at a glance, but unfortunately you didn't know that at that time, the villain that caused your group to be destroyed was me..."

"Thank you, when I was besieged by bounty hunters, I stood up and stood up to protect my people when the blue wolf slaughtered the players on earth, and help my people when I was away..."

"I know, that's the real you, not the lunatic now."

Eclipse Jiu'er covered his head and yelled in pain, "Shut up for me! Stop it, stop talking!"

Lu Chen obviously couldn't listen to her, and continued, "Actually, I learned later that Mu Xuan is a member of your clan. He told me a word, and I still remember it now."

"Stop talking!" Eclipse Jiu'er was covering her ears in pain, but Lu Chen's words came to her mind word by word.

"The most important right of a person is the right to choose!"

"Perhaps he realized this because of his guilt for you. Jiu'er, even Mu Xuan, hope you will make your own choice again!"

"Whether to believe in yourself or to believe in this eclipse, you choose for yourself!"

The Eclipse has fallen to the ground in pain, shrunk into a ball.

"By the way, before Mu Xuanbing explained, he told me that he hoped that I had time to go to Mufu to propose marriage... He should regret his decision at that time, and hope I can be by your side."

"I'm sorry that I didn't go to you sooner. You have to bear so much alone. As a friend, I didn't help at all."

"If you can, come back. No matter what, I am willing to face it with you."

Suddenly, Eclipse began to knelt on the ground and vomited violently. Although she couldn't spit out anything, she was obviously extremely uncomfortable looking at her.

At this time, let alone the spirit pill blew up, she couldn't even use any skills!

"Jiu'er, don't listen to him, I, I will fulfill the original agreement, I, I just scare him..." Eclipse Jiu'er explained in pain.

No one can hear that she is playing around, and it can also be seen how intense the struggle between the two sides is in the mind at this time.

In the struggle for consciousness, the decisive factor is not strength, but firmness of will.

Jiu'er's will may not be inferior to Eclipse. For such a long time, even if Eclipse has collected nine pieces of Eclipse Chaos, it still cannot completely obliterate Jiu'er's consciousness.

At this time, the most critical point is that the undercover plans to violate the agreement with the Mufu clan, so Jiuer will no longer have any scruples and fight for consciousness control!

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly had another person beside him.

This person has a hunched back, dark skin, and thin body. Standing next to Lu Chen, he looks even more shameless.

However, it was such a guy who almost let Lu Chen lose in his hands!

"I'm the only one who is crazy, what are you going to steal?" Diaotian looked at Eclipse Jiu'er, who was struggling painfully on the ground, "I can't steal her eclipse. I already recognize the master."

"Just secretly attribute it, let her be distracted, and help Jiuer regain control of consciousness! Oh, the key is spiritual power, lest she really blew herself up."

"This is a piece of cake!" After saying that, Stealth flashed to the side of Eclipse Jiu'er.

"Who! Get out of here!" Eclipse Jiu'er is fighting with Jiu'er for consciousness, and there is no time to take care of the extra person next to him, waving a hand wildly, but this level is obviously untouchable.

"Stealing the sky and changing the day!"

Stealing the sky suddenly turned into a shadow.

Every time you pass by the Eclipse Jiu'er, the attributes of the Eclipse Jiu'er will drop a lot!

If it is in normal state, Eclipse Jiu'er may not be unable to deal with Stealing Sky, but now she is overwhelmed and unable to chase Stealing Sky, so she can only let Stealing Crazy steal attributes.

Spiritual power decreased by 80,000, spiritual power decreased by 80,000, spiritual power decreased by 80,000.

This series of data frantically swept the screen, eclipsing Jiuer's eyes with horror.

Steal your own attributes directly? What the **** is this!

Eclipse is also different from other immortal cultivators. Because of her special identity, she has no battle spirit at all, but her body attributes are extremely high.

However, the skill of stealing the sky is to cast the ontology attribute!

Seeing his spiritual power drop crazily, but he couldn't do anything, eroding Jiu'er and encountering enemies inside and outside, suffering beyond words.

Leaving it to steal the sky so casually, even if it is undermining Jiu'er, it can't bear it.

In less than three minutes, Tai Hao suddenly found that the level of Underworld Jiu'er had dropped!

"The Eight-Star King Realm? My God, then, who is that rickety old man? He, how did he do it!"

Yun Hai suddenly thought of something, "The level has dropped? No! Is it..."

Mobei, Yunhai, Yitian, Taihao and others looked at each other, they all thought of the answer.

"Is that the thing in the main spirit vein?!"

It turns out that Lu Chen didn't get anything when he went deep into the main spiritual vein a few days ago. He has already recovered this freak!

Lu Chen did not come directly to the Immortal Corpse Tomb on the way out of the Immortal Pavilion, but took a detour to the Gods and Demons Holy Courtyard.

At that time, he did not find Tooting, but Tooting found him!

In order to repay his gratitude, Tooting came to the Xianshi Tomb with Lu Chen.

At this time, Lu Chen couldn't help, but Stealing Heaven could disrupt the new **** of the Eclipse Jiu'er and help Jiu'er without hurting the body of the Jiu'er.

The eight-star, seven-star, six-star, and Eclipse Jiu'er levels have dropped crazily. In this case, no one can be calm and calm.

Eclipse Jiu'er became more and more painful, wailing the sky, "Nameless! I want to kill you!"

It's a pity that at this time, it's all about whether she can survive, let alone kill Wuming.


At this time, the camp of the Academy of Gods and Demons.

Ye Fan was lost in thought in the distance.

"Junior Brother Ye Fan, what do you think?" Chu Tian asked curiously when he saw Ye Fan in a daze, "I didn't make a bet and felt you lost?"

Ye Fan shook his head, "I have washed my hands in the golden basin."

"Cut, ghost letter!" Xiao Zhan said immediately, "Hey, you didn't want to bet, why are you in a daze?"

Ye Fan took a deep breath, "The dean is sincere not to deceive me, he is indeed a lover! In the future, you must consult the dean a lot when looking for things like immortals!"

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