Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1154: North Snow Lone Star

With a huge rumbling sound, people saw a huge white snow ape in the distance running wildly towards this side.

This snow ape is at least 100 meters tall, is white all over, has four arms, has a forehead and a fangs.

On the shoulder of this snow ape, a white-clothed man was standing tall. The man was very handsome, but compared with Gu Fei's handsome, this man was more gloomy.

"It's a lone star! He didn't even die!" Beixue Lingjun opened his eyes wide and hurriedly ordered, "Beixue people, quickly go to defend the enemy!"

People in several other families were also extremely surprised.

"Bei Xue Lone Star? Isn't that Bei Xue Gu Fei's younger brother?"

"It is said that Beixue Lonely Fei is a rare genius in a century, and Beixue Lonely Star is a stupid person who has never met in a century, and this person has a cruel heart. After the incident of Dong Chuang, he was sentenced to death by the Bei Xue family. Why did he come back suddenly? Up?"

"His mount is... the Great Ape?! Oh, not only is this guy not dead, but he can subdue the Great Ape. His strength is unimaginable!"

At this time, who cares about the selection of elite disciples, everyone rushed out of Beixue Mountain Villa.

In the chaos, Beixue Gufei hurriedly found Lu Yi, "Yiyi, no matter what happens in a while, let your brother take you away first!"

"What about you?!" Lu Yi looked at Gu Fei anxiously.

Gu Fei took a deep breath, "Lone Star is my brother, I must stop him!"

"Let my brother go, Lone Star looks very strong." Lu Yi said.

Gu Fei shook his head, "The Lone Star did not go to nine days. His strength comes from the Ice Plains. He can subdue adult gibbons. It can be seen that the Lone Star's strength is already extremely terrifying, and the eldest brother is no more than a one-star Emperor. Go!"

"This..." Lu Yi's heart is very confused now, isn't even the old brother the opponent of that lone star.

Isn't that lone fly away to die?

Before leaving, Gu Fei looked at Lu Yi affectionately, "Yiyi, I'm sorry, I'm still too weak, I may...can't protect you...find someone who loves you!" After speaking, Gu Fei's eyes were red. Turning his head, he rushed to the gate of the villa.

Only Lu Yi was left crying heartbroken.

Lu Chen found his sister, saw her crying sadly, and held her in his arms, "Silly girl, why are you crying?"

"Brother..." Lu Yi cried even more sadly when she saw her old brother. "Lone Fei may...may die..."

Lu Chen sighed. Although he was reluctant to marry his younger sister, he was even more reluctant to lose heart.

"Okay, okay, I see, isn't your brother still there? I won't let him die."

"No!" Lu Yi cried and said, "Gu Fei said that the power of the lone star comes from Icefield Star, and you are not his opponent. I can't let you take risks..."

As Lu Yi, she must be very entangled now, she is reluctant to fly alone, but it is absolutely impossible for her brother to die.

Lu Chen chuckled, "It sounds as if he knows my strength, I tell you nothing will happen, nothing will happen."

"Let's go, let's take a look, but, we can't just listen to one side of the word, but also just look at the Beixue family's family style, and see the character of Gufei."

"If they are worth my shot, I will naturally do it!"

Lu Chen wiped away Lu Yi's tears, "It's silly, the first time you visit, you think you spent all your eye makeup, what brand of cosmetics, you can't use so much money at home, you won't use a waterproof one."

"Brother, is it the time to talk about this now!" Lu Yi was so heartbroken when she was amused by her old brother. He was really mad at him.

"Hahaha, let's go and see that lone star." Lu Chen smiled at Lu Yi's tears and smiled and pulled Lu Yi to the main entrance of the villa.

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and a hemispherical light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky above the entire mountain villa, completely covering the vast Beixue mountain villa.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Seal Array, this is going to kill them all. Okay, now I can't leave if I want to go."

But being able to set up such a huge seal formation in such a short period of time shows that the Lone Star kid is very terrifying.

When Lu Chen took his younger sister to the main entrance of the villa, he found that the great ape was standing on the spot, and his master had gotten off his shoulder and walked towards Beixue Villa step by step.

On the other side, Beixue Taizu, Beixue Lingjun, Beixue Gufei, Beixue Qingling and others were staring at that person.

Take a closer look, in fact, Beixue Lone Star and Beixue Gufei look somewhat similar, but their temperament is too different.

"Lone Star, you have already been sentenced to ice by us!" Bei Xue Lingjun looked at the person in front of him in shock.

The corner of Lone Star’s mouth raised slightly, "Uncle, I really want to thank you for speaking of it. If you didn’t fall into the Arctic Ice Cave, how could I get rid of the cold ice poison on my body, and how could I get the Arctic Core? How to subdue the four-armed **** ape!"

"Ice Poison?!" Gu Fei's eyes widened, "You used to practice very slowly. Was it because of the ice poison?"

Lone Star looked at Gu Fei with cold eyes, "Otherwise? Brother, you are called the first genius in a hundred years, and my younger brother is called the first stupid in a hundred years! You **** make you better than me? How about the ice? Poisonous, you are just like an ant in front of me!"

Gu Fei sighed, "Lone Star, you should have told me earlier... Regardless of genius or stupidity, I always regard you as my brother."

"Hahahaha! What a younger brother." Lone Star laughed wildly, "Of course you think so, because you have got everything I envy, so naturally you don't care, and your so-called care for me is simply deceiving yourself! You! His concern is only out of pity!"

"Don't be hypocritical here! The one I hate the most is you, and you are the first to kill!"

Gu Fei couldn't help shaking his head, "I only care about cultivation and don't care enough about you that made you think so, Lone Star, it's all my fault that you went astray..."

"You killed 23 members of the clan at the beginning, and the family decided to impose an ice torture on you. The family rules are like this and it has nothing to do with the Beixue family. If you want revenge, you can find me alone."

Lu Chen could feel Lu Yi's hand unconsciously exerting force. It seemed that she was too worried about flying alone.

"Walking astray?" Lone Star's eyes were full of ridicule, "Luo Fei, look at you now, but it's a mere emperor, and me, I just didn't go to nine days, if I went to nine days, six heavens It's walking sideways."

"You call this going astray?!"

"Brother, do you know why I only came today?" Lone Star's "brother" was awkward when he called out. He didn't regard Gu Fei as his brother at all.

"Today, it seems that the girl you like is coming to Beixue's house..." Lone Star smiled slightly, "I thought about it, for decades, you have taken everything from me, then this time, I will let you see Look at your most precious thing, taken away by me!"

Gu Fei's eyes suddenly became angry, "Dare you!"

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