Rhubarb is still strong. Without it, Lu Chen and Xiaoyuan would be in danger.

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine that with Lone Star's strength at the time, it is impossible to enter here, but it is possible to enter the cave at the bottom of the lake.

Lu Chen looked around and found that the so-called red light was emitted from the center of the circular deep hole.

There seems to be something else there.

Lu Chen approached carefully.

The surrounding temperature was barely acceptable to Lu Chen, but only if he knew that it was a severe cold poison and Lu Chen's tens of thousands of flame affinity.

If it were ordinary people, it would be impossible to get near here.

No wonder Lone Star just stops at the fourth floor.

"There is a talisman formation on the ground!" Lu Chen noticed the runes on the ground, and the formation was at the center of the circle.

"Huh? There is... a person sitting there?" Lu Chen was a little surprised. After looking carefully, he found that there was indeed a person sitting there, but there was only a skeleton left.

Three feet above the bones, a red bead is suspended.

The surrounding high temperature and red halo seemed to be from the bead.

"What is this?" Lu Chen was a little surprised.

But before he figured it out, Lu Chen didn't dare to take it directly with his hands.

In front of the skeleton, there were three other things.

One is oddly shaped, like a pair of glasses.

One was a badge, and Lu Chen recognized it as a grade badge in Nine Heavens at a glance.

There are a few words written on the level of the badge, but it's not in Jiutian, Lu Chen has no translation function, and he doesn't know the characters of Bingyuan.

There was a notebook beside the badge, and Lu Chen picked up the notebook and looked at it.

There was a lot of content written on it, as well as some patterns of characters' cultivation, but it was still in the characters of Ice Plains. Lu Chen did not dare to jump to conclusions.

Finally, Lu Chen turned his gaze on the pair of glasses, "Normally, at such a high temperature, at least the book can't hold on, but the book is still intact. It seems that he left it on purpose. "

"Since I stayed on purpose, then... the glasses shouldn't be a translator."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen picked up his glasses and put them on before looking.

Sure enough, this is a translation prop for Nine Days, and the Master of Withered Bones actually withdrew it!

Putting on the glasses, Lu Chen looked at these things, there was no obstacle.

"It's the King of Nine Stars?" Lu Chen looked at the badge with a slight surprise.

He has also seen a lot of Nine-Star Kings, but this is the Iceborne Star. Except for the Lone Star, the level of everyone else is far from reaching the King of Humans!

Then he checked the books again.

The opening is a line of handwritten text left by the person.

[I was originally a cultivator of the Nine Heavens and Six Heavens, and I was Sanxian "True Fire and Mysterious Ice". However, the fortune was not good, and I suffered a seven-level catastrophe. Although I had used the Pill of Doom, I barely saved my life and became Sanxian. 】

"It's actually Sanxian?!" Lu Chen was taken aback, his level was higher than he had just guessed!

Perhaps in the category of "Xian", the level badge will no longer be displayed, so it only stays at the Nine-Star King Realm.

Lu Chen continued to look down.

[Of course, but because the heart demon was too heavy, although he left a breath, but his body was seriously injured and died, and he returned to the Ice Plains to wait for his fall. 】

[If you don’t enter the path of immortality, you are not a real immortal after all. I just got a glimpse of that half-century, but dare to call myself a half-immortal. It's really self-deception...I can't escape the six worlds of reincarnation. 】

【My life as a cultivator, I have abandoned the love of relatives and friends, but now I have only exchanged for Diao Ran to die here. Everyone asks for immortality, but I don't know how many people have no bones, and how many people abandon their emotions and desires. 】

[Whether it’s a great wind and cloud, it’s a world-renowned reputation, in the end, it’s not a real fairy, but after all, it’s just a pile of bones in the wilderness. 】

[Later, no matter who you are, being able to enter the core of the Nine Refining Real Fire Array, it means that you also have good strength. I left this technique and these Nine Refining Ice Fire Orbs and gave it to you. The proof that Bing has gone through these nine days. 】

[Nine Refining Ice and Fire Orbs are auxiliary magic weapons of fire and ice elements. They can be switched between states at ordinary times. During cultivation, use this orb to assist and choose different attributes as needed. It can increase spiritual power while additionally increasing affinity of fire or The affinity of the ice element. 】

[True Fire and Xuanbing Sword Art, this is the strongest technique for my fame and fame, the level is "Xianshu" level! When the Affinity between Ice and Fire reaches 20,000, you can learn the first layer of "Ice Extremely Scorching". The power is terrifying, and it can open mountains and seas. Use it with caution! 】

Lu Chen was shocked.

This is actually an immortal technique! The only immortal method he has seen now is the "Nine Heavens of Eclipse" used by Eclipse, which is very powerful.

If he is not able to enter the second level of aura, none of his current skills can compete with it.

And this "True Fire Profound Ice Technique" is actually an immortal sword skill!

"I'm going, the ice element affinity also needs 20,000?" Lu Chen shook his head, his fire element affinity has just reached 100 million, and he is far from this requirement now!

But fortunately, this exercise is an item that has already been manifested. As long as Lu Chen takes it to nine days, he can quickly learn it.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen put away his kung fu first.

Speaking of which, this was the second time Lu Chen had encountered Sanxian's corpse. The first was found under the sacred mountain Tianchi together with the bones of the Supreme Monster of Warcraft.

However, the Sanxian only left one mission last time, this time Sanxian also left a "suicide note" for Lu Chen...

Now Lu Chen seems to have figured out one thing, why the Sanxian lost to the Supreme of Warcraft.

Sanxian is a cultivator who has failed to cross the Tribulation, although he can use the Cross Tribulation Pill to save his life, but the failure will also cause varying degrees of damage to the body.

The damage of the mountain people and Mu Xuan should be recoverable. This kind of situation should be relatively common, which means that most of the scattered immortals have stronger strength than the peak of the nine-star king.

But there are exceptions, such as the scattered fairy in front of him, the situation is so bad that he can only wait for his fall here.

In this way, there will be people whose strength is greatly reduced, just like the one at the bottom of the holy mountain Tianchi Lake...

"It seems that the strength of Sanxian cannot be generalized." Lu Chen said quietly, "Forget it, get down to business first."

The ice and fire beads were floating above the bones, and Lu Chen simply sat cross-legged to eradicate his cold poison first.

There were nine refinement ice and fire beads beside Lu Chen, and Lu Chen felt that the cold poison in his body was getting weaker and weaker and was quickly being absorbed by the spirit pill.

"So fast! Sure enough, the effect in the central area is much stronger than in the periphery!" Lu Chen sighed. His cold poison was ten thousand times stronger than that of Lone Star, but he still disappeared quickly.

"Lone Star, Lone Star, you didn't even enter the central area! You are very close to the two treasures, but unfortunately you just tasted it, and you lost a great opportunity."

"You can't think of it in your dreams. You originally planned to kill me. Not only did you fail to succeed, but you also let me get a blessing in disguise and get a magic weapon and a fairy-level technique!"

Not to mention that Lone Star didn't expect it, Lu Chen himself didn't expect it.

In addition, Lu Chen's biggest gain was that he learned that in other people's worlds, there are still opportunities for existence.

"You all said that the collection of gods and demons is not complete, so is it possible that gods and demons exist in a different world?"

Lu Chen was also unsure of this.

"I don't want to think so much. Although I can't practice, Lone Star can explode cold poison before death, which means that after cold poison is absorbed, it can be used for me!"

After all, Lu Chen immediately entered a state of no-self, carefully perceiving the changes in cold poison in the spirit pill.

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