Lu Chen had been delayed for a long time in the Iceborne Star. He said he would be coming for a month, but he stayed for more than half a year.

But for most of the past six months, Lu Chen was also quite satisfied with Bei Xue's family.

That being the case, then the next step is to discuss the marriage of Gu Fei and Lu Yi.

"I think it's better to hit the sun if you choose a date. Since Brother Du Kuang is here, it's better to take care of this in these two days." Beixue Lingjun said, "Anyway, we have already prepared things for marriage."

Lu Chen nodded, "The marriage between Gu Fei and Lu Yi is also because I have delayed it for a long time."

"Where and there, it's a lot of trouble, now it's double happiness!" Ling Jun looked very excited, "Then I will go to prepare for this time, 10 days later, Gu Fei and Lu Yi will get married!"


Beixue’s house was busy up and down. In the next few days, the major families of the Ice Plains came to attend the wedding banquet from all over the Ice Plains.

In Lu Chen's general view, at least a few thousand representatives came, and the congratulatory gifts alone were already piled up into a hill.

My sister's wedding is really inhumane...

Lu Yi was also busy getting acquainted with the etiquette process of Bingyuanxing, and had no time to care about Lu Chen.

On the last night of preparation, Beixue Mountain Villa had become a city that never sleeps, but Lu Chen quietly left Beixue Mountain Villa alone, looking for a quiet snow mountain, sitting on the rock, and looking at the lively North Snow Mountain Villa from a distance.

The bits and pieces that used to depend on my sister for fate passed by before my eyes.

Speaking of it, every time he was in danger, that stupid girl would always stand in his way and say silly things like "Mom asked me to protect my brother".

In a blink of an eye, my sister is about to marry...In this mood, it seems to have lost the most important thing.

Thinking about it, Lu Chen's eyes were red.

His sister, whom he has been protecting with his life, is about to become someone else's bride.

At this moment, a gentle sound of stepping on snow came from behind him.

Not long after, a light figure came to Lu Chen's side.

"Brother Wuming, are you crying?"

Lu Chen glanced at Beixue Qingling, how could this girl talk so much?


"Don't worry, Gu Fei brother is a good man, and he will fight hard for Lu Yi's sister-in-law."

Lu Chen sighed, "Well, although that kid is a bit weak, he is still barely able."

This sentence is full of sourness... Beixue Qingling couldn't help but snicker, "My nameless brother and sister Lu Yi are going to be married. Why do you still have no girlfriend?"

Lu Chen really underestimated Beixue Qingling. This girl is not good at chatting, she is quite good at chatting.

"This, fate hasn't arrived."

"Then do you have a girl you like?"

"I did, but it was taken apart." Lu Chen remembered the stinky kid who had gone out to practice with Xiaolu.

"That is to say, not now?" Qingling looked at Lu Chen, his bright eyes seemed to be a little bigger than usual.

"It's useless to have it, I won't see it anymore, there is no chance." Lu Chen said helplessly.

"Oh~ that nameless brother, do you think I look good?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, did the girls from Icefield ask directly? But to be honest, Qing Ling is indeed beautiful, like a fairy.

It wasn't so pretty when I gave her the gems.

Unfortunately, what does being beautiful have to do with yourself? They won't look at themselves for no reason.

Lu Chen said truthfully, "Well, it looks good."

Qingling smiled shyly and peeked at Lu Chen.

It's just that the nameless brother, apart from saying "good-looking", seems to have no more... still looking at Beixue Mountain Villa.

Maybe Brother Wuming has no other thoughts...

"By the way, I was in a hurry this time, and I didn't expect them to be married so soon, and they didn't prepare any gifts." Lu Chen said suddenly, "Qingling, what is the best treasure of the Iceborne Star?"

"The best treasure is the Frost Dragon Heart, but the Frost Dragon lives in the Arctic..."

"You take me there!" Lu Chen stood up, "Let's hurry up, it should be too late."

After that, Lu Chen called out Shiyi directly and jumped on the dragon head with Qingling, "Shiyi, don't get excited, this is my friend. Don't scare others."

In order to prevent Shiyi from frightening the people in Beixue Villa, Lu Chen said hello in advance.

"This, Brother Wuming, has your mount been withdrawn?" Qing Ling looked at the head of the ten-winged dragon, and could not help being shocked by the ten-winged spirit.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Let's go, get a few Frost Dragon Hearts first."

Qingling's eyes widened, how many? One is hard to see in a century!

While talking, Shiyi has soared into the sky and headed straight to the North Pole!


The next day, Gu Fei and Lu Yi got married.

Beixue Mountain Villa is very lively and there are countless guests and friends.

Lu Yi also performed a set of swordsmanship with Gu Fei, which is really a good match for men and women.

As the wife's parent, Lu Chen also gave gifts to the new couple.

Everyone knows that Lu Chen didn't have any preparations this time, let alone any gifts.

Standing in front of Lu Chen, Gu Fei and Lu Yi changed their minds first, "Big Brother!"

Lu Yi looked at her with red eyes, "Brother..."

Lu Chen responded.

"I didn't prepare any gifts this time, and many items were not cashed out. Yiyi, I thought I would give you the best dowry on your wedding day. I'm really ashamed."

"Brother, no matter what you give, it is the best dowry!" Lu Yi choked and said.

Gu Fei also nodded emphatically, "Brother, it is our blessing to have a big brother like you!"

Lu Chen smiled and nodded, and took out the present prepared in advance.

The first one, withdraw the mount shuttle! This is what Lu Chen said long ago that he would give it to Lu Yi, and it happened to be given to her this time.

You must know that the withdrawal price of the shuttle is not supported by the guide of the earth. Until now, only Lu Chen on the earth has the withdrawal mount!

The original level of the flying shuttle was very high, plus it was a cash-out mount. The value of this gift could no longer be measured in the currency of the Iceborne Star.

"Damn, it's actually a withdrawal mount. This is too proud!" Patriarch Ling Feng widened his eyes, "Ice Plain Star's current withdrawal mount can be counted by hand, and this shuttle is the highest level one. Pieces!"

"Didn't you say you didn't prepare a gift? What, what is this?!"

Afterwards, Lu Chen asked someone to carry up a wooden box.

"Although I didn't prepare any gifts, your eldest brother, I, at any rate, are also starting wholesale prices." Lu Chen said, opening the wooden box himself.

Opening the wooden box, a bit of cold air swept the audience!

At this time, everyone present stood up involuntarily.

"Frost Dragon Heart?! So many! Oh my God! At least more than twenty!"

"Every one of these things is invaluable. What is the concept of more than twenty?"

"Wait, there is still a Dragon King's Heart in it?! No, there really is a Frost Dragon King's Heart! Then, that's a planet-level treasure!"

"Hey, look at other people getting married, Frost Dragon Heart is wholesale!"

"Where is this dowry? Enough to buy how many Beixue Villas!"

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