Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1178: Nine-level Tianlian

Withstand the Nine Dao and Seven Level Tribulation, still talking and laughing? This scene has been stunned by everyone.

"My God, the dean is still not a human being!"

"Undoubtedly, he is not!" Ye Fan answered the question of the younger brother beside him blankly.

Mo Bei shook his head and sighed, "If Wuming is just an ordinary person, he can already cross the catastrophe and become an immortal! It's a pity that waiting for him will never be just a seven-level catastrophe!"

"I believe Wuming knows this better than anyone else!"

Yun Hai said, "The path of the dean is much more difficult than others..."

At this time, the old ghost of Tianyin looked at Lu Chen who was like a **** of thunder, his eyes were round and his ferocious state was revealed, "Okay, I admit that your strength is beyond my expectation, but what about it, you think I am This something?!"

"If my old Tianyin ghost is not sure of victory, he will not go out! So, since you dare to be arrogant in front of me, let you see my true ability!"

After all, there is already an extra jade plate beside the old ghost Tianyin.

This jade plate is green, like a good jade.

There are dense array of symbols on the disc, and the more conspicuous four characters are "Tian Yin Lei Ze".

"I'm the only one who is crazy, I make you crazy, the seventh-level catastrophe can't cure you, right, then the ninth level, the old man will definitely want you to be broken in the sky!"

Tianyin Lei Zeyu disc fiercely emitted a strong green light, and went straight to the sky!

Almost at the same time, the entire Huashan Continent was filled with dark clouds, as if plunged into darkness!

With a loud bang, the sky was torn open by a terrifying thunder and lightning, and the world was illuminated by white light!

The strength of this bolt of lightning made the previous seven-level thunder and lightning like a thin line...

Everyone looked at the thunder above their heads in horror, showing horror.

"My God, is it really... the ninth-level robbery!"

"Well, who knows, through the ages, there are probably only a handful of people who have actually experienced level 9 thunder!"

"I'm afraid this is the strongest calamity in the history of Sixth Heaven! The old ghost of Tianyin is really too terrifying, it can actually summon the 9th-level calamity! Even true immortals, I am afraid that I must resist the 9th-level calamity. Heavenly Tribulation!"

Under the thunder, the old ghost of Tianyin grinned wildly, "Hahaha, I'm the only one who is crazy, aren't you crazy! I have to see, are you still crazy before the ninth-level catastrophe!"

"Die to me! Ultimate Heavenly Lian!"

With a bang, everyone just felt that the eardrum would be shattered by the thunder of this life!

That sturdy lightning struck Lu Chen directly!

At this moment, Lu Chen seemed to feel his body and his brain almost breaking down in this huge thunder...

The immense strength directly caused Lu Chen to kneel to the ground, with a hideous face and painful face!

"Hahaha, I’m the only one who’s crazy, you’re going to be crazy again, and you don’t want to kneel down in front of the old man! My old Tianyin ghost is the number one power in the world, and my old Tianyin ghost is capable of dominating mortals. fate!"

"As long as you die, no matter whether you are in the Emperor Tianxian Palace or the Sacred Court of Gods and Demons, I must kill him one by one without leaving it. Your relatives, friends, and I will kill them all!"

"It just so happens that it can be regarded as killing the chicken and the monkey!"

"At that time, I will have to see if we have more help than others, or the strong will respect the world and rule the world!"

Below the ninth level of heavenly tribulation, it is already the strongest heavenly tribulation in the history of the sixth heaven, and it is also the most powerful heavenly tribulation.

This kind of catastrophe originates from the purest elemental power in the universe, and can ignore all element resistance, so resistance and defense have no effect in the catastrophe.

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and resisted the sky thunder fiercely.

Is this the ninth-level catastrophe? It's really strong! It is so hard to support him!

He should have thought long ago that his tribulation, the real tribulation, can never be lower than the nine-level tribulation!

From the beginning of the Second Heaven, he was not allowed to exist by Nine Heavens, he got a lot, but which opportunity was not obtained by him desperately!

People only saw his power against the sky, but no one saw how he came step by step!

During the catastrophe, the scenes of the past suddenly flashed through Lu Chen's mind like a slide.

Lingwu Yaozun: I am the only one who is crazy. I just don't want to be manipulated by fate, so I killed Master and slaughtered Shennong Valley. I was charged with the crime because I didn't want to be another **** again!

King of Wild Monsters: I am the only one who is crazy. If you have the opportunity to stand on the top of the nine days, help me ask those who are aloof, princes and generals, would rather have a kind!

Mu Xuan: Lu Chen, the most precious right of man is the right to choose. Stick to your original choice and never forget your original intention!

Lu Yiyi: Boss, you have to wait for me to come back, I will definitely become a fairy pharmacist, and I will keep walking with you!

Lu Yi: Brother, whether I marry or not, I will always be your sister and I will protect you...

The thunder falling in nine days illuminates the entire Huashan Continent, and even people in other continents can see this exaggerated thunder, which is almost like a star vision!

Amidst the strong light of thunder and lightning, Lu Chen was firmly held on his head by an unimaginable force.

In the nine gods of thunder, he knelt and bowed his head, like a prisoner waiting for trial...

"I'm the only one who is crazy, don't you accept my fate? This is a ninth-level catastrophe, even the strongest race of gods, demons, gods, and Titans, no one can hold it!"

"After all, you and I are both human races. I know what the limits of human beings are. You have reached the limit, but after all, humans are invincible!"

"Because of this, I would rather stay in the sixth heaven."

"Only I am crazy, I don't care how many miracles you have done before, but this time, you can only wait to die. You can't save the Emperor Tianxian Palace, you can't keep the Gods and Demons Sanctuary, and you can't save your relatives and friends!"

"This is your end!"

Tian Xin'er was already in tears, the man who had never given up, knelt in front of the old Tianyin ghost, unable to move.

He is still insisting, but it doesn't make any sense anymore. It is a ninth-level catastrophe, and normal people will be frightened and wiped out in the ninth-level catastrophe!

The old ghost of Tianyin can actually summon the ninth-level tribulation, who else is his opponent in this world?

"Brother Lu Chen... it's all my fault, I shouldn't have called you..." Tian Xin'er cried and said.

On the battlefield, the old Tianyin sneered, "You still don't want to admit defeat, right? Okay, I'll see you off!"

In this case, the old Tianyin ghost even attacked Lu Chen!

At this time, anyone who knew Lu Chen had only heartache except heartache.

They all knew that they couldn't enter the current Tian Lian area at all, and they couldn't save Lu Chen even if they were sent to death!

However, even so, some people can't help it.

"President!" Ye Fan, Xiao Zhan, Chu Tian and others gritted their teeth, and they were about to rush out, Yitian and others hurriedly dragged them.

"Lu Chen!" As soon as Li Wei moved, she was held down.

There was a slight movement in the eyes of the Qingliu. This is the biggest emotional fluctuation that has appeared on the face of the Qingliu in the past two years. "Even if you die, you can't save him."

At this moment, the old Tianyin ghost had already shot.

"Go to death for me, I'm the only one crazy!"

"The Voice of the Outside World·The Curse of the Extinguishing World Sound!" An extremely ferocious spiritual power, like a sharp sword sealed with blood, shot at the kneeling Lu Chen!

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