Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1180: Breaking the Sky

The one who killed Xiao Min was the old ghost of Tianyin, and Lei Ze of Tianyin!

Lu Chen looked up at the sky rolling thunder and lightning, "Heavenly Tribulation! Kill me Xiao Min, you will die for me!"

"God and devil Tianwei!" Lu Chen shouted angrily!

"God Demon Lotus Heart·Heart Demon!"

"God and devil planet!"

A group of people at the scene went directly into a state of weakness... but at this time people didn't have time to care about their attributes.

Because the man on the court... was crazy!

"He, what is he going to do? Use the heart demon in the catastrophe? This is not looking for death!"

"He just said that Heavenly Tribulation is going to die? I, I didn't understand..."

"Is this guy crazy? Isn't he going to deal with the robbery!"

This kind of thing is simply unheard of when dealing with the robbery! Don't say "heard", you can't even think about it!

"Give me to die!" Lu Chen's eyes were about to split, and the God and Demon Promise Sword in his hand seemed to feel the master's shocking anger, and the light was radiant, "Xianshu·Ice Extreme Flame Sword!"

This sword actually hit the sky directly! Not only that, Lu Chen was in the state of a star, and together with the God and Demon Promise Sword, he rushed to the clouds!

Rumble and rumbling... the violent spiritual power tumbling directly caused the entire Huashan Continent to shake violently like a planet collapsed, and even the air was rumbling by this sword!

"Oh my god, he, he really took action on the robbery! Me, me, things I can't even dream of!"

"This is... Xianshu? Such a powerful Xianshu, the power of ice and fire is too terrifying!"

The scattered lightning around, constantly superimposed on the thickest one!

Wan Lei surged, preventing Lu Chen from continuing upward!

However, Lu Chen was so angry that he was unstoppable!

"Give me back, Min!" Lu Chen roared, facing the Heaven Smiting Thunder, his whole body was submerged in the clouds, it was difficult to see his figure!

Just when everyone didn't know how the battle was going, but suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the cloud covering the sky was directly frozen! Then... it exploded directly from inside the ice!

Boom boom boom boom! There were countless explosions in the sky, as if the sky was bombed by people. The entire sky, flooded by fire, spread out thousands of miles!

At this moment, the jade plate of "Tianyin Leize" hanging beside the old ghost of Tianyin suddenly clicked, opening a mouth from the middle!

No matter the old ghost of Tianyin, or the person who noticed the jade plate, his face was pale with fright!

The "Tian Yin Lei Ze", known as the strongest magic weapon of the Six Heavens, broke directly?

"This... this is impossible!" The old Tianyin ghost almost stared out. He can walk to this day, standing at the peak of the strength of the Sixth Heaven, relying on this strongest magic weapon.

And at this moment, the only madness who broke this magic weapon directly?

Does that mean that he really...

Boom! Thousands of dark clouds in the sky were directly broken by Lu Chen's sword!

In the sky, a white-haired man stands in the air like a god!

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

"My God, this guy broke the robbery... he, he has more moves than a sword break the sky?!"

"I think this ice extreme flame explosion sword is the real...a sword broke the sky!"

Tian Xuan couldn't help shaking his head, "At the beginning, he said three years to cross the catastrophe, I thought it was a foolish dream, now it seems that we are the frogs at the bottom of the well!"

"Although Heavenly Refinement is not a real Heavenly Tribulation, but his Heavenly Refinement strength does not lose Heavenly Tribulation, and he can withstand the ninth-level Heavenly Refining Sword Breaking Heaven, then even if he encounters a real ninth-level Heavenly Tribulation, he can easily survive Robbed."

Impermanence said, "People say that the old Tianyin ghost is strong, but the power of the old Tianyin ghost is mostly dependent on the Tianyin Leize, and this guy is a monster from beginning to end! His combat power is simply too great. Horrible!"

The Qingliu could not help but sigh, "I am the only one who is mad, and a sword breaks the sky! This son is really the number one mad god! The number one evildoer! The number one **** of war!"

When the ninth-level tribulation disappeared, Lu Chen at this time could only be described as terror!

In an instant, he was in front of the old Tianyin ghost.

"Die to me! Attack the Void, the ice is extremely hot!"

Upon hearing the name of this skill, the old ghost of Tianyin was almost frightened!

Isn't this exactly the trick he used to break Tianyin Lei Ze! How can it stop? !

Naturally, the old ghost of Tianyin will not be able to catch it, hurriedly use the remnant sound around the beam, Tianyin spirit shield, magic sound flurry and many other defensive skills!

However, this time, these techniques were completely useless in the face of extreme ice explosion.

Spiritual shield, the lingering sound froze instantly around the beam! Then blast directly from the inside! And after getting the sword qi, he directly cut the most half of the old ghost Tianyin's body, together with a small part of the Tianyin Xuanqin, and was split in half!

Not to mention the old ghost of Tianyin, the ground of the entire Huashan Continent was directly cut off by Lu Chen!

Fortunately, those onlookers in the distance had plenty of reaction time and fled frantically to avoid this blow!

After a sword, a huge crack that penetrates hundreds of miles has appeared in the Huashan Continent, like an abyss, without a bottom!

Everyone looked at the mutilated body of Old Ghost Tianyin in shock, and their brains were short-circuited, and they were speechless.

Old Ghost Tianyin looked at his body in horror, then looked at Lu Chen in front of him, and did not relax for a long time...

"Only I am crazy, you, you..."

There was no trace of joy on Lu Chen's face, he just looked up at the ice crystals falling around.

Reaching out, Lu Chen caught an ice crystal, as if it were part of Xiao Min's body.

However, the ice crystal stayed in his hands for a while, but eventually it melted.

"Little Maotuan, this guy, leave it to you." Lu Chen has no intention of punishing the old Tianyin ghost. Anyway, Xiao Maotuan's anger is no less than his own. He just wants to be quiet and quiet now.

A little white mouse ran directly on the shoulder of Old Ghost Tianyin.

The little hairball kept squeaking, Xiaomin was dead, and the little hairball was angry and unstoppable, his eyes showed a cruel look that he had never had before.

It wants to make the old ghost of Tianyin worse than dead!

It started directly from the face of the old Tianyin ghost!

"Yes, it's Swallowing Sky and Killing Rat! Ah! Get out of me! Get out!" Tianyin old ghost screamed, but his body has been cut off, how can he resist the small hair ball.

Lu Chen glanced at Liu Shui and Zi Ye Tianzi in the distance, and was swept by Lu Chen's gaze, both of them instinctively stepped back.

However, Lu Chen didn't do anything, just watched the little hair ball torment the old Tianyin ghost.

This old Tianyin ghost is most afraid of death, but who would have thought that he had been hiding in Tianyin Leize for more than 600 years, but he was still defeated today, and he was tortured by Xiao Maotuan with extremely cruel means to survive, and he could not ask for death!

After five hours of cruel torture, the old Tianyin ghost has become half skeleton, half carrion, and his face is even more bloody.

He was dying, "Only I am crazy, I, I beg you, kill, kill me!" Tianyin old ghost begged.

Lu Chen remained unmoved.

However, without waiting for Lu Chen to take action this time, the old Tianyin ghost finally couldn't hold it, his neck crooked, and he was about to die.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, and a dark fire rose from his hand, directly into the old ghost Tianyin...Although, he has no complete body now.

Lu Chen finally ended the old ghost of Tianyin with the underworld fire, so that he would not be able to go to the underworld, and he was truly dispelled!

Lu Chen recalled Xiao Mao Tuan and glanced at the Magic Academy, his eyes fell on Ye Fan.

"Ye Fan, I'll give you seven days. After seven days, turn off the sound of the sky, and Tu Zitian!" After that, Lu Chen flashed away and disappeared from everyone's sight!

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