"Ye family remnant, as long as your dean doesn't interfere, I will kill you like a chicken!"

Suddenly, Lu Chen said, "Zi Ye, I have promised Ye Fan not to intervene in this matter, so you must have the ability, just use it."

Although Ye Fan has been living above and below the poverty line in recent years, his improvement in strength has always been the fastest among the seniors.

In addition to talents, resources, and opportunities, the most important thing is that Ye Fan still has a big revenge!

His time is more pressing than others! Apart from part-time work, his only thing is to become stronger!

At the beginning, Ye Fan's level was the Great Emperor Xiu Second Star. In a blink of an eye, four years later, Ye Fan has now become the second person in the Divine and Demon Sacred Court, besides Lu Chen, the second person to enter the Human King Realm!

Although Ziye Tianzi is a five-star king of humanity, four stars higher than Ye Fan, but Ye Fan's talent can make up for the four-star gap.

At this point, Lu Chen absolutely believed in Ye Fan!

In addition to poor gambling luck, poor financial luck, and not chasing girls, that guy is the strongest disciple of the Gods and Demons Sanctuary in terms of strength!

Hearing Lu Chen said this, the emperor Zi Ye laughed wildly, "Well, since you say that without a name, even though I know I'm going to die, I'm at least one of them today!"

"Ye Fan, you and I are grudges, you should understand today, go to death!"

For a while, Zi Ye Tianzi and Ye Fan fought fiercely.

"Nameless, I didn't expect Zi Ye Tianzi to be quite strong." Yun Hai said.

On the side, Yitian interjected, "If the Ziye emperor does not have some strength, it is impossible to become the owner of the Zitian Palace!"

"Now that the Zitian Palace has declined, the Emperor Zi Ye is fighting for the last dignity of the Zi Tian Palace in addition to the grievance with Ye Fan."

Mobei, who came with the Sacred Courtyard of Gods and Demons, said, “The Emperor Zi Ye always does whatever he wants, but no matter what, his feelings for Zi Tian Palace are deepened by everyone. You can see that everyone has left Zi Tian Palace, but he does not. escape."

Xiao Zhan stared nervously at the battle on the field.

"Junior Brother Ye Fan also has Ye Tiandi's magic trick? He has never used it before! This Ye Tiandi's method is definitely strong. I used to think it was a mental method. I didn't want to include the skills of all major professions at the same time!"

"Well, every move is very strong. It seems that this guy has never tried his best when competing with us."

Ye Fan and Zi Ye emperor fought fiercely for nearly 30 minutes, and Zi Ye emperor's dignified five-star king was actually overwhelmed by Ye Fan.

He forced Ye Fan back and stared at Ye Fan.

This kid was only at the realm of Emperor Xiu, and within a few years, he has become a strong man in the realm of Kings! The fighting strength is still above him!

He had long known that Ye Fan was a rare genius, so he refused to let Ye Fan go. It seems that he still underestimated Ye Fan's potential!

Didn't kill Ye Fan at the beginning, in a blink of an eye, this guy already has such a terrifying strength!

The most important thing is that there is a more terrifying backing behind him, the Gods and Demons Sanctuary!

An academy full of monsters and monsters from top to bottom...

At this moment, the emperor Zi Ye finally understood that he could no longer defeat the Ye Family's remnant who escaped by chance...

"Purple night dog thief, today, I want to avenge my parents, siblings, and clansmen!" Ye Fan changed from his usual taciturn, gentle and calm appearance, his eyes full of hatred.

"Die to me!"

"Ye Tian Di Jue·Emperor Heart Sword Sword!"

Ye Fan's figure suddenly increased, and his body turned into a stream of light, with sword energy in a vertical and horizontal direction, flashed by in the state of a skill star, piercing the heart of the emperor Ziye!

The ground of the Zitian Hall was directly affected by the aftermath, and the ground blue bricks cracked huge cracks...At the same time, the sword was moved, and Ziye Tianzi had not yet reacted, and a golden light had penetrated his chest!

Ye Fan's voice came from behind.

"This is the Ye Tiandi Secret Art you are trying to get!"

The emperor Ziye's eyes were round, did he not even have a chance to react before this move? !

After a while, the emperor Zi Ye burst out with a big hole in his chest, **** and bloody, he knelt on his knees, his face dull.

Ye Fan walked to the front of Zi Ye Tianzi, his eyes turned, and a sword cut off Zi Ye Tian Zi's head, and at the same time wrapped it with spiritual power to nourish the head and avoid Zi Ye Tian Zi's death!

"You have a head, I want to seal it in the tomb of my Ye Family, and let you confess in front of my Ye Clan forever!" Ye Fan choked.

The Ye Family's grievance was finally reported...


The Purple Heaven Palace was broken, and Lu Chen continued to lead the disciples of the Demon Sacred Court to the Tianyin Pavilion.

The situation in Tianyin Pavilion is even worse.

Inside and outside the Tianyin Temple, people went to the empty space, a mess.

Since Lu Chen said he was going to kill Tianyin Pavilion, none of them would dare to stay here.

The main water of the current Tianyin Pavilion, the master of the eighteen halls, all ran away, leaving only the building complex of Tianyin Pavilion, empty!

"Anonymous, what should I do now, do you want to kill them all?" Yunhai asked.

Lu Chen shook his head, "Tianyin Pavilion really has enemies with me, in fact, only the old Tianyin ghost. Once the old Tianyin ghost died, here is the tree falling down and the hunger scattered, which shows that Tianyin Pavilion is not united."

"As for the others, since they have given up being Tianyin Pavilion people, then I will kill them."

Speaking of it, Lu Chen still remembers Qingying, the master of the Qinglvtang in Tianyin Pavilion, but in fact, she was a pretty good person, and perhaps there are many such people in Tianyin Pavilion.

Since the people in Tianying Pavilion had been abandoned, they would no longer be enemies with Lu Chen, so let them go.

"Lao Hai, Lao Yi." Lu Chen looked at the empty Tianyin Pavilion.

The two replied, "Anonymous, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen said, "The Sacred House of Gods and Demons is now full, and Wunian Mountain can only accommodate 15,000 people. No matter how much it is, it seems crowded.

"The two addresses of Tianyin Pavilion and Zitian Palace are larger than the other fairy pavilions, and they can be used as branches of the Sacred Court of Gods and Demons."

On the two continents where Tianyin Pavilion and Zitian Palace are located, there is no central academy. The colleges and universities rely on these two forces as their heads. In fact, they are equivalent to the headquarters of Tianyin Continent and Zishan Continent.

And Lu Chen directly used these two places as the branches of the Holy House of Gods and Demons...

Mobei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After this, the development of the Gods and Demons Sanctuary can still be achieved? !

When Yunhai and Yitian heard this, their spirits suddenly appeared.

This is a big project. As a result, they have new challenges!

At this moment, Lu Chen took out a token and handed it to Ye Fan, who was still in a daze.

He also looked up at Lu Chen in surprise, "Dean, this is..."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Order from the dean of the Sacred Academy!"

On the spot, everyone looked at Lu Chen in shock.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I have stayed in Sixth Heaven for long enough, Yunhai and Yitian are getting older, and many of the academy's ranking disputes require the dean to take action."

"Just let them help you manage the academy. You go to the hands-on fights!"

"President!" Tears flickered in Ye Fan's eyes.

"Ye Fan, you are already very strong! I also believe that you will become stronger! Moreover, you will also take the Sacred Court of Gods and Demons to a higher height!"

"From now on, Dean's order, hand it to you!" After that, Lu Chen picked up Ye Fan's and said, putting the token in his hand!

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