Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1213: Choked war soul

"The Tyrannical Sword·Sun and Moon Return Together!"

Dang, break the move!

"Come again!"

"Bashen Blade·Guanghua of Heaven and Earth!"

Dang, break the move!

Lu Chen took over the offensive of the god-fighting dragon, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the side of the war soul, and said lightly, "You are too weak, change to a powerful immortal technique, come again!"

The battle soul's eyes were about to split, and he shouted angrily, "You, don't be too arrogant! Do you want immortal law, I will fulfill you! Immortal law and sword ancestor are divided into three realms!"

The immortal technique was truly extraordinary, and at this time the entire trial field was rumbling, already shaken by the surging spiritual power.

But after all, this place is the immortal domain, and the lowest contact is Sanxian. The trial field must be protected by a defensive formation, otherwise it would have been destroyed when the Qihua True Immortal trial was just started.

The soul of the war was swept away, and Lu Chen noticed that the spiritual power contained in his move was actually very mysterious.

Spiritual power is surging, but not accumulating, it should be waiting for the last moment to explode with great power.

Can an attack of this intensity be blocked?

Inverse Shen Yulong's block is different from Shou Xu, Shou Xu is a direct attack, while Inverse Shen Yulong, it is just two or two.

Because of this, as long as the timing is right, Xianshu can also block the countermeasures!

"This trick is a little bit challenging." The corner of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, and there was finally some expression in his eyes.

Sure enough, when the knife came in front of you, the broad-headed blade suddenly burst out of terrifying spiritual power!

"Not bad!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, with a look of excitement.

Just as Lu Chen was about to use the Rebellious Wandering Dragon, suddenly, the big knife was split into three under his nose!

Three big knives, with the power of ten thousand-jun, whizzed out!

Linglong actually had a feeling of rapid heartbeat. She didn't care about Lu Chen's comfort, but that the three realms of this trick did change suddenly.

"A three-dimensional attack is already very terrifying, and it is considered a powerful sword technique in Xianshu. It can actually be used in three styles, which is equivalent to triple the combat power!"

"In actual combat, one sword and three styles should be free to use, but in this trial field, the war spirit sees that the kid always waits until the last minute to make a move, so he deliberately doesn't use this feature in the early stage. Until the last moment, he suddenly starts trouble! "

"I wonder if that kid can still catch it!"

At this moment, Lu Chen yelled in a low voice, "Going against the gods and wandering the dragon!"

"Quick Shadow Spear!" Lu Chen took advantage of the momentum to launch an attack, only to see that his whole body quickly merged with the moves, turned into a star, and pierced the battle spirit!

"The three realms were broken?! That kid can break through any skill of the god-wandering dragon? This!" All the true immortals in the stands had all stood up, watching the scene in shock.

Linglong also stood up, shocked.

"That kid is prepared! He has seen the difference between the three realms!"

"What's even more frightening is that he actually changed the counterattack of the Inverse Dragon to the Speed ​​Shadow Gun!"

Lu Chen's Quick Shadow Gun used "fast" to its extreme. The first shot was already extremely fast, but the battle spirit reacted extremely fast.

He hurriedly used his body skills to try to dodge, "Transfiguration!"

Suddenly, Lu Chen's Speed ​​Shadow Gun was twice as fast as before, almost catching up with the Battle Spirit Body Art.

"Damn it, what kind of marksmanship is this!" The battle soul exclaimed, "Sword Ancestor Qianxing!"

In an instant, the body of the battle soul disappeared, and it turned out to be the body of the body! Speed ​​skyrocketed!

Lu Chen couldn't use the gods and demons star body now. To catch up with the battle spirit, he had to increase his speed again.

Added third and fourth shots!

The speed of the fourth gun rapid shadow gun can't even see the afterimage.

Suddenly, people heard a scream, and then two figures appeared from the rapid movement!

Lu Chen pierced the joint of War Soul's calf with a shot. War Soul stood unsteadily. After falling directly to the ground, Lu Chen rolled over several tens of meters and hit the vines on the edge of the ring before it stopped!

All the true immortals were already stunned.

"My God, that is a rare displacement star, that guy actually directly shot the battle soul out of the displacement star!"

"I've only heard that the speed of the displacement star restrains the skill star. When will the skill star catch up with the displacement star! This, is this still a human!"

Linglong's eyes widened. Since she came to the Seventh Heaven Immortal Territory, this is the first time she shook so much!

"What level of immortal is that kid? It won't be the scattered immortal of the Nine Tribulations! But, even the scattered immortals of the Nine Tribulations, it is impossible to crush the true immortal!"

"His gun, I can't see it!"

At this time, the most broken soul is the battle spirit!

The ancestor Dao was broken into three realms, but he used the displacement star, and he was beaten out abruptly!

This is really hard to beat, and can't run away!

The most terrible thing is that the guy stabbed him with a gun handle just now, which couldn't be more obvious.

That guy didn't intend to abolish himself, and he was afraid he would be injured... This is obviously going to "come again"!

Suddenly, Soul of War felt like he was on the verge of collapse, and he seemed to have caused something terrifying existence that he couldn't get rid of!

Sure enough, the number 101 was walking slowly while shaking his head.

"The fourth shot actually caught up. After all, it was just a consciousness training. After all, it was almost a bit of a meaning. I feel that the speed gun will have to practice again...Hey, are you okay."

Do you still need to practice the Speed ​​Kage Gun?

"You, what are you doing! You have already won, I warn you, you, don't come over!" The spirit of war wanted to hide behind, but it was a pity that he had reached the edge of the ring.

"Why are you so afraid of me? I won't hurt you! Hey, the displacement star you just now exceeded my expectations. It's pretty good!" Lu Chen looked surprised. This was the first time he encountered pure displacement skills. The star is really fast!

After being praised by Lu Chen, War Soul was not happy at all.

"Come here, I will help you up."

"do not come!"

"Don't be so unfamiliar, didn't you want to kill me? How could you give up so quickly? How did you become immortal?"

"I, I..." Lu Chen was forcibly convinced by Lu Chen with a dazed expression on his face. Now he looked at Lu Chen with only horror in his eyes.

What a monster this is!

"I just tightened up, you should be fine, let's practice again! Do you have even more powerful magic?"


"Oh, you know, you know, you are afraid that your strength will be shown. In the future, your master Xianzhan will suffer, right? It's okay. Then the sword ancestor is divided into three realms, plus the sword ancestor Qianxing's star body, we practice more several times."

The battle spirit was forced to attack again...

Twenty hours later, the lower limbs of the battle spirit were a little weak, and the knife was no longer needed. He said that he couldn't lift it. Lu Chen allowed him not to use the knife, but just gestures.

But there is also a requirement, the sword ancestor Qianxing must do his best!

"We've been practicing for a day...I, I can't practice..." The battle spirit looked aggrieved at Lu Chen, this guy didn't seem to have the intention to stop, it was terrifying.

"Has it been for a day?" Lu Chen had forgotten to practice for so long. Anyway, his attacks did not really explode, and his spiritual power was hardly consumed. 80 million spiritual power was enough for him to practice for decades.

He was really tired, but maybe he was too focused, he didn't feel anything himself.

"I don't ask for spiritual power to be injected into the three realms of Ancestor Dao!"

"But I'm tired!"

"Can't you overcome it when you are tired?"

"I, I don't want to overcome..." The battle soul was sobbed that he almost burst into tears. He was a true celestial battle soul who was so humiliated for more than 20 hours...

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