Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1217: Difficult opponent

"Are you ready?" The woman smiled charmingly at Lu Chen, "I am coming."

Suddenly, the woman shot directly!

Lu Chen couldn't be more familiar with this trick! It is the first type of his smashing gun, the speed gun!

The speed of the woman's first shot was indeed not slower than Lu Chen's. The whole person entered the state of a skill star and shot towards Lu Chen.

During the attack, she added three additional shots in a row, which had reached the strength of the four-speed shadow gun.

This speed cannot be captured by the naked eye. If it cannot capture the opponent's figure, it cannot be blocked by the anonymous dragon.

"The gods and demons pass through the third eye!" Lu Chen immediately opened his third eye.

"Reverse God Wandering Dragon!"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a ring of spiritual energy swayed away in the field, hitting the defensive array with a loud bang!

Immediately afterwards, two people in the field were simultaneously shaken away!

Lu Chen was directly repelled, and his whole body hit the edge of the vine like a cannonball. The huge impact made him vomit several mouthfuls of blood.

On the other hand, the woman only took two steps back and stabilized her figure, but she didn't mean to take advantage of the victory and looked at Lu Chen who was vomiting blood with interest.

"You can actually catch the four additional quick shadow guns! It seems that I still underestimate you."

Lu Chen finally eased his breath and looked up at the woman.

He didn't completely open the speed shadow gun's attack just now, causing himself to be severely injured.

It's not that the second form is not as strong as the first form, but he didn't grasp the best shot time.

"Grandma's, my own skills can't stop it! Too bad!" Lu Chen shook his head.

Just finished speaking, Lu Chen suddenly appeared violently, and he had already used his speed gun!

"I can't stop it, I don't believe you can stop it! Speed ​​shadow gun!"

This time, Lu Chen directly added the Speed ​​Shadow Gun to six shots, and its speed and power increased several times.

In an instant, the speed shadow gun had been killed, a shot directly pierced the woman's heart, huge spiritual power exploded in her body, and the woman was suddenly blown to pieces?

After Lu Chen landed, he was a little weird.

Is it over so soon?

However, Lu Chen suddenly heard a few laughs behind him, "The ultimate speed realized by your Void Destroyer Spear is indeed very strong, and to be honest, I can only add four shots, but you can. At six shots, this surprised me very much."

"You can't stop the four-gun speed shadow gun yourself. If you have six guns, I definitely can't stop it. If you can't stop it, then I won't stop it."

Lu Chen turned around abruptly, and suddenly saw countless thin branches protruding from the ground, reshaping the form of that woman again.

"You...you are still alive!" Lu Chen said in shock.

The woman covered her mouth and smiled, "Of course I am alive, oh, I forgot to tell you here, even if my strength is limited to a very low level, you still can't kill me."

"I am everything here, and vice versa, everything here is me!"

Lu Chen's eyes were round, "You, you are shameless!"

The woman shook her hand gracefully, "Little cute, then you have wronged others. I didn't use the power of the Hong Mongol tree. I also learned this skill. Others can have this skill, why can't I have it?"

Lu Chen was speechless for a while, this guy could learn the skills that others had already understood when he used others to break through the tower.

I don’t know how many years this place has existed, and how many people have learned skills here. The skills she has mastered are really countless!

The woman looked at Lu Chen and smiled slightly, "Don't you like to practice more? Then I will play with you more to see how many skills you can block, whether you can really rebel!"

"Xianshu·Heaven and Earth!"

Countless vines stretched out from under Lu Chen's feet, madly grabbing Lu Chen.

Now that this woman has mastered the dragon, she naturally knows the weakness of this trick.

Against a powerful single-stroke attack on the main body, the Dragon's effect is wonderful, but for a large number of attacks, although it can block several attacks, the role of the Dragon is severely weakened.

What's more, what Lu Chen is facing now is the siege of the immortal vines, and the use of anti-sense wandering dragons on these immortal vines obviously does not pay off.

Lu Chen quickly figured out this, and hurriedly used the void to dodge.

However, those vines seemed to have eyes, chasing Lu Chen frantically.

Its chasing method is different from Lu Chen's previous wood spells. It is not that the vines stretch to chase Lu Chen, but the new vines are stretched out at a very fast speed from the original vines...

As a result, even if Lu Chen avoided the attack temporarily, there was less and less room for movement.

In the entire ring, vines instantly filled most of the space, and they were still chasing Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's eyes are round, and sooner or later he will be caught if he runs like this, and he must cut off the source as soon as possible.

The source is the woman...huh? The woman didn't know when, but she was gone!

It seems to be integrated with those vines! After all, this kind of thing is easy for her.

At this moment, Lu Chen used his aura to get into the slightest, and he noticed that the roots of a vine gathered spiritual power!

"Found it!" After that, Lu Chen shot the target with a quick shadow gun.

There was a loud bang, and the roots of the vines burst... However, there was nothing unusual there. On the contrary, Lu Chen's desperate effort made him into a desperate situation!

"It's not good, I've got it!" Lu Chen was sinking into a lot of vines, and just about to get out of the way, his ankle was suddenly entangled by a small vine.

Lu Chen tried to jump a section of the vine with a sharp edge on the side of the spear head, but the goddess spear did not cut the vine with the thickness of a thumb.

The woman's voice sounded again, "Little cute, if your Destroyer Spear is in full form, you might have a chance to cut off my vines. It's a pity... it's not a magical weapon, don't even think about cutting off these fairy vines!"

Lu Chen wanted to use the Promise Sword to cut the vines, but at the critical moment he held back.

He can use auxiliary skills, but he can't use other offensive skills other than the Gunslinger!

No matter whether it is a speed gun or a dragon, there is no good way to cut the vines! Perhaps because of this, the woman deliberately chose this trick.

The vines on the ankles quickly climbed up to Lu Chen's calves, and quickly drained the spiritual power in Lu Chen's calves. If he did not break free, Lu Chen would definitely be submerged by these vines.

The woman said nicely and said ambiguously that she wanted to keep herself, but Lu Chen hadn't been naive yet, thinking that there would be something good to stay.

***, is to be sucked dry by these vines!

As the saying goes, knowing that you know that the enemy is not dead in a hundred battles, the woman directly mastered the first two styles of the Desperate Spear, and she was in control of Lu Chen's weakness!

Damn, it's dying, what rules and irregularities do you want? At this time, Lu Chen really wanted to use the Promise Sword.

At this moment, the woman's voice sounded again, "Do you want to use your other weapon? But, then you will lose? If you are not behaved, then people will not like you, when you The rewards are gone, and people will no longer abide by the agreement to limit their own strength."

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