Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1223: The Dark Army

Past experience tells Lu Chen that when telling the truth, he is often treated as a neurosis, just like this time.

Fortunately, the two of them were just looking for an exit, and Linglong didn't delve into it after all.

Riding on the ice phoenix, the two crossed four or five lines of defense. Finally, in front of a complete city wall in front, a huge black beast was launching a fierce attack on the city wall.

At the same time, countless small black spots on the city wall were desperately defending.

What surprised Lu Chen was that these humans used elemental arrows and some low-level spell attacks.

Overwhelming flames, ice, arcane arrows or fireballs, ice **** and other elemental spells shot toward the beasts.

However, when these lizard-shaped behemoths are attacked, their bodies will emit light shields, which seem to be some kind of spiritual shields.

"The elemental resistance of these beasts seems to be very high, and the elemental attacks of those people need to hit multiple times to be effective." Linglong said.

At this moment, tens of thousands of warriors in iron armor descended from the city wall, holding weapons, smashing into the massive monsters, and fighting with the beasts with cold weapons.

However, their number was too small, and their melee strength was not very strong, and they were eventually overwhelmed by the rapid monster army.

Linglong frowned, "What are they going out for? Those people seem to be not good at fighting at all, and after they rushed out, they were out of order and did not form a battle. Instead, they rushed out one by one, obviously to die."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. Those warriors were slow, even inferior to the archers on the walls and the Elemental Mage, but they wanted to charge and fall into the battle, which was incomprehensible.

But at this moment, a series of implosion occurred on the ground.

Just in the area where the warriors rushed out, a series of violent explosions directly blasted those monsters to pieces.

"It's... a human bomb!" Lu Chen's eyes widened. Those people were dead men. They didn't want to kill monsters in close combat at all, but used their bodies as bombs to block the monster army!

Unfortunately, the scope of these tens of thousands of human flesh bombs is also limited, and the monster army is still attacking frantically.

Judging from the ferocious expressions of those human beings, they are likely to be unable to hold on this time.

Several mounts flew past in the surrounding sky, and it seemed that other immortals also passed by here.

Behind the city wall, a large number of women, children and children saw huge beasts flying by in the sky. They knelt on the ground and prayed to heaven.

"It's the fairy! The fairy save us!"

"Quick, kid, get down on your knees with grandma! Please God, save us, even if my old lady is a human bomb, it doesn't matter, just let my grandson live!"

"So many immortals, are they here to save us? Are not the immortals who kill demons and exorcise demons? I beg you to save us..."

Lu Chen watched this scene with mixed feelings in his heart.

When people on earth encounter natural disasters, they are probably no different from them.

Here is still a world with a certain martial arts foundation, and the martial arts of the earth people have just started...

Unfortunately, all the immortals just passed by here, and no one stayed.

"Let's go, they can't hold this line of defense, there should be a line of defense ahead." Ling Long said indifferently.

Lu Chen's grim voice came from behind, "The fairy? Unfortunately, the fairy won't help you!"

Linglong looked back at Lu Chen in surprise, "You won't want to help them? Don't underestimate these monsters. The terrible explosion just now didn't kill them all, so they are not easy to deal with. Besides, you are not in a hurry. Time?"

Lu Chen sighed, "Unfortunately, I can't pretend not to see it."

After all, Lu Chen leaped directly from Han Bingfeng's back.

"Hey! Are you crazy!" Ling Long cursed fiercely, but it was too late and the guy had already gone.

Looking at the smaller and smaller figure, Linglong gritted his teeth and patted Han Bingfeng, "We don't care about him, let's go!"

The local people watched as huge horses flew over their heads, and many people cried bitterly.

"Fairy, why do you refuse to take action! Why don't you save the common people far away!"

"Does immortals really have no emotions?"

At this moment, people saw a small black spot falling from a high altitude, directly on the city wall.

The commander-in-chief of the eighth line of defense Zhu Jin watched this man fall in front of him, and was shocked and speechless.

Lu Chen glanced at Zhu Jin. This guy's clothes were different from the others, he should be tall.

"Xian, fairy..." The soldiers around looked at Lu Chen in horror.

Lu Chen walked quickly to Zhu Jin, "Who is your conductor here?"

"Xian, Xianren, I, I am..." Zhu Jin stammered.

Lu Chen nodded, "I am not a fairy, I am just a mortal, I ask you, what are these monsters?"

"We don't know, but our world suddenly appeared after being sacrificed for nine days. The strength is very terrifying."

Lu Chen glanced at the dark army of monsters under the wall. From here, he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Lu Chen thought for a while, took a bow and arrow from a soldier, bent the bow to shoot...

The fairy is going to make a move? Everyone around was watching Lu Chen's bow and arrow.

Full of strings!

Everyone's nerves have collapsed to fullness!

Pop, the bowstring is broken...

A group of people almost vomited blood.

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed. The bow and arrow were too weak to withstand his pull.

"Any stronger bow and arrow?"

Zhu Jin hesitated for a moment, this guy suddenly appeared and said nothing. He didn't even introduce himself, so he came to ask for bows and arrows... But it is urgent now in wartime, and they probably won't last long.

"This sunset cold star bow is the strongest bow of our five stars." Zhu Jin took off his bow and arrow directly from his side. "It's just that no one other than the God of War can fill it up, and I can only play 10% of it. power."

Lu Chen took the longbow and the bow and arrows, four fingers clamped three bows and arrows, without saying a word, he pulled it full.

Whoosh whoosh! Three cold star arrows shot out like lightning, hitting the three largest monsters.

When the cold star arrow touched the flash of the monster's spirit shield, the spiritual power in the spirit shield ran wildly, and after resisting for a full second, the cold star arrow penetrated the spirit shield.

Boom boom boom, the huge body was directly penetrated by spiritual arrows and exploded, detonating a large area!

On the entire city wall, many soldiers were shocked.

"Yes, who is it? Three Arrows killed three Dark Lords?!"

"My God, even the Qitian God of War needs fifty arrows to break through the spiritual chaos of a Dark Lord. As a result, Three Arrows directly killed three Dark Lords! Who is it!"

The soldiers next to Lu Chen were already shocked to speak, and Zhu Jin looked at Lu Chen even more like a monster.

Just say that you are not a fairy? is that a lie!

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "They can actually have such a strong spirit shield for almost a second?"

Zhu Jin didn't know how to answer this question.

Block the next second... called strong?

"Brother Zhu Jin, you call the three that I killed the Dark Lord, is there anything stronger than this?"

Zhu Jin only felt that his calf was soft, and he was caught off guard by this old brother's call.

"I, that, brother dare not be, you still call me Xiaojin, the Dark Lord is the more advanced among them, we have traced the situation of the monster's lair, there is a huge dark **** in the monster, and all the dark kings want it. At its orders, the spirit shields of these monsters are provided by it, but it has never made any shots by itself, it just sends endless black demon and black demon to constantly rush our line of defense."

Lu Chen nodded, "As long as you kill the Black Demon God, you should be able to deal with these Black Demon."

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