Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1231: Get rid of her

With this face, Linglong was stunned into the Ling family, something that Lu Chen couldn't imagine.

If it were him, he would probably be stopped outside every minute.

The leading disciple glanced at Linglong and looked down, and was too afraid to speak when he was threatened by Linglong's "eye-digging".

It was the first time Lu Chen had seen fish in troubled waters and was so confident.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to..." Linglong glared at Lu Chen who was looking at him, and Lu Chen hurriedly waved his hand, "Don't don't, we've been walking together for several days, I don't want to be dug by you. eye."

"But why can you be so arrogant without an invitation? They didn't invite you."

"My dignified immortal came to their Ling family to give them face, why should they cringe?" Ling Long said coldly, "Besides, the more guilty you are, the more doubtful people are. It's better to be stronger and let those disciples do it. Unclear situation."

Lu Chen clasped his fists, "I admire it!"

"Less greasy mouth and tongue!" Linglong is still the cold-blooded one, "Let's go, if this Ling family is a big family, you should know about exports. In this world, we need to find more outlets."

Lu Chen nodded and followed Linglong into Ling's house along the crowd.

In terms of the size of the Ling's family and the number of visitors, the backing of the Ling's family should not be small.

Lu Chen and a group of guests came to the VIP area, and a middle-aged burly man walked onto the ring and held his fists to everyone.

"Under Lingyun, thank you friends for coming all the way. Today is my Ling family's three-year disciple test. Although the black demons are rampant and the people are not living, the eighteen kingdoms of Kyushu are in dire straits, and the top ten immortals have fallen to seven people. , The various martial arts masters have suffered countless losses... However, the more so, the more we must not give up the training of new people!"

"Thirty years, my Dust Fate Star has not been captured, and after 30 years, my Dust Fate Star will never fall!"

"My immortal cultivator is immortal and boundless!"

Linglong whispered to Lu Chen, "It's not easy for this world to last thirty years."

Lu Chen asked in a low voice, "Ten true immortals, what level is this in the fight for the Seventh Heaven Coordinate?"

Linglong shook his head, "Weak."

"A world with ten true immortals is not strong? Isn't it difficult to produce true immortals?"

Linglong looked at the scumbag and said, "Do you know the nine-day law of the strong?"

"Huh? What law?"

Linglong was not surprised at Lu Chen's confused face, "The law of the strong is that the strong the stronger! The weaker the weaker!"

"The same is true in all worlds. You have to know that if one true immortal is born, two may be born, and two may be four!"

"The number of true immortals in those powerful worlds is beyond your imagination. On the contrary, for some weak worlds, it is possible that even a true immortal will not come out!"

"The level of martial arts in this world should be at a low level in Chaowu. The number of coordinates is around 120. The protection time is not too short. As a result, there are only ten true immortals."

"There are too few immortal kings and immortals too weak, you think about it, there are only ten true immortals guarding the 120 coordinates, how long can it be held."

Lu Chen's brows were tightly furrowed, and she couldn't get into the eyes of a real fairy. So, the earth has been "streaking" for the past fifty years...

Perhaps because of this consideration, my father put all the bets on himself.

Ling Yun's speech aroused the enthusiasm of countless people at the scene, and there was a round of applause.

Taking advantage of the warm atmosphere, the Ling family disciple's test finally began.

"Teacher three-star!" The young man who was the first test directly measured the realm of the master, and everyone was better for a while.

However, with the exception of the seven or eight disciples who had a good start, the other disciples were all monks, and it seemed that the order of testing was also intentional by the Ling family.

Lu Chen didn't come to see the test, and took Linglong directly to the Ling Family Patriarch.

Ling Yun looked at the achievements of the disciples in the clan, but there was no relief on his face.

"Hey, if Liao'er was placed fifty years ago and had hope of entering nine days of cultivation, it would definitely be a beautiful jade, but now..."

On the side, a glamorous woman said lightly, "Patriarch Lingyun, and my Su family is the same. Looking at the children with good aptitude, I can't bear to tell them about their current plight."

"The cultivator may not even be sure of winning one-on-one with the Black Demon, but if Hei Jue Shen does not die, the Black Demon Army will never end!"

Ling Yun sighed, "In the first battle with Hei Jue Shen, seven of the ten Great Xianwu Emperors fell, hey..."

The Ten Great Xianwu Emperors did not jointly kill Hei Jue Shen, let alone there are only three of them now! The future destiny of Chenyuan Star is almost impossible to change.

At this moment, two strangers, a man and a woman, squeezed through the crowd and came to Ling Yun.

Lu Chen held his fist to Ling Yun and said, "Patriarch Ling Yun, there is no name in the next."

After that, Lu Chen quietly pulled Linglong, who looked impatient, and hurriedly clasped his fists reluctantly, "Linglong." After saying hello, he looked away.

Ling Yun looked at the two of them in surprise, and gave Lu Chen a fist, "They are?"

"We are from the Nine Heavens."

Ling Yun, Su Zi, including some other Patriarchs around him, looked at Lu Chen in shock.

Lu Chen continued, "That's right, we strayed into Dust Fate Star. May I ask Patriarch Ling, do you know the location of the exit of Dust Fate Star?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Into the Dust Fate Star by mistake? The Dust Fate Star Teleportation Array has been closed for thirty years, where did you come from?" Ling Yun was shocked.

Facts have proved that for people who do not know the situation at all, it is not necessary to explain it at all, but for people who do not know the situation, it is more difficult to explain.

Ling Yun probably thought that they had come to Chenyuan Star by returning to the real world in nine days.

Lu Chen said, "We didn't come from the portal, we came from the seventh heaven, we strayed into the maze of ten thousand realms, and then we came to Dust Fate Star."

"Seventh Heaven... The Maze of Ten Thousand Realms!" Ling Yun actually knew the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms.

"This little friend, are you a fairy or a real fairy?" Su Zi became excited immediately.

Faced with this problem, Lu Chen planned to perfuse it. Who knows that Linglong, who has not said a word, hasn't spoken or talked a long time ago, but now speaks, "He is not a fairy! If you don't believe it, let him show you the badge."

After speaking, he deliberately looked at Lu Chen provocatively, which meant to say, don’t you have more options? What do I think you do this time?

Lu Chen has a black line, is this teammate definitely here to escape the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms with him?

Ling Yun and the others were even more confused. They said it was from the Seventh Heaven, but the result was not a fairy? This is not logical!

"This little friend, this kind of joke is not casual." Ling Yun said solemnly, "If you really come from the seventh heaven, can you get rid of the badge mist?"

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, sighed, and said, "I'm not joking, it's true."

"Little brother, there is not much time left in Chen Yuanxing. If you are looking for fun with this matter, I don't think it is appropriate for you to do so." Ling Yun's expression has become stern, obviously he doesn't believe what Lu Chen said.

"Yes, if you really come from the seventh heaven, then you must be immortals. As long as you show your badge, we can believe in the scattered immortals, but if you are not even the scattered immortals, how do you make us believe that you are from the seventh heaven?" Su Zi Ye looked at Lu Chen seriously.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and looked at Linglong, "Hey, what are you doing! Do you still want to go back!"

Linglong looked like a dead skinny face, and she lost the image of a fairy. There was no other person in her eyes.

"Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I want to see your true strength, can't I?"

"Don't you like to help people? Ten true immortals can't kill the Hei Jue God, if you can kill, I will listen to you in the future!"

Lu Chen stared at Linglong fiercely. Originally, he thought that Linglong had helped him a lot and treated her as a three-point courtesy. As a result, this woman actually yelled at him at the critical moment!

Sure enough, true immortals are machines with no emotions!

She must be cured!

"Okay! You said, I just need to kill the Hei Jue God, if I let you go east, you go east, if I let you go west, you go west!"

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