Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1234: The difference between immortal and immortal

Now Lu Chen had to take over this task.

For Chenyuan Star, this may be their last chance, and Tian Rui and the others dare not neglect.

They asked Lu Chen to wait one more day to give them time to prepare.

The three great emperors of Tian Rui issued an order of the Emperor of Heaven, requesting that the powerhouses above the level of Chenyuan Star Master, the remaining 26 scattered immortals, all rushed to the lair of Hei Jue God.

Early the next morning, Lu Chen and Linglong set off with the Ling family.

In order to prevent other people from being unable to fly, the two travelled in the Frost Phoenix.

There are people flying with swords everywhere in the sky, and there are also many riding treasure mounts. These people should have picked up some low-level mounts from nine days before Chenyuan Star was sacrificed.

"There are a lot of people," Linglong said, "Do you really have the confidence to kill the Hei Jue God?"

Lu Chen glanced at the woman, "You know Hei Jue Shen?"

"Who knows, each world has a different name, but the ten great immortals joined forces to fight against the seven killed. The strength of that guy is absolutely terrifying."

With that, Linglong gave Lu Chen a teleportation charm, "If you can't beat it, use this to get out."

Lu Chen looked at Linglong in surprise, "You actually care about my life and death? Aren't you immortals all without feelings?"

Linglong's expression changed slightly, and she seemed to be a little frustrated. After a while, she slowly said, "My family is called the Nine Days No. 1 Tantric Sect. Our ancestors have collected nine days of information for generations, from wild monsters, bosses, equipment, to hidden dungeons, missions. , Battle pets, exercises, and suits almost know everything."

Lu Chen didn't understand why Linglong would say this, but he didn't interrupt, just listened carefully.

"And crossing the catastrophe, as the first qualitative change process in the nine days, our research is naturally the most."

"Through thousands of years of research, we have summarized a complete set of theoretical systems, under what strength conditions will summon the ninth-level catastrophe, and at what level must the physical body reach the ninth-level catastrophe.

"In addition to the strength of the physical body, there is an equally important point, that is, Dao Xin!"

"And our family has a set of cultivation methods to help the robbers cut off the feelings of the dust."

Lu Chen frowned, "Is there any other way? Wait, isn't it the Bing Xin Secret Art you practiced before?"

Linglong nodded, "Yes."

Lu Chen frowned, "No wonder I feel that you are a bit different from other true immortals...Of course, the difference is only a little bit. You are a little bit more enthusiastic than them. It turns out that you haven't really cut off the feelings of Chen Yuan."

"You... why are you telling me this?" Lu Chen suddenly looked at Linglong alertly. This woman had to guard against it. She seemed to have been thinking of confessing herself!

Linglong smiled helplessly, "I want to tell you this. In fact, some things are not something we can decide. Even those true immortals have some mortal hearts in their hearts. Look at that day, they will return Is your world different from other true immortals?"

"Some immortals are numb in order to become strong, and some immortals have to choose to become numb... Not everyone has the courage to go on the road against the sky!"

Lu Chen squinted slightly, this woman can say such things, it doesn't feel like her style.

But having said that, Linglong's words also make sense. Immortals and immortals may be different.

This time chatting, Lu Chen saw a slightly different Linglong.

After a while, Linglong's face stood up again, "Forget it, your life and death will take care of me anyway. Anyway, you remembered our previous betting appointment. Once you use the teleportation symbol, it is equivalent to my rescue. If you succeed, you must recognize the Lord!"

After all, Ling Long went to practice Bing Xin Jue.

Lu Chen's eyes widened, good fellow, this woman is changing her face too fast.

A few hours later, they followed the large group to the sky over a black mist belt.

At this moment, the sky was full of darkness, these were all immortal cultivators coming from everywhere.

On the ground below, a long and narrow area formed by black fog, looking down, looks like a **** river, but because of the dense black fog, it is impossible to see the lake.

Lu Chen could see that from the thick fog, a large number of black shadows rushed out of the thick fog and quickly surged in all directions.

These creatures that crawled out were pitch black, shaped like apes, were far beyond ordinary people, moved agile, used their limbs together, and were huge in number, and they burrowed out of the dense fog endlessly.

Not far away, with a crane on its back, Tian Rui asked Lu Chen to go over.

Lu Chen jumped on the back of the crane and found that the three true immortals were all here.

"Anonymous, it used to be called Xianchen River. Although there are monsters living in it, it has been suppressed by the cultivators so that they dare not leave the Xianchen River. It is barely peaceful."

"Later Chenyuan Star was sacrificed, and the river changed. The river surface was filled with black mist, and these monsters like apes were released crazily."

"The strength of ordinary black apes is not too high. It is about the five-star level of the cultivator, but they have very powerful shields, and there are also some powerful black apes. The strength may reach the emperor, or even the emperor. Realm! Our immortal cultivators are retreating steadily, even though there are ten true immortals waiting for me, they are still retreating."

"The most important thing is that there is still a Hei Jue God who lives here. The strength is extremely powerful. I suspect that it may have reached the strength of the Seven Star True Immortals. My ten true immortals joined forces and still failed miserably."

Lu Chen nodded, "Those spirit shields should have been provided by the Hei Jue God. As long as the Hei Jue God is killed, with the strength of your world, it should be enough to destroy them."

"Have you collected all the information about me?"

"Please don't worry about this. Our Chenyuan Star has long recorded export records, and we won't miss one." Tian Rui said.

"Well, I'm going down." After that, Lu Chen jumped directly from the sky!

Tian Rui's exclamation came from behind, "Anonymous, you, are you going down alone? What about us?"

It seems that they gathered so many people, they should be trying to help Lu Chen deal with the black apes.

"Don't come down, or you will be injured by mistake!" Lu Chen hurriedly shouted.

If these major repairers come down, it will only affect the speed of the little beasts and their monsters, and they must be warned.

The wind whistling in his ears, Lu Chen didn't know why, and the last result given by Tian Yanshi sounded.

The road against the sky cannot be deduced!

"Don't you know the answer?"

"Well, the test stone doesn't give me results, I can only find answers in Hei Jue Shen!"

A long spear appeared beside Lu Chen. Lu Chen grabbed the Void Destroyer Spear and yelled, "The symbiosis of gods and demons! Dragon **** form!"

Suddenly, Lu Chen turned into a white-haired golden armored war god, like a meteor, falling from the sky with sparks!

"Gun Road·Broken Star!" With a boom, Lu Chen shot directly at the surface of the Qianli Xianchen River!

The surface of the river was suddenly divided into two, and the water was surging, and a huge wave of tens of meters was set off, directly Lu Chenjiang riverbed!

"Hei Jue God, come out to me!"

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