Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1239: Zombie world

"Unexpectedly, our Chenyuan Star has also become part of the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms..." Tian Rui sighed, then looked at Lu Chen.

"The three of me have been unable to enter the Seventh Heaven, and the ones that should be withdrawn have already been withdrawn. Naturally, no spiritual film is needed. Please don't dislike it, Mr.

Lu Chen blinked, disgusted? How could he dislike it.

He was also very welcome, and directly accepted the spiritual film, "Thank you."

"Mr. Wuming, since you are short on time, we can't stay more of Mr., but if Mr. still has the opportunity to come to Dust Fate Star in the future, we are doing the friendship of the landlord!"

"Oh, Carriage, what are you saying, can you still hope that Mr. Wuming and Girl Linglong will enter the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms again?"

Carrier smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, I said the wrong thing, but since I became a fairy, it has been a long time since I had this feeling of saying goodbye to my friends."

Lu Chen smiled slightly. It didn't seem to be a bad thing to be a god. At least these three people were much cuter than the true gods in Seventh Heaven.

Lu Chen hasn't fully recovered yet, but now he has to leave Chenyuan Star.

Sitting on the ice phoenix, Linglong told Lu Chen several export messages he had surveyed.

"There are a total of seven exits. I am more inclined to take the exit of Crescent Valley. Only this one has greater fluctuations in spiritual power. I think *** is the world of Shenwu!"

Lu Chen's eyes were full of suspicion, "So sure? Didn't you choose a technological world last time?"

"It's impossible for us to recite like this all the time, believe me, this is not Shenwu but also Superwu!"

Lu Chen thought for a while, anyway, which exit to choose, the final result is unknown, so just listen to Linglong.

"Yes, you are a master, listen to you, let's go."

"Wait!" Linglong said suddenly, "You should recover before you go!"


"If it is the world of Shenwu, then you have to be careful. The skinny camel is bigger than a horse. We are not in a good state. Let's adjust it before going." Linglong took out a pill and delivered it to Lu Chen. .

"This is a panacea that can quickly replenish spiritual power."

Lu Chen took the pill and looked at Linglong carefully, "Hey, how do I feel that you are different from before? You saved those cultivators before?"

"Don't you still think about letting me recognize the Lord..."

Linglong glared at Lu Chen, and said angrily, "No! You are wrong! Do you like pill or not, give me back if you don't eat it!"

Lu Chen hurriedly stuffed the pill into his mouth, "Who said I won't take it anymore!"

After the pill was lowered, Linglong glared at Lu Chen, "Hurry up and absorb the power of the pill. This pill is too powerful, and I didn't dare to use it when you were unconscious."

Lu Chen did feel the heat in his lower abdomen getting hotter and hurried to practice cross-legged.

After a few hours, the two recovered almost and entered the Crescent Valley exit at the same time.

As soon as Lu Chen opened his eyes, he found a hideous humanoid monster, panting for human service, making a low and hoarse cry, and biting at him with his big, corrupt mouth.

"I'm going! Zombie?!" Lu Chen opened his eyes wide and kicked.

Linglong's sword energy over there killed a large number of zombies.

The two had a chance to catch their breath.

This world is another technological world!

Lu Chen turned his head and shook his head at Linglong, "Didn't you say that this world is not a magical weapon or a super weapon? Good guy, it's another technological world, and there are zombies!"

Linglong's face was blue and white, "I, how did I know it would be so unlucky to follow you! This thing is disgusting!"

Lu Chen shook his head, "Has the teleportation talisman been positioned? I think we should return to Chen Yuanxing and change the exit."

"That, I didn't record... The other six outlets of Dust Fate Star almost didn't respond. I thought that this outlet should be the world of high martial arts, who knows..."

Lu Chen was shocked on the spot, "Big sister, you, why are you so confident? Wouldn't it be great if the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms could find its way only by exporting spiritual power fluctuations?"

"You are the eldest sister! I am the fairy lord! Why are you angry at me? The world of technology is not dangerous for us. Is it not easy to find an outlet?"

"In such a big place, don't you ask the locals where to find an exit?"

"There are always living people!" Linglong whispered.

Lu Chen shook his head, "Assi, all right, in the future, you should listen to me as a student."

"I am the Immortal Lord, why should I listen to a mortal?"

"You forgot to say when you made a bet, as long as I kill the black god, you will listen to me in the future?"

"This...you, didn't you forget?"

Lu Chen said angrily, "Before I saw that you were saving people, setting up a formation, and giving me a pill. I wanted to forget, who knew you were so stupid! Come on, I don’t want you either. Always listen to me, anyway, follow me in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms!"

"Don’t save the teleportation talisman to use it when it’s critical. Even if there is a mark in Shenwu World, we can’t determine which exit it is. Of course, we have to save it for use at that time! Just follow it, what is the cruel! I...huh!"

Lu Chen shook his head. Perhaps this is the terrifying part of the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms. You can never be sure what the next world will be!

The Maze of Ten Thousand Realms, this is a maze that can trap immortals!

Thinking that he was really a little excited just now, Lu Chen sighed, "I'm not bad at you. Let's find the exit of this world first. I'm running out of time."

Linglong was still angry at first, but when Lu Chen said this, her heart was slightly balanced.

Time is running out, this is what Wuming said the most during this time, and he must be anxious in his heart.


Abandoned streets, broken down vehicles, wandering zombies, here is like the world of zombies in science fiction movies.

The speed and power of these zombies are far beyond ordinary people, but after all, they can't be compared with Lu Chen and Linglong, they still can't threaten Lu Chen two.

In front of a store, Lu Chen found a few discarded newspapers.

[The Kuroshio is coming, and the human genetic modification project was forced to start ahead of schedule. Only genetic modification can resist the Kuroshio! 】

[It is rumored that genetic medicine has caused a major change in the user's personality and an unknown mutation in the body. 】

[Professor Xu answered reporters' questions about human genetic modification drugs. 】

【Weapons of mass destruction developed by the military, with ion shields that have been proven unable to destroy the Kuroshio creatures, the military has not yet promised not to use nuclear weapons. 】

Lu Chen frowned, "It seems that these zombies may be caused by some genetic modification drug."

"Unexpectedly, the Black Tide did not destroy the White Wave Star, on the contrary, it was the genetic medicine that caused the extinction of the human race." Lu Chen sighed, "For this low-strength world, perhaps they had only this way to choose at that time."

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