Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 124: False Dust Bead

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Min joined the team!

The two ghosts drifted silently towards the valley.

When he arrived in the valley, Lu Chen observed the spirit gathering array.

After completing the task of stealing spiritual power, the Undead Spirit Gathering Array did not refresh the headless flying corpse and the scorpion, and Senabis was not here. There were only the charms on the ground in the valley, which seemed empty.

"It's possible that Senabis is too weak to start the formation again." Lu Chen was a little depressed. He unexpectedly made up so much of the plot. Isn't this just a game? Why do you think so much?

By the way, Min, what skills do you have? Tell me at any rate, I can make tactics. "Lu Chen looked at the little mummy.

Xiao Min ignored Lu Chen, her small body floated towards the valley.

"Hey, Xiaomin!" Lu Chen frowned. Why didn't this guy obey the instructions? It would be troublesome to cause the blame, so he hurriedly followed.

Fortunately, there is no Lingling here.

Xiao Min came to the center of the formation alone, when Lu Chen noticed that there was a bead floating here.

The bead was about the size of a fist, it was red all over, and it was covered with strange patterns.

Lu Chen frowned, and most of the reason the formation could be activated was to place the magic weapon in the eyes of the formation to provide energy for the operation of the formation.

And the power of the Undead Gathering Array is so powerful that it naturally needs a magic weapon to suppress the formation. Could this bead be a magic weapon?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen stretched out his hand to get this bead.

"Don't move!" Xiao Min said suddenly.

"Huh? Why?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

Xiao Min turned around and looked at Lu Chen's head with hollow eyes, "Do you know the Three God Pearls?"

"I don't know, I only know Dragon Ball..."

Xiao Min directly ignored the second half of Lu Chen's sentence, "The three gods are the dust bead of the 雮 (mu four sounds), the red pill bead, and the dust-proof bead."

Lu Chen frowned as he listened to the NPC giving him popular science. These things should be listened carefully. First, it might be related to the Twilight of the Gods, and second, it might be Nine Days' top equipment.

"The three gods orbs all contain immense power. Although this fake dust orb is far less powerful than the true dust orb, it is taken without any means, and it will definitely die!"

Next, Xiao Min's voice became choked, "My parents and family members were so shattered by this bead that they would never be overborn..."

At this moment, the whole body of the fake dust bead became transparent, and some pictures appeared inside the bead.


In the mountains and forests, a family of five people in rags are fleeing in a hurry. The adult man urges everyone to run quickly while constantly looking back at the dense forest behind him.

There are always strange sounds in the forest, and I don't know whether it is the swaying sound of the trees or what is hidden.

Not long after, they fled to a wasteland.

A few white shadows flashed past, and a family of five fell in a pool of blood instantly!

Lu Chen frowned slightly. This was Xiao Min's former family? That little girl is what Xiao Min looked like before she was alive, but she is still a little loli.

Bai Ying seems to be Youyue Silver Wolf, are they dead in the hands of Youyue Silver Wolf?

I don't know how long it took, the sun rose, the spring and winter alternated, and the fearless corpse on the wasteland actually moved.

Although they did not reincarnate and were reborn in the form of dead bodies, they no longer had to worry about them. They hid underground during the day, and the family could get together at night.

Instead, the days became calm and warm.

Until Senabis appeared, Min's parents, brothers and sisters rushed towards Senabi to protect Xiao Min.

At that moment, Lu Chen saw the gaze on the heads of Xiao Min's parents. Such gazes seemed a bit familiar to him...

When they just approached Senabis, a scarlet bead appeared. Together with many headless flying corpses, their bodies and souls were stretched very long, until they were completely inhaled into the dust bead!

Seeing this, Lu Chen already knew Xiao Min's life experience, and also knew that the bead in front of him was the scarlet bead!

Lu Chen withdrew his hand subconsciously.

It turned out that Xiao Min didn't come here to get the beads, but to see her family.

For some reason, Lu Chen's mood became a little heavy.

I have to say that Tian Xing’s cutscene CG is too hard. The expressions, scenes, and plots of each character are so real that when Lu Chen looks at the little ghost next to him, she cannot be regarded as a pure NPC.

In order to protect her, her family came to an end, so this little ghost kept guarding outside the stone gate. Day after day, her body became shriveled and shriveled. It should have been a long, long time.

She has been waiting for someone, someone who can help her get revenge.

Xiao Min didn't have eyes, but the hollow eyes seemed to make people see her grief at this time.

"Xiao Min..."

"Benefactor, let's go, it's late."


Lu Chen no longer pays attention to hitting the dust beads. It seems that it is not something the player can take now.

Lu Chen sorted out his mood, no matter how realistic the game was, it was a game.

You must arrange your work and rest time reasonably and refuse to indulge in games!

Passing through the passage in the valley, another small valley appeared in front of him, where Senabis, the watchdog, was resting on the side of the mountain.

Even if Xiao Min said that Senabis was at his weakest time now, but looking at that huge mountain-like guy, Lu Chen was still a little nervous.

The eight heads, three silly beasts and ten beasts were not there, and his fault tolerance rate became low. Now only Xiao Min can help him, and whether Xiao Min is good or not, that guy is not talking now.

"Benefactor, we are here."

Lu Chen nodded, "How are we going to fight? I think it's safer for you to carry my output."

"I can't hold it down... Actually you can't hold it down either. It should now have more than 10,000 spiritual attack."

Lu Chen almost collapsed, with a spirit attack of over 2000? Then I can hold it at most twice... Lu Chen stared at Xiao Min with wide eyes, "Sister, didn't you say that it is very weak now? Then we came to Qianli to give the head away?"

"This product is at level 27, why is the attack so high!"

"His power comes from the pseudo-dust orb. Even if it is not the real dust orb, as one of the nine-day top equipment, the bonus is still terrifying."

Lu Chen shook his head, and Xiao Min was right. Tiger Cry, level 15 equipment, added more than a hundred attacks. That top equipment must be abnormal.

"Then even if he is weak now, we can't beat him."

"Benefactor, the weakness I said refers to its movement speed, attack speed, and the speed of the exercise! We must rely on walking to avoid all its attacks, including exercise attacks! Its exercises are very strong and unpredictable. , The scope is also very large."

"In addition, don't use any long-range attacks. If you attack him remotely, he has a certain chance to launch a sprint counterattack. That technique cannot be avoided."

Avoid all attacks? It also includes dodge attacks! Want to hit me close?

Is this a human task?

"Well, there is still a technique!" Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, this guy is at level 27, and he should definitely have a technique. Listening to you, I already fully understand."

"Then the question is, the task is not to say that you will assist me? Having said so much, how can you help me? You have to do something!"

Xiao Min seemed to have something unspeakable, and looked at Lu Chen pitifully, "Benefactor, I will help you when necessary. If you really don't want to take risks, Xiao Min will not force your benefactor."

Lu Chen:...

Well, it's all here, for the mission reward, for the dungeon of the gods, and there is a little reason, it is for the revenge of Xiaomin, Lu Chen did not give up the mission.

"Replace the human skin." You can't fight remotely. You can only use the melee body. Lu Chen can only be more confident with this difficult operation using his own body.

Lu Chen's head finally came back.

Do a set of push-ups on the spot, high leg runs, lunge presses, side presses, head exercises...

"Benefactor, what are you doing?"

"If you want to make zero mistakes, of course you need to find your body." Lu Chen took a deep breath, exhaled quickly, and pulled out tiger sobs.

"OK, come on!"

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