Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1241: Never give up until the end

"You should be talking about Thousand Chance. When he entered the Seventh Heaven as a Sanxian, he also caused a sensation. With his strength, he shouldn't be just a Sanxian." Linglong said.

"He is a member of the Xuanling Clan and was later recruited by the Xianling Xianzun. Why would you have a feast with him?"

"He almost killed me!" Lu Chen said fiercely.

"Anonymous, the Xuanling clan puppet master is not easy to mess with! You must know that even if he is just a loose fairy, the puppet master’s combat power is more on the puppet, which is more than the beast master and the spirit master. !"

"The beast control master, the spirit control master drives the living creatures. Your own strength is too weak to drive, but the puppet is a dead thing. As long as you have the ability to get a high-level puppet, it can be used for you regardless of its previous level! "

"I heard that Red Moon Immortal Venerable directly gave him a puppet of the Immortal King level in order to attract him. It was a sensation at the time!"

"What's more, if you want to use a thousand opportunities, Red Moon Immortal Venerable will definitely not ignore it. None of the three Immortal King-level War Gods under his seat is a vegetarian!"

Lu Chen frowned!

No wonder that kid is in a hurry to come to the Seventh Heaven, even at the mercy of being just a fairy! It turns out that he still has a back move.

Not only that, but also went directly to the seat of Xianzun.

Qian Ji was originally good at scheming, even if he flees, he is always calculating step by step!

"This guy! Came over to find a backer." Lu Chen said viciously.

"No matter who he finds as a backer, I will kill him sooner or later!" Lu Chen said coldly.

"Hey, nameless, can you tell me what the **** is your holiday with him?" Linglong looked at Lu Chen with interest.

"You don't practice Bing Xin Jue?"

"I don't want to practice anymore. Anyway, if I practice too much, I will be **** off by you. Wait until you go out to practice."

Lu Chen couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. In fact, Linglong's current appearance is much cuter than when he first started...

"Well, anyway, I won't be on my way until tomorrow, I'll tell you."


Linglong laughed occasionally in the forest. Lu Chen's unfortunate experience was particularly interesting to her.

This small chat can be regarded as the most harmonious time since they met.


In a blink of an eye, another year and a half have passed!

Lu Chen and Linglong traveled through various worlds, looking for an exit to the world of the Seventh God.

They have been to various technological worlds, some have just been invaded, some are on the verge of extinction, and some have been abandoned.

They have also been to various martial arts worlds, low martial arts, middle martial arts, high martial arts, and even super martial arts. The situation in each world is varied.

Sometimes it takes a few days for them to find a new exit, sometimes they may travel to several worlds in a day...

However, the world of Shenwu rank is extremely rare in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms.

In each attempt, they consumed fourteen blank teleportation charms, and Lu Chen's bloodline of all things had risen to level five!

But they still did not leave the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms.

Countless other worlds have been constructed into a huge maze of ten thousand realms. Lu Chen and Linglong even feel that they have been lost in the maze.

There is only one month left before the last protection period of the earth!

Lu Chen and Linglong teleported from a certain world to a new world, and at a glance, they were full of yellow sand.

In the wind and sand, you can vaguely see some building ruins buried in the sand.

This is an extinct world, no life!

"Nameless..." Linglong looked at Lu Chen worriedly, she knew how anxious Lu Chen was about this matter.

Lu Chen was silent for a long time and sighed, "Linglong, I'm sorry, I was angry with you last time, and now I know that even with the teleportation charm, the result is the same..."

Lu Chen took out a scroll, which was the last coordinate on the earth.

Linglong clearly saw Lu Chen's hands shaking.

The last coordinate is in his hands, but he was trapped in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms for two years, and he was about to miss the final time limit of the protection period!


Lu Chen took a deep breath and put away the scroll, "Let's go, I won't give up until the last minute!" After all, Lu Chen took a step and walked into the boundless yellow sand!


In Jiuxing Dongtian, Li Shang and others have become the ants of Reguoshan.

"There is still a month, the last month, the protection period of the earth is over, when other people challenge Lu Chen, if he should not fight, then the earth will be sacrificed!" Jin Luan said anxiously.

"I know! But the Ten Thousand Realms Labyrinth force field appeared in Changshu City. I don't know how many people were drawn into the Ten Thousand Realms Labyrinth. Lu Chen must have also been involved in the maze."

"How can it be so easy to come out of the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms!"

"It's not a big deal to experience three thousand worlds in normal times, but now... at this imminent moment, Lu Chen is trapped in the maze, what should we do!"

Gu Yan slammed a stack of spiritual tablets on the table, "In the past two years, we have accumulated more than four hundred spiritual tablets with the help of the medicine garden, but it turned out to be useless!"

Li Shang sighed, no wonder Gu Yan got angry. At this moment, who can still sit still!

Just when everyone was so anxious that their eyebrows were burning, but they were at a loss, suddenly a San Xian who worked in the Medicine Garden came to the front of Jiuxing Cave.

"The Ancient Yan Immortal Lord! If I want to see you!"

Gu Yan is now the person in charge of the medicine garden. Although he is not a true immortal, other scattered immortals also call him the immortal lord.

Gu Yan was really in a bad mood. He calmed down and walked out impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"The fairy lord, I met two people yesterday, a man and a woman. They seemed to have just arrived in the Seventh Heaven. They asked me about the madness..."

"Huh? Inquire about Chen'er? Who are they?" Gu Yan was suddenly startled.

"They said they were my only friends and students. I kept an eye on them, fearing that they were looking for trouble, so I said I hadn't heard of it. Then the man looked surprised and said something like "The Dean It's been six years, haven't made any noise? Not normal? "" Sanxian said, learning the manner of someone talking.

"President? Are they scattered or true immortals?"

"They are all true immortals."

"Where are they now?"

"I asked them to leave a sound transmission note, but I didn't bring them over."

Gu Yan frowned and said hurriedly, "Nine farmer, don't mention it to anyone. I'll go back and discuss with Lishang and the others. That sound transmission...can you give it to me?"

"You have taken good care of us in the past two years. The amount you promised to share at the beginning was a lot. This was definitely something we didn't dare to think about before. I am also very happy to be able to help. Don't worry, I will keep it confidential. , This is the sound transmission talisman..." Ni Nong handed a sound transmission talisman to Gu Yan.

After Gu Yan thanked him, he hurriedly turned back and discussed with Li Shang and others.

Everyone knows that Lu Chen founded the academy in Liuzhongtian, so when the Ni Nong learned that the man said "how is the dean", everyone felt that the man was not lying.

After some discussion, everyone decided to meet the two.

Li Shang said to the sound transmission talisman, "Hello, I have met so much, where are you now, let's come and meet."

After a while, the sound transmission note will respond.

"We are in a place called Kunlun City."

Kunlun City! Li Shang looked at a few people, "I and Jin Luan will go over first, you will know if you are an enemy or a friend!"

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