Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1245: Other exports

Lu Chen had discovered that the earth coordinates in his backpack had disappeared!

Because it exceeded the challenge time, he was regarded as abstaining, and the last coordinate in his hand was taken back!

"It's over..." Lu Chen stood there staggeringly as if he had lost his soul.

Linglong walked to Lu Chen, "coordinates..."

"No!" Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly, and the two lines of tears were already connected.

Linglong was also infected by Lu Chen's emotions, his eyes flushed.

This man has never shed tears in front of her, even the moment before, he is still looking numbly.

But now, he finally collapsed!

People who never give up may not be able to change the outcome!

"Nameless..." Linglong didn't know how to comfort Lu Chen, so she could only stand here with him.

Ten minutes later, Linglong couldn't bear it, but still asked, "Anonymous, you...did you receive it?"

"What did you receive?" Lu Chen asked weakly.

"I... I have no other meaning, just want you to confirm whether you have received the news of your world being sacrificed." Linglong said, "If your world is sacrificed, after ten minutes, Qizhong All people on this planet will receive news within a day."

"After all, the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms is also part of the Seventh Heaven, you can also receive it."

Lu Chen suddenly widened his eyes, "I, I didn't receive it!"

"I didn't receive it?! Is this...is there a turning point?" Ling Long said excitedly.

Lu Chen looked nervous and thought carefully, "Impossible, there can be no turning point. Li Shang's strength is not enough to regain the coordinates of the earth, and the strongest of the other earth people is only in the fifth heaven."

"Is it possible that they begged which true fairy?" Linglong asked.

Lu Chen didn't know. He had lost his way in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms for two years. How could he know what happened in the Sevenfold God World.

"Anonymous, anyway, if you don't receive the message, it means that the earth has not been sacrificed, and we still have a chance!" Linglong pulled Lu Chen's arm.

Lu Chen nodded blankly.

"Anonymous, no matter what the reason, you can't give up now!"

Lu Chen nodded silently.

Of course he didn't want to give up, but now he is still in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms, and he hasn't even found the exit of this world!

"I won't give up, Lu Yi, Xiao Yi, they are still on earth, I can't give up! I can't watch them die!" Lu Chen kept reminding himself.

Suddenly, Lu Chen grabbed Linglong's hand, "Linglong, is there any other way out of the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms? No matter what method it is!"

Linglong frowned, "I, if I knew, I would have told you...nameless, calm down."

Only then did Lu Chen let go of his hand, and his mind turned sharply.

Just under the cliff in front of them, is the nest of monsters in this world. Looking over from here, you can see the black monsters crawling out continuously, and then rushing in all directions!

Looking at the monsters blankly, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No, I don't believe there is no other way out!"

In the past two years, Lu Chen has experienced more than 500 worlds, and each world has invasions of monsters arranged according to the martial art level of the world. These monsters can guarantee to crush the current world.

The world of science and technology is just some weak monsters, under the protection of spirit shields, wanton slaughter.

In the martial arts world, there are powerful monsters such as the Black Demon, the Black Demon, and the Black Demon God, ensuring that the strength is higher than the current world's strongest.

The world of Gaowu is guarded by a terrifying existence like Hei Jue Shen.

Five hundred worlds, without exception!

"These monsters were deliberately arranged!" Lu Chen said suddenly.

"Ah? Are you talking about these monsters? It is true." Linglong also said.

"Since it was arranged, where did these monsters come from? It can't be born out of thin air!" Lu Chen looked at the monster lair, "So many monsters, infinite, all come from Where did it come from?"

Suddenly, Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

Will there be so many monsters in the lair? No, no matter how deep the lair is, it is impossible to give birth to so many monsters out of nothing.

These monsters should have been sent here!

And what can connect all worlds and send these monsters to the worlds of different martial arts levels?

It is the Hong Mongolian tree!

Only the Hong Mongol tree can send these monsters to so many different worlds!

"The Hong Mongol tree connects all worlds. It is the root system of the Hong Mongol tree that sends these monsters to all worlds! And the root system of the Hong Mongol tree must connect the world of the seven gods!" Lu Chen's eyes were round.

After that, he looked at Linglong, "Linglong, I can't take you with you, because I don't know where you will lead to. You are a real fairy, and your life span is unlimited. You don't have to risk following me!"

Linglong looked at Lu Chen in shock, "You, what are you going to do?"

Lu Chen stared like a torch, and said in a deep voice, "I must go back! Even in the **** of ten thousand calamities, I have to break through!"

After all, Lu Chen slammed into the monster's lair and disappeared.

The mountain wind blew through, raising Linglong's long hair, she stared at the monster nest under the cliff, her heart suddenly empty.

He was gone, although he was right, Ling Longgui is the true immortal of the Nine Tribulations, let alone two years, twenty years, two hundred years, she can afford it, she doesn't need to take risks.

It's just that when he left himself without hesitation, Ling Long still felt lost.

For a long time, Linglong shook his head and said with red eyes faintly, "Linglong, Linglong, what's the matter with you? You didn't need to follow him on the adventure..."

After all, Linglong sat cross-legged, preparing to practice Bing Xin Jue.

Just practiced for a while, but two lines of tears couldn't stop shed...


In the monster lair, countless monsters launched a sea-like attack on this intruder.

"Symbiosis between gods and demons! Dragon God form!" Lu Chen activated his skills and turned into a white-haired golden-armored war god, roaring, "Get out of here!"

It's not that these monsters are worthy of him, but he wants to race against time!

A golden figure surrounded by raging fire, like a broken bamboo, drove straight ahead, tens of thousands of miles, all the way to the center of the earth!

All the monsters that came close to him were burned to ashes!

"Hong Mongol Tree, come out for Lao Tzu!" Lu Chen roared, roaring with spiritual power, countless monsters, even the leader of this group of monsters, could not get close to Lu Chen at all.

Half an hour later, Lu Chen had drilled tens of thousands of meters underground.

Hongmengshu once said that her root system took root near the center of the earth, and she might be found there.

Not long after, Lu Chen was already close to the center of the earth. Right beside the center of the earth, he saw a heart-shaped object wrapped in vines.

This thing is exactly the same as the ninth guard of the spirit tower that Lu Chen defeated, the branch of the Hong Mongol tree!

"Found it!" Lu Chen widened his eyes, "Come out! Otherwise, if I go to a world, I will destroy one branch of yours. There are tens of thousands of worlds in the Maze of Ten Thousand Worlds. If there is one, I will destroy one!"

As soon as the voice fell, the vines squirmed, and Lu Chen caught the beautiful girl's face.

The girl was not at all angry, and smiled at Lu Chen slightly, "It's been two years, have you finally found me?"

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