Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1253: Horror record

The fire soared into the sky, and 1.3 billion spiritual powers burned wildly, boiling!

The world turned into this terror shot!

At this time, Lu Chen's Sky Fury Gun seemed a little different from the one Lu Chen used before.

The true meaning of Heaven and Earth Crazy Spear is not to control the spiritual power, but to let the spiritual power gush out wildly, so that it can be regarded as the word "crazy spear".

However, this time Lu Chen used this palm after a long period of demon state.

The demons made people lose their minds and became more crazy. At this time, although Lu Chen said that he could control his emotions, after using the rage spear, he immediately aroused the violent state again.

In the violent state, the power of the Skywrath Furious Gun becomes even more terrifying! The fire blasted into the sky!

"Break it for me!" Lu Chen shouted angrily!

From mid-air, the whole person, carrying the force of a mighty force, rushed down!

Faced with such a terrifying shot, the three of Sakugu widened their eyes, "This, this is the real strength of that guy? Heaven and earth mad guns, it is too exaggerated!"

"This, how is this the combat power that a mortal should have! What level of skill is the Killing Spear!"

At this time, the time for them was running out, and the three hurriedly gave up the offensive and directly resisted!

"Buddha's golden body protection! Demon robes! Sitting in a golden body! Spiritual protection!" Yunba directly used four defensive skills, a magic weapon!

The other two also added all the defensive skills that could be used, just to be able to block the blow.

In an instant, Lu Chen turned into a black streamer and blasted to the ground!

With a loud bang, the ground burst directly!

The ground rock of the special material, under the immense effect, collapsed and collapsed, the entire fairy battlefield, the walls collapsed, and the viewing stand even sank directly into the ground.

The aftermath of the spiritual power, which is higher than the wave, turned into a ring of air, oscillating away from the center of the battlefield again and again at an extremely fast speed, crashing into the surrounding defensive shields, and making a loud bang!

"What a strong aftermath! I'm afraid this skill is still above the fairy law!"

"This is really the battle of the true immortals? The battle of the immortal kings is nothing but the case!"

More than a dozen times the spirit energy ring hit the defensive formation arranged by Linglong, and Li Shang and others understood at this time.

Had it not been for this woman who had arranged a defensive array in advance, how could they, the wounded, resist this terrifying aftermath of spiritual power!

Linglong frowned and looked at the person on the field. This time the nameless Sky Fury spear was even more terrifying than before. If he fights against the Black Jue God, Wuming's strength can reach the point it is today. Without the assistance of other people, you can eat the heavenly galaxy!

"This guy's progress is so fast! His actual combat ability has at least reached the level of a nine-star true fairy!"

I still remember the first time they met six years ago, this stupid boy ran up to him and asked anxiously about the information card.

In a blink of an eye, six years later, he has surpassed his own combat power.

Ling Longgui is a true immortal of the Nine Tribulations, with great potential and excellent qualifications. It is reasonable to say that no one can practice faster than himself, but that kid, as a human king, has created a miracle in just six years!

Compared with this kid, his own "Nine Tribulations" are really immortal, it is simply not enough.

At this moment, Ye Fan said quietly, "The dean deserves to be the one who survived the twelfth-level catastrophe, too strong..."

"What? How many levels of tribulation?" Ling Long looked at Ye Fan in shock.

"Twelfth-level tribulation." Ye Fan took it for granted.

Everyone in the sixth heaven knows about this.

It's a super catastrophe, it lasted for several days!

But for Linglong, this is like a bolt from the blue.

"He, he is crossing the twelfth-level super catastrophe?! The twelfth-level heaven is a super catastrophe. It is not used to cross the catastrophe, it is used to kill people!" Ling Long said in horror.

Linglong's understanding of Nine Heavens is not comparable to ordinary people, and he explained the essence of the twelfth level of Heavenly Tribulation!

That's for killing people!

Ling Long looked at the ring blankly.

In the Fairy Battlefield, the rocks were flying, and the ground was sinking deep. Those rocks seemed to be suspended and filled the entire space. Whether they were nameless or Suogu, they had disappeared in the troubled times.

It should have been penetrated underground.

Suddenly, Linglong felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

For a long time, as long as she mentioned the number of calamities, her identity as the true immortal of the nine calamities was enough to make most people awe.

However, her status as a true immortal of the Nine Tribulations suddenly became like a child's play in front of this King of Humans.

The power of the first-level tribulation is increased by 9 times, the twelfth-level tribulation is more than 700 times more powerful than the ninth-level tribulation!

And this guy actually survived the twelfth-level catastrophe, which shows how terrifying his strength is!

Sin? In front of this mortal, also tremble!

Taking a deep breath, Linglong said blankly, "He is afraid that he will be the first king of all ages!"

"Wrong!" Ye Fan said suddenly and mercilessly, "Is the number one in the eternal...Savage King! My dean is a savage, and my senior is the dean’s girlfriend...No, as the dean’s friend, I won’t even connect this. I don't even know."

Well, Linglong's mind is a bit messy now...

The Fairy Battlefield has become an abyss, and the ring is deep into the ground. Others can’t wait to go and see the situation, but considering that I’m the only one who said that everyone on the field is going to die, they can only endure curiosity, one by one. Stand up, anxiously waiting for the result.

Not long after, a black shadow burst out.

"Triple door! Listen to your ears!" Lu Chen let out a low voice, and the three figures passed directly through the triple door and were pulled up by him.

Lu Chen threw the three people aside, and the three of them fell motionless on the ground like mud.

"Little Mao Tuan, Little Beast, give it to you." Lu Chen said coldly.

"Thank you, dad, love you!" The little beast rushed to the three of them, "Little Mao Tuan, don't grab it with me! What do you eat is different, this spiritual core is very important to me!"


Xiao Mao Tuan expressed its indignation. After all, it has not eaten the eight-star delicacy, and said that it must be eaten a few bites first.

Lu Chen had never seen the fight between the two little guys. He really couldn't fight.

Lu Chen was a little tired, but he was still not able to lose his strength. He spread the blood demon bone wings, and the Void Devil Spear was suspended by his side.

Lu Chen looked around, there were all immortals all around, but at this time, a group of immortals, in front of Lu Chen, did not dare to look directly at him!

At this moment, the information bulletin was refreshed.

[Only I am the only one who wins...the number of remaining coordinates on the earth: 1]

This piece of information seems to be unchanged for thousands of years, and it has been refreshed many times.

But people don't pay attention to this information anymore, they pay attention to another information.

[Only I am mad, immortal level: none, Dongfu: none, immortal war record: 72 wins and 72 wins, number of coordinates: 92]

With this piece of information, everyone already knows that if you want to take the last coordinate on the earth, unless you kill the solipsist, you must defeat him at least 92 times!

Lu Chen looked at the surrounding immortals indifferently, and said loudly, "Is there anyone who wants to steal my earth coordinates?"

Silence, long silence, not only silence, the immortals did not dare to look at Lu Chen's blood-red eyes.

In the War of Guardianship, the previous challengers, including those newly added later, are 204 people and 72 true immortals, including three eight-star true immortals and 132 scattered immortals.

All 204 immortals were beheaded, and there were no corpses!

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