Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1259: Xianzu Ruins

In an open square, the fairy shadows flickered, and some people came with swords, and others came with swords. It seemed quite lively.

"It should be here." Ye Fan said.

The three of them saw a high-star real immortal standing with their hands on one side of the venue, and several scattered immortals in front of him were very busy.

In front of Sanxian, some people were queuing.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "You are waiting for me here, I will sign up."

The team was not long, and it was Lu Chen's turn soon.

The opposite Sanxian is bowing his head and registering, "The Immortal Lord, Immortal Level, Immortal Dou record."

"No immortal rank, immortal battle record..." Before Lu Chen finished speaking, the other party raised his head and looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Wait, no record... Are you Sanxian?"

"Why, can't Sanxian participate?"

The man sneered, "Yes, unless you can win 70 in the Fairy Arena! Do you have it?"

A nearby Sanxian stretched his head and looked at Lu Chen, "Do you know the concept of 70 wins in Xiandouchang? If you really have 70 wins, I'm afraid even the fairy king Xianzun will be rushing to ask you to be a guest! "

Lu Chen shook his head, "You are just so idle? When my Xiandou record is here, you will sign up, and you won't give it until you don't. Just do your job well!"

"It's not your turn to teach us how to do things!" The Sanxian said with a cold face, "We won't be polite to troublemakers like you!"

Lu Chen sighed, "I'm not here to make trouble, I'm here to sign up!"

"Throughout the ages, no Sanxian can go to the Immortal Ancestor Site. You said you didn't come to make trouble, anyone believes it! I don't dare to be so mad from the Nine Tribulations Sanxian. What are you, you dare to come here to make trouble!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, a black spear appeared in Lu Chen's hands for an instant. Before everyone could react, the spear was already on the forehead of the Nine Tribulations Immortal.

At the tip of the gun, a drop of blood dripped! And that Sanxian didn't even dare to move!

All this happened so quickly that even the high-star real fairy behind Sanxian did not react.

The life of his sect is already in the hands of this young man!

"Now, can you work hard?" Lu Chen squinted slightly and looked at each other.

That Sanxian trembled all over, and his companion was even more at a loss.

In front of that guy, they didn't even have time to react!

"Forgiveness, forgiveness... I, I, my dog ​​sees people low! Please be merciful, Mr. Jiujie Sanxian said tremblingly.

Lu Chen didn't kill him, put away his spear, "Can you continue?"

"Yes, you can..."

Lu Chen said calmly, "Xiandou record, 72 wins and 72 wins."

That guy's eyes widened, this guy really has 72 wins! You must know that Xiandou can only be considered as a result if a true fairy participates, which means that he has defeated 72 true fairy!

Not only that, he hasn't lost a game!

"Dare to ask Mr. Fairy..."

"Only I am crazy."

"Only I am crazy... is it you? Earth cultivator?"

Lu Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with this person, and said impatiently, "Have you registered?"

"Mr. wait a minute, I'll do the registration here!" The man suddenly became frisky.

That attitude before, really got a complete cure after a single fight.

Not long after, that person handed Lu Chen a wooden token, "Sir, this is a token for the Xianzu site, and it is also a transmission symbol. The Xianzu site will be opened three days later. Only with this token can you enter. Block tokens can carry up to two gatekeepers."

Lu Chen nodded, put away the token, and turned around to leave.

"Sir, please stay!" The Sanxian suddenly stood up.

Lu Chen looked back in surprise, "Why, there is still a problem?"

"Sir, I have one more personal question...Excuse me, how did you break the upper limit of scattered immortals?"

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "I'm not a fairy." After that, he stepped away.

There was already a commotion behind him, and many people looked at following Lu Chen's back until he and his two companions left here quickly.

"Is he really not a fairy? Is the rumors true?"

"Regardless of whether he is a human king or not, I can't catch the shot just now!"

"Could it be possible that a mortal can really break through the limit and fight with immortals without losing the wind?"

It is a pity that as long as Lu Chen does not answer these questions, they can only be guessed. If one passes ten, ten passes a hundred, he will not know what it will become in the end.

In the woods outside Diling City, the three of Lu Chen paused and discussed temporarily.

The Xianzu site is still open for three days. It is said that the number of immortals who have participated in the treasure exploration at the site has reached tens of thousands. In addition, they will bring two doormen, the total may exceed 100,000!

"Master, I heard that the Immortal Ancestor Site has entrances in the immortal domains of all races, that is to say, you may encounter immortals of other races at that time." Ye Fan said.

Jiu'er nodded and said, "I went to inquire about the Xianzu site before. There are three levels of sites there, namely Zhenxian Site, Xianwang Site, and Xianzun Site. The more you go inside, the better the treasures you will produce. "

"It's just that there are a lot of institutions inside, and everyone is fighting, you still have to be careful."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "We don't know what's in it now, and we can act on the occasion."

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and early in the morning of the third day, the three of Lu Chen used the token and sent it to the Xianzu site.

When he first came here, Lu Chen was also shocked by the scene before him.

At this moment, they are landing on a floating boulder, and many people around them have also teleported to this boulder.

Standing on the boulder, you can't even see the ground below, only layers of white fog.

There are large and small floating boulders around them, roughly forming a circle.

And in front of these floating boulders, a huge portal, towering between heaven and earth!

In front of this huge portal, people are like tiny ants, insignificant.

"Such a big portal?! I have never seen it before!" Ye Fan sighed.

"Said this is the site of the Xianzu, then what exactly was this place before?" Jiuer frowned.

At this moment, a woman in white flashed from a small pumice stone and stood in front of everyone in an instant.

This woman had a veil on her face, her voice was soft, her figure was graceful, but when people around saw her, they all clasped their fists together.

"Bai Ruo Immortal King!"

Bai Hao nodded slightly, and then said, "The Immortal Ancestor Site contains the spirits of the heaven and the earth, the light of the sun and the moon, and the remains of the immortal ancestors, which breed treasures."

"Today, the site is open, and all immortals will explore on their own. As for the harvest, it all depends on the man-made.

"I only emphasize one point. All immortals of the human race can only hunt for treasure in the area left by the immortal ancestor of the human race, and cannot cross the boundary!"

"Yes, Immortal King Baiyu!" everyone replied in unison.

Lu Chen frowned slightly. With such a large Xianzu site, he can only hunt for treasure in the area left by the Human Race Xianzu? It's a bit wasteful.

At this moment, the fairy gate opened, and a wave of extremely powerful spiritual power rushed toward his face!

The Xianzu Site is open!

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