Lu Chen was inevitable, and Earth Slash had already approached him.

Whether the battle spirit or the puppet here, even the stone wall is outrageous, Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless and turned it on directly, "God of War! Dragon God Form! God and Demon Star!"

In a blink of an eye, Lu Chen already had a black spear in his hand.

"Reverse God Wandering Dragon!"

The space here is too small to dodge, only hard-wired!

The light of the knife had already been cut in front of Lu Chen. Lu Chen had a hideous face, mobilizing all his spiritual power, seeing the right time, and blocking the opponent's attack with the sharp gun body diagonally.

The knife wiped Lu Chen's shoulder and slashed behind Lu Chen.

Suddenly, there was a burst of noise 100 meters behind Lu Chen, and the light of the knife hit the rock wall directly.

The indestructible rock wall was directly split by a crack, reaching a hundred meters deep!

Just as soon as the crack appeared, the rock walls on both sides squeezed toward the middle, filling the crack in an instant!

At the same time, Lu Chen turned into a black shadow, the man and the spear united, shooting at the four rock puppets!

The four puppets repeated their old skills, and the four jointly launched a joint earth and rock shield defense.

The current situation is extremely dangerous. If these four puppets can't be killed anymore, Lu Chen will be overtaken by the rock wall that keeps coming together.

It's a pity that the attack of the Furious Dragon's counterattack was not as good as the six-gun quick shadow gun. Lu Chen's counterattack was directly offset by the Earth and Rock Shield!

"Damn, how come these four guys are so strong!" Lu Chen shuddered away, anxious.

Their attack may not be too good, after all, the God Wandering Dragon can smash the ground, but the combined defense of these four people is too strong.

The earth has figured out, the mountains are connected, and the earth and mountains are used to dissolve Lu Chen's attacks. Does this mean that if you don't have the strength to penetrate this planet, you can't break the opponent's earth and rock shield? !

This is the second level of the Xianzu Ruins, it is already so terrifying!

In a few seconds of fighting, the crazy wall behind him was only seventy or eighty meters away from Lu Chen!

But at this time, even Lu Chen had nothing to do. The defense of the four puppets on the opposite side was like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Maybe you can escape with the teleportation talisman, but you will leave the Xianzu site completely in that way, and now it has already passed the opening time of the Xianzu site, you can't get in after going out!

The treasure chest behind the four puppets seemed to tell Lu Chen that treasures are not so easy to get!

"No, it's not that easy to want me to quit!" Lu Chen said fiercely.

How could the four puppets let Lu Chen think about countermeasures here? One puppet reached into the nearby rock wall with one hand, and its hand went straight through the rock wall and took out a long bow.

"Smashed stars!" The puppet had just launched an attack, and suddenly the whole person flew out, and the whole person was nailed to the rock wall. After that, he was attacked dozens of times, his head tilted and stopped moving...

Lu Chen watched this scene in shock, that puppet...he suddenly stopped moving?

Obviously, it's a reversal of the world now. That guy shot himself to death with a single shot...

"That's OK..." Lu Chen's eyes widened, and he quickly understood that even a puppet could not predict the movement of the nine-day star and died in his own hands.

The other three puppets stopped moving!

"Now is the only chance!" Lu Chen didn't have time to think, rushing towards the remaining three puppets with a spear in his hand.

At this time everyone can't use spiritual power, but Lu Chen can still act without spiritual power, but the puppet has no spiritual power control, that is a dead thing!

Lu Chen rushed to the three puppets, saw that the three puppets did not move, and hurriedly said to Thio Tian, ​​"Thio Tian, ​​can these three puppets steal it?"

Thio Tian hurriedly said, "I don't dare to use spiritual power now, but if I guess it is right, their puppet lines are actually earth elements. As long as they are separated from the earth elements, the puppet lines are cut off."

"It's so easy!" Lu Chen kept all three puppets away without saying a word.

"There is another one. That puppet repairer should also work!"

Lu Chen nodded, "Open the box first."

Open the treasure chest. In addition to the five stacks of spiritual tablets, there are two exercises in the chest.

"Xianshu·Prime Earth and Rock Art"

"Puppetry: Guardian of the Earth" (Special)

Lu Chen picked up the Earth and Rock Art and took a quick glance. This thing is probably related to the weird soil and rock movement in the first line of days. If you learn it now, you can control the rock wall.

"Very good, the earth element affinity is not enough..." Lu Chen hurriedly put away two books.

At this moment, the closed rock wall in front of him, together with the rock layer above his head, reopened.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and quickly rushed to the last puppet and put it in his backpack.

There was a wilderness in front of him. It seemed that his first-line sky had already gone through. Although he had missed a lot of treasure chests this time, Lu Chen didn't want to stay here for a moment, so he rushed out!

Not long after coming out of the exit, Lu Chen found that his path was soon completely sealed.

He sat on the floor panting heavily, in shock.

Those who traveled a hundred miles were half and ninety. This was true. Lu Chen almost gave up before, but at that time he was only one step away from the exit. Thinking about it now, it was fortunate that he didn't have to run away.

"Thanks to the reversal of the universe..." Lu Chen sighed. At the time, he couldn't think of cutting off the connection between the puppet and the earth.

He has never heard of the puppet technique that uses elements as the puppet thread!

"In other words, if you happen to be retrograde when you encounter the Earth Guard, wouldn't it be a waste of treasure?" Lu Chen suddenly thought of this possibility. After thinking about it, it seemed that he was not so lucky to break through.

"Forget it, first-line heaven is a place to fight for luck. I have always been lucky. It would be nice to be able to come out alive."

After taking a break, Lu Chen found that the others hadn't come out yet, and no one was calling for help, so he took out his own harvest.

"There are only 9,000 spiritual films, and this stack is indeed 1,000. Hey, just the treasure chest I saw in a hurry, I missed seven or eight, seven or eight thousand less..."

"But I got two exercises, luck is good."

Looking closely at the Primordial Earth and Rock Art, Lu Chen discovered that this exercise was actually a puppet master exercise! And he is a puppet master who owns an earth puppet, his exclusive technique!

【Prince Ancient Earth and Rock Art. After the puppet master cultivates, it is used by the earth puppet to increase the effect by 100%. 】

However, the training requirements are a bit harsh, and the first level is that the affinity of the earth element reaches 50,000!

Seeing this request, Lu Chen knew that he couldn't practice this exercise temporarily.

Lu Chen took out the puppet technique.

The first page in the book is the image of the earth puppets, which are the four rock humanoid puppets that Lu Chen encountered.

【Earth puppet, incarnation of the earth, with earth as a line and earth as a shield. 】

[The four puppets can be separated and combined, and they are especially good at defending. The presence of four puppets at the same time can summon the earth and rock swords. 】

[The initial physical strength of a single earth puppet is equivalent to the strength of the nine-star true immortal level. According to the puppet master’s earth element affinity, the physical strength can be increased, up to the immortal-level physical strength. 】

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