I still remember that in the early days of the establishment of the Academy of Gods and Demons, Lao Hai mentioned Ye Fan as a genius disciple. In the first sentence, he did not say how talented he was, only that he might not be able to pay the tuition.

Lu Chen now finally understands why this is!

Ye Fan, the Ten Tribulation True Immortal, had top potential in the Seventh Heaven. He was able to endure hardships, had savvy, and was very capable of actual combat. But now, thinking about it, he might have used his lifetime wealth in exchange for these talents.

"So, did you return all the spiritual tablets to the local spirits?" Lu Chen looked at Ye Fan with an aversion to iron.

"Don't call it back, after all, I have tried hard." Ye Fan said seriously.

Lu Chen shook his head feebly, "What are your gambling skills and wealth, you don't have any points in your heart?"

"Master, I thought carefully at that time. I bet on games based on luck. In other words, it is actually a question of probability. In terms of probability, I have basically never won before. I should always win once."

Lu Chen nodded, "Well, that's good, the idea is very clear, and the idea is well-founded, but what about Lingpian?"

"All lost..."

"That's it!" Lu Chen also had nothing to do with this apprentice.

But Lu Chen knew in his heart that if Ye Fan could really win, it would not be Ye Fan.

Although Ye Fan didn't get any grains, the others did well.

Jiu'er also comforted Ye Fan, they had only reached the second level now, and there was still a chance later, as long as Ye Fan did not gamble, the final gain might not be less than others.

After a short break, the team continued to explore further.

Not far in front is an ancient city. The entrance to the ancient city is very narrow. There is a bronze tripod in front of the door. The shape seems to be a furnace tripod.

"Sure enough, it corresponds to the surface ruins." Linglong said, "This is the refining area. The surface ruins have been explored many times. Now there are only some synthetic materials and a handful of ready-made equipment, but the underground... if we are lucky Good, equipment can be found."

Jiu'er asked, "Sister Linglong, there are also many institutions here."

Linglong nodded, "The mechanism is definitely indispensable, but the mechanism is not the most terrifying. There are spirit puppets in the refining area."

"Spiritual puppet?" Ye Fan asked strangely, "I haven't heard of such a puppet before."

Linglong said, "I'll just talk about the situation on the surface. You also know that when the refining tool reaches a certain level, it can refining metal puppets."

Both Jiu'er and Ye Fan nodded earnestly. Although Lu Chen didn't understand, they nodded to avoid looking too strange.

His refining equipment is only level four or five, so he knows what refining metal puppets... can only follow behind and listen.

"In addition to some leftover artifacts in the surface refinement area, there are also a large number of metal puppets. Those artifact spirits, which have been left here for a long time, begin to control the puppets!"

"The puppets controlled by the spirits are different from the puppet masters. They don't need puppet skills. After all, they are in the form of spirit bodies and can be directly "parasitic" in the puppets."

"In other words, it is the spirit that uses the puppet as its own physical body! Therefore, the spirit puppet is a puppet but not a real puppet."

Everyone is also fascinated by it. In the nine days, they are indeed all strange, and now they can still encounter all kinds of strange new things.

"The spirit puppet is unique to the refining area of ​​the Xianzu ruins. The strength is determined by the strength of the spirit weapon and the strength of the puppet." Linglong continued, "The spirit puppet also has the survival of the fittest here. Every time the fairy ancestor site opens , There will inevitably be a spirit king in the refining area, and the strength is very strong."

"I remember the spirit puppets on the surface, if they are counted as true immortals, the highest level that has appeared before can be equivalent to the strength of the two-star immortal king!"

"Two Star Immortal King!" Everyone's eyes widened.

Linglong nodded, "Although it has only appeared once, and there is only one, but that time, more than forty true immortals fell into its hands, and finally a five-star immortal king conquered him."

Ye Fan frowned, "That's the surface. I don't know how many years no one has come to the underground site. After tens of thousands of years of elimination and evolution, the last king of spirits is definitely far more powerful than the two-star fairy king!"

Ye Fan's worries are the worries of everyone at this time.

In the team, the strongest Lu Chen had the ability to kill three eight-star true immortals, but it was difficult to say the result when he encountered the fairy king.

If you meet the Immortal King Gaoxing again, even Lu Chen will definitely be unstoppable!

Lu Chen thought for a while, and said, "This time everyone, don’t separate. Everyone should be cautious. When encountering a true fairy-level artifact puppet, I think we should have the power to fight. As long as we avoid the artifact king, we can still pass here. of!"

Ye Fan nodded, "If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you will get a tiger. If you can find artifact-level equipment, you can pay back for one piece!"

"Returning to the original, we didn't lose the spirit film again." Linglong said ruthlessly, "but I agree to continue exploring, no one has been here before, this is our opportunity!"

"As long as you don't encounter the king of spirits, the teleportation talisman can escape!"

Jiu'er didn't have any comments, and Lu Chen led the team into the ancient city.

Unlike the refining area at the surface ruins, the refining area here has a roof, just like a huge castle.

There are torches on the wall. Lu Chen thought about it for a while. There are not only puppets but also organs. It must be impossible to get through the darkness.

So a spark popped up and lit the torch.

After walking for ten minutes, they did not encounter any danger for the time being.

Linglong whispered, "I haven't entered the main area of ​​the refining area yet, it should be here soon."

Jiu'er said suddenly, "Brother Wuming, it seems that this place is not affected by the nine-day stars. From our entry to the present, my eclipse of the nine souls has been in a normal state, indicating that it has been in a positive state."

Lu Chen frowned slightly. Sometimes when the universe was reversed, it could help them, but now it is not reversed. Instead, there are fewer variables that can help them.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and continued to lead the team forward carefully.

After walking for another few minutes, a spacious room appeared in front of him. There was a bronze cauldron in the room. The bronze cauldron had been stained with rust.

There is a row of weapon racks next to the bronze cauldron with some equipment hanging on it, but it looks a little shabby.

Linglong whispered, "Be careful, that is the refining room, mechanism, spiritual puppet, equipment, and refining materials are most likely to appear in the refining room!"

"Because of the age, the equipment racks need to be checked one by one, and some high-end equipment will also be damaged due to the age."

Lu Chen nodded, "I'll go in and see if there are any puppets."

Lu Chenmao leaned against the wall, moved carefully, and looked sideways to observe the mixing chamber.

Lu Chen just showed his head. He only heard a click in a dark corner of the mixing chamber. Then, a dull voice sounded, "Finally someone has come to accompany me!"

In the next second, a powerful spiritual force shot directly at the wall where Lu Chen was hiding!

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