Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1275: The only treasure at the Xianzu site

I don't know how long it took. Lu Chen woke up when he saw his white hair accidentally.

So I am still in the consciousness space!

Lu Chen said faintly, as if he was already an old man, "Good fellow, now I don't need to coexist with gods and demons. I'm all gray-haired. I don't know if I will also be gray-haired overnight."

"By the way, how many years have passed since?"

"170 years." Stealing's voice sounded, "In reality, your hair is also white, but it's not that long."

"If you count the cultivation of the consciousness space, you are almost 300 years old now, but you are actually only in your thirties!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly. He suddenly understood what "age is just a number".

"It's like a lifetime." Lu Chen said lightly, "There are still thirty years to practice."


In the underground Xianzu ruins, in the outskirts of the refining area, a room constructed of vines, a large number of vines shrank weakly into the ground.

The vine faded, and a white-haired man sat cross-legged on the grass. He opened his eyes slightly.

I don't know if he should say that two hundred years have passed, or should he say that one day has passed.

"Stealing the sky, I always feel something is wrong with Mu Sheng..." Lu Chen stood up and wiped the dust from his buttocks.

"Why do you say that."

Lu Chen nodded, "When she tried the exercises, she could turn one hour into forty-eight years, but this time she said her limit was 200 years from one day."

"I think there are two possibilities. One is the problem of the upper limit of consciousness space. Although one hour is equal to 48 years, the upper limit is only 48 years, and this time the upper limit has reached 200 years."

"The other possibility is that when she tried her exercises, she didn't use all her abilities, but she helped me privately this time!"

Lu Chen stood up, looked around, and continued, "The most important thing is that before she left, I always feel that she entrusted Yaoer to me..."

"Didn't you say that she is not your wife? Is there anything she cares about so much?"

Lu Chen sighed, "She is not my wife, but she is Yaoer's mother!"

"I can't ignore her business! When this matter is over, I will figure it out!"

"It's up to you, I'll go wherever you go anyway...Oh, yes, remember to find a refiner and help me repair it." Taotian said.

"Understood. There should be about ten days left before the Xianzu site is closed. Go ahead and take a look."

Perhaps after two hundred years of cultivating, Lu Chen is now a little unsmiling, and his temperament is much more calm than before.

"If you don't try it, can you fight the reversal of the universe in reality?" Doutian said.

"No." Lu Chen finished speaking calmly, and walked directly to the front area.

The front is a barren land with no vegetation on the surface. When it blows past, it will be flying sand and rocks.

There were many broken swords on the ground, the sand was blowing up, and some bones were faintly buried in the ground.

"It seems to be an ancient battlefield." Lu Chen walked among them. "It would be great if the rhubarb was here. It would not be difficult to hunt for treasure with it, but now..."

Lu Chen raised his head and looked at a towering mountain range in the distance. A palace was vaguely visible on it.

Lu Chen shook his head, "Time is running out, I don't have time to dig the remains here and look for treasures!"

He went straight through the ancient battlefield.

Maybe it was because he didn't start digging, Lu Chen didn't encounter any obstacles from the mechanism monsters on the way.

"You shouldn't go directly to the Immortal Ancestor Hall," said Tiantian surprised.

"There are still ten days. Since I'm here, of course I have to go to the last place to see." Lu Chen said, "Wangshan ran and broke his leg. I don't know how far that place is. Let's go directly.

Just like when there is a line of sky, if you pass above the line of sky, you can't get the treasure, but you won't encounter danger.

Since Lu Chen's goal is the Immortal Ancestor Hall, as long as he doesn't pay attention to the treasures, the way forward is unimpeded.

Four days later, Lu Chen finally approached the foot of the majestic mountain.

This mountain is already very high when viewed from a distance. At this time, standing at the foot of the mountain feels that the mountain is majestic. The foothills stretch out for thousands of meters!

Lu Chen noticed a stone monument standing at the foot of the mountain ahead and walked over to check it.


[Human is extremely human king, immortal is extremely immortal, mountain is extremely heavenly! 】

[See the mountain on foot! 】

Lu Chen thought about it for a while. There were still six days left, and there was plenty of time to walk and climb.

Immediately, Lu Chen walked up the mountain.

Two days later, Lu Chen climbed the 10,000-meter Tianwai Mountain.

When he climbed to the top of the mountain, he found a towering hall in front of him. The ground in front of the hall was paved with black rocks of the same size, neatly.

There is a plaque on the main hall with the words "Tianwai Xianzun Hall".

Lu Chen took out the Xianzu Ruins Order to compare, and found that this was the final point of the human clan!

"I don't know if the hall will be affected by the nine-day stars..." Lu Chen frowned slightly. If he is not affected, he must be very careful and plan his way out in advance.

There are four tall human-shaped stone statues in front of the main hall, each of which is 100 meters long. The four stone statues of gods and beasts, the blue dragon, the white tiger, and the vermilion bird, are even twice as large as the portrait!

Lu Chen was slightly lucky, and now it is the reversal of the universe!

He took a deep breath and walked towards the eight statues...

Lu Chen was ready to fight, but there was no movement from the statue.

Lu Chen waited for a long time, but the statue did not turn into a battle spirit!

"Huh? This statue won't move?" Lu Chen was a little surprised. To ensure his safety, he waited another ten minutes. Seeing that the statue had not changed, he walked towards the Immortal Hall.

Standing in front of the iron gate of the main hall, Lu Chen was about to push the door. Unexpectedly, the door of the ancient main hall opened slowly by himself!

"Lu Chen, come in!"

Suddenly a deep, ancient voice came from inside.

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, a little surprised for a while.

There are people in the Great Hall of Immortal Venerable, and they know their own names!

The door of Xianzun opened and Lu Chen found a white fairy sitting inside. He turned his back to Lu Chen and couldn't see his appearance.

"Why, you traveled thousands of miles and came here through hardships, but didn't even dare to enter the door?" The voice sounded again.

"Relax, there is no mechanism here, and no puppet monsters."

Lu Chen frowned and finally crossed the half-meter-high threshold.

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?" Lu Chen asked in a deep voice, at the same time fully guarded, ready to fight at any time.

"Your name, I heard your friends say, since you entered the underground ruins, except that day when you entered the Hong Meng Tree World, at other times, I can see your every move."

Lu Chen stared at the man's back, "Are you Xianzun? Why didn't you turn around?"

"You are half right. This place has been deserted for thousands of years. Except for the essence of the five elements, there are no living things." The man said, "I am the battle spirit of the Immortal Venerable, and I have been ordered to guard the Palace of the Immortal Outside the Heaven for thousands of years."

"My master has fallen, but I am still here..."

Lu Chen thought for a while, this guy knew everything, and he couldn't hear that he was hostile to him.

Lu Chen said, "What is your purpose? If I want to seize the treasures here, you will do it?"

"Treasures? Hahahaha!" The man suddenly laughed, "The previous treasures were just rubbish! The entire Xianzu site, in fact, has always been only one treasure!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "What treasure?"

"Nine-day stars!"

"Nine-day stars?!" Lu Chen's eyes widened!

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