Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1277: Beyond the limits

As soon as Lu Chen entered the nine-day star, he seemed to be in a chaotic world.

The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth can all be found here.

The spiritual power beams formed by various elements collide, merge, repel, and explode crazily with each other. Lu Chen has never seen such a complicated situation.

Not only that, Lu Chen already felt that he was in a state of reversal, but the attacks here were completely autonomous attacks, and the number was too large to make any difference between reversing and forward.

As soon as Lu Chen appeared, hundreds of attacks shot towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hurriedly started the symbiosis between gods and demons, evading with nine steps in the void.

"The situation inside is too chaotic. To resolve these attacks, it seems that my spiritual power can only be used to offset these violent spiritual powers... and chaos spiritual power must be used, otherwise I don't know what elemental changes will happen!" Thinking of this, Lu Chen yelled, "The tiger is down! Sacred Lotus Jianxin!"

In the state of reversal, Lu Chen impressively wielded thousands of sword auras.

Sword Qi collided with these spiritual power beams, causing thousands of spiritual power explosions one after another!

Boom boom boom boom...While resisting the aftermath of spiritual power and evading attacks everywhere, Lu Chen used the Sacred Lotus Sword Heart to collide with these spiritual power beams to dissolve the spiritual power contained in these spiritual power beams.

I just got acquainted with the environment here. Suddenly, those attacks instantly changed their direction, but because the spiritual power beams were too messy, the number of spiritual power beams that attacked Lu Chen did not decrease but increased!

At the same time, Lu Chen changed the movement of his spiritual power, moving his spiritual power forward, using the tiger to descend the mountain and the sword of the holy lotus to offset the attack.

The nine-day star is like a huge star, with countless attacks, like an endless attack on Lu Chen, changing directions from time to time.

Lu Chen held his mind, he knew that in such a high-intensity confrontation, a negligence could kill him.

Two thousand attacks, twenty thousand times, two hundred thousand times... Fortunately, the strength of these spiritual power beams was not too strong, and Lu Chen didn't need to attack with all his strength.

After six hours, the surrounding attacks did not abate at all, and Lu Chen's energy had been consumed severely.

"Be careful, Lu Chen!" With a low voice, Lu Chen hurriedly stepped away, avoiding the seven or eight attacks behind him.

After a few hours of concentrated concentration, it is inevitable that people will be negligent. This also shows that Lu Chen is under great pressure now.

However, neither the Buddha body clone nor the demon clone could achieve retrograde spiritual power in the state of reversal of the universe, so Lu Chen could only deal with these attacks by himself.

"I don't believe I can't stop these attacks!" Lu Chen's anger was wide open, and suddenly a sword pierced his arm. The pain in his hand made him concentrate again!

Forty-eight hours!

After forty-eight hours of continuous high-intensity fighting, Lu Chen could not stand still.

"Lu Chen, don't force it... These nine-day stars have been out of control for thousands of years, and these attacks are messy and endless!"

Lu Chen waved a holy lotus sword heart, and fought for a moment of respite.

"No, I must get the nine-day stars!" Lu Chen's eyes were red, and he had already killed his eyes.

"Lu Yi, Xiao Yi, and... Yao'er is all on the earth. If I don't improve my strength quickly, how can I hold the earth!"

"The Immortal King is stronger than me, and the Immortal Lord is stronger than me. If I only slowly improve my strength, I am afraid that some people will not give me this opportunity!"

Stealing the sky fell silent for a while.

It seemed that at this moment, Tooting suddenly understood his master better.

Lu Chen is greedy for money, not because he is greedy, but because he wants to become stronger! Get stronger fast!

He still has too many things waiting for him to do, and there are too many enemies staring at him in secret. It is okay for others to fly for hundreds of years, but for him...no!

Perhaps this is the real reason why Lu Chen promised that Immortal Venerable Battle Soul entered the nine-day star.

Do whatever it takes to become stronger!

"But... Lu Chen, you have reached your limit!"

Lu Chen panted heavily, watching the massive attacks coming again, gritted his teeth, "If it is my limit now, then go beyond the limit!"

"The tiger is down! Sacred Lotus Jianxin!"

Three days, four days, five days!

Lu Chen's hand holding the Divine Spear was already trembling, and his figure was trembling, and he had left numerous large and small scars!

Even Lu Chen could not completely avoid all the messy attacks!

Every time after the Sacred Lotus Jianxin, he had to breathe heavily, and grasp the short gap to recover his physical strength. Now it is not spiritual power that supports him, but perseverance!

However, the attacks of the nine-day stars are still endless!

Lu Chen thought about using Creation to resist the Nine Sky Stars, but the spirit power that was constantly growing in the Creation would only make the inside of the Nine Sky Stars more chaotic. He had to shoot one shot and one shot to counteract these spiritual power beams.

"Lu Chen..." Tooting witnessed Lu Chen's life in this **** with his own eyes, and at this time had to speak again to stop him.

"No, I have confiscated the nine-day star!" Lu Chen said, panting heavily, "I must get this treasure!"

Puff, a strike of the spiritual power beam penetrated Lu Chen's shoulder!

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen spiritual power beams struck from behind, and the direction of spiritual power within the nine-day star changed again!

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and uttered a low voice, "God Demon Lotus Heart·Heart Demon!"

Lu Chen, in a state of demons, suddenly shouted angrily, turned around and swung thousands of sword auras!

Six days, seven days, eight days...

At this time, Lu Chen was already covered in wounds, and the large amount of pills he had ushered in Xiandou had been used up.

A green beam of spiritual power shot towards him, Lu Chen raised his hand with a broken star gun, and the two beams exploded after colliding.

If it were normal, a spirit explosion of this level would not hurt Lu Chen at all, but this time, Lu Chen's body was thrown hundreds of meters away, lying on the ground weakly...

The blood ran down his wound, and he tried to raise his head, there was no spiritual energy around him anymore.

"Knot... is it over..." Lu Chen said weakly.

"It's over..." said in a choked voice, "Master, you hold on, fighting for nine days, and suffered a total of 14,727 injuries..."

Lu Chen cracked his mouth, Lu Chen's red teeth...there were already blood stains on them, "It's over...fortunately, Lao Tzu took a lot of medicine..."

At this moment, a metal "spiritual power beam" shot towards Lu Chen at an extremely fast speed. Lu Chen saw this spiritual power beam and wanted to stand up but was already unable to do what he wanted.

"Damn, and..."

It's just that after this spiritual power was in front of Lu Chen, it suddenly stopped.

It turned out that this was not an ordinary spiritual power beam, but a golden bead, about the size of a fist, with a slight golden light, floating in front of Lu Chen.

The bead circled in front of Lu Chen a few times, and finally descended slowly and fell into Lu Chen's hand gently.

"Nine-day stars!" Lu Chen said excitedly, "I got you in my hands!"

Not long after, a voice rang beside Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, do you know how my master fell?" Lu Chen knew it was the Immortal Venerable Battle Spirit who didn't want to show his face.

"He just died here!"

"Congratulations, I have completed the final challenge of the Xianzu Ruins. I will fulfill my promise and move all the treasures to the Tianwai Xianzun Hall. You can directly teleport in through the nine-day stars."

"Okay, now you can leave, this place has a new owner, I have to clean up..."

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