Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1280: Destroy Tianbao Pavilion

Lu Chen couldn't help asking Linglong again, "Then what will happen to Golden Hammer if it wins, and what will happen if it loses?"

"If you win, Youyue's offer is invalidated, and if you lose or don't take up the challenge, Golden Hammer is out."

"The Golden Hammer I dare not fight, the Golden Hammer Immortal King was a one-star immortal king only ten years ago, and Youyue became the One-star Immortal King decades ago. They fought each other, and the Golden Hammer is not yet Youyue. The opponent." Linglong did not forget to give a prediction.

Only then did Lu Chen understand the immortal world's auction rules, not only to have money, but also to have strength.

In other words, Lu Chen couldn't help thinking that this method was quite reasonable. If anyone dared to make random bids, the price would not be counted, and his bid would be invalidated.

On the ring, Jin Hammer stared at You Yue fiercely, but You Yue was not afraid at all, looking at Jin Hammer with a smile.

After a stalemate for a while, Jin Hammer said fiercely, "Okay, You Yue, I'll take down this account, don't worry, we will have a long time to come!"

After that, Jin Hammer turned around and ended in anger.

The auction is still going on, and a few people have paid high prices. It is just interesting that these fairy kings seem to know each other well, no matter how unwilling they are, but if they are weak, they can only get out.

"These fairy kings are very cautious," Ye Fan said.

"Yes, they have all met in the Fairy Battlefield, and they all know each other's strengths. It's better to get out of the game now than to get nothing in a fierce battle," Linglong said.

Unknowingly, the price of Aquarius has reached 190,000, and only two people are left on the court.

The one shouting was a purple-clothed woman with a nice face and clear eyes. She didn't look like a few hundred years old, but more like a girl under twenty.

She turned to look at the last person, and smiled slightly, "Senior Mulong, don't grab it with me."

Behind him, the white-clothed man looked indifferent, but his gaze was looking in a certain direction off the court, "I thought he would play, but I didn't expect... Dongli, you have to change this bottle, I am not interested!" .

In the end, Immortal Dongli took a picture of the Ruyi Jinzhihu for a price of 190,000 yuan.

Although no one did this, the whole process was full of gunpowder, and everyone was sweating.

After the first lot was sold, the second and third were delivered soon.

The prices of the following lots are not so exaggerated, probably between a few thousand to tens of thousands, and many true immortals have a chance to compete.

There are a large number of true immortals, and there are more people on the field, so it is impossible to know each other like the immortal kings, and gradually, there is competition in the auction.

Lu Chen found that the following lot was quite different from the Ruyi Jinzhi Kettle, and the real fairy was boring to fight and was busy selling some common materials.

Originally, Ye Fan and the others wanted to distribute the materials to Lu Chen, but later considered that if Lu Chen bought the second-level cave, they could all cultivate here, then there was no need to allocate the income from the Xianzu site, and all would be given to Lu Chen. .

This time, their team got a lot of treasures, and Lu Chen was very busy.

"Damn, Hanyun irons a piece of 400 spiritual tablets! I have... 89 yuan!"

"Golden Bird Dust, 300 copies, 143 copies here... so many! Azure Dragon Balls, 1000 pcs! I have 19!"

Lu Chen kept sending materials into the metal block, and the spiritual tablets poured out one after another...

After about a few minutes, Lu Chen sent a batch of materials, and suddenly the metal block was out of the picture!

Lu Chen hurriedly picked up the metal block to look around, tapping, "It's stuck? Damn, swallow Laozi's treasure?!"

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the metal block to spread out a lot of magic tablets.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "Hey, don't worry about the face-to-face transaction. This thing always feels like online shopping!"

Gradually, the speed at which the metal block produced the spiritual film slowed down, and Lu Chen had to beat it every time, and waited a while before the spiritual film appeared.

"What shit!" Lu Chen scolded.

Fortunately, whether it was waiting for tens of seconds or a few minutes, this thing hadn't really swallowed Lu Chen's materials, so Lu Chen continued to trade.

At the same time, somewhere in Tianbao Pavilion, five true immortals and more than 20 scattered immortals were gathering around a piece of metal.

The scene is very busy, and these two dozen people can be called assembly line operations.

"Here comes again, Jin Chandan, 243 copies!"

"How many copies?"


"Are you crazy, who the **** is this guy? These rare materials can be wholesaled?" The man took Jin Chandan and checked quickly with his companions.

"The materials are ok, put in storage!"

Someone is responsible for warehousing, while another person is calculating the price, "243 times 200...48600 spiritual tablets... nautical miles, there are not enough spiritual tablets, let the accountant transfer it!"

"It's not enough again? This has been transferred more than 1 million! The auction house has not sold as much as this guy!"

"Stop arguing, I'm too busy, faster!" A real fairy said anxiously.

"No, I'm here again! Get ready!" The person in charge of receiving the goods saw a lot of goods being delivered, and his face was pale. "No, I can ask someone to come and help, I can't help!"

"Is this guy selling things? How do I feel that he wants to destroy our Tianbao Pavilion!"


Ye Fan kept staring at Lu Chen, the metal block in Master's hand was like a money printing machine, and the spiritual tablets appeared in piles.

Not long after, Lu Chen finally stopped, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Ye Fan's obsessive eyes.

"What are you doing!"

"Master, so many spiritual tablets!" Ye Fan's eyes were staring.

Jiu'er also came over, "Brother Wuming, how much did you sell?"

"I sold all the materials." Lu Chen said, "The total is only 3.2 million."

"3.2 million!" Linglong's eyes widened, "Do you know what a huge sum of money this is? It is estimated that the belongings of the high-level fairy king are not much!"

"Lu Chen, we can't sell so many materials."

Lu Chen nodded, "I later snatched some high-level materials from the Immortal King's Puppet, and they were almost sold."

Lu Chen sold all the medicinal materials and synthetic materials. He now only has the psychic fairy jade in his hands. It is the material for awakening Qiu Ruo. This is absolutely not for sale.

As for the other materials and medicinal materials, Lu Chen thought about it. When he enters the Immortal Ancestor Site again, as long as he can pass through the Immortal Palace, he can get it. Now that it is important to buy the Dongfu, he will sell it for money.

3.2 million, you should be able to buy a good second-level cave mansion!

In other words, Lu Chen's consignment points have reached more than 3 million. Next time he goes to the auction, he will be eligible to sit in the VIP area.

By the time Lu Chen sold the materials, most of the auction had passed.

After seeing a few more auctions, the host came on stage again.

This time, no one sent another lot, only two more pieces of paper in the host's hand.

"Dear friends, seeing the things in my hand, you should know what is going to be auctioned next." The host smiled slightly, "Yes, it is the highlight of this auction, a second-level middle-level fairy mansion!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone at the scene became quiet.

The second-level middle-level fairy mansion, that is the heaven and blessed land that even the fairy king wants!

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