Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1282: Give you a chance

"Boy, the trivial fairy dared to jump on top of this seat and stray wildly. Today, this seat has no time to play with you. Tomorrow will surely leave you dead in the Fairy Arena!!"

"Hurry up!" Jin Hammer shouted angrily. He expected that Lu Chen would not dare to accept his challenge.

In fact, except for Linglong and the others, everyone thought that this "Sanxian" was here to stir up trouble.

"Boy, get out, don't disturb Lord Immortal King fighting for the cave mansion!"

"Does this guy have a brain problem? Hey, kid, want to stay a little bit further!"

"The Golden Hammer Immortal King has already spoken, he must not survive for two days."

The surrounding discussion made the Linglong trio even more nervous.

"Brother Wuming..." Jiuer looked nervously at the stage, the guy who was ridiculed by everyone's unscrupulous ridicule, his heart was about to become a ball.

Ye Fan frowned, "There are 23 competitors on the stage, all of them are immortal king-level powerhouses. Master said before that he lost to the three-star immortal king, this time it is also dangerous!"

Linglong realized that she was also extremely nervous. Ever since she gave up Bing Xin Jue, her Dao Mind became more and more degraded, and her heart beat with tension because of that kid.

"There are more powerful people than the three-star fairy king!" Linglong said.

This sentence made Jiu'er and Ye Fan even more nervous.

There are people who are stronger than the Samsung fairy king! How should Lu Chen respond!

The noise in the audience was higher than the waves, and the supporters looked at Lu Chen with a sneer, "Do you think this is over? The Golden Hammer Immortal King said, you will die tomorrow!"

"To be honest, if I were not going to host the auction, I would kill you now!"

"Shut up!" Lu Chen screamed fiercely, startling the host, looking at Lu Chen with an incredible expression.

"You, you dare to brutalize me!"

Lu Chen got up cruelly, let alone this irrelevant host, even Lu Yi, Luo Yao are fierce... Of course, he is not really fierce to them, but in certain circumstances, don’t be fierce to them. Not coming down...

Lu Chen looked at the host impatiently, "If you want to die that way, come and challenge me at any time!"

"But trouble you to be professional in the ring now!" Lu Chen said coldly, "Golden Hammer, right? You don't have to wait for tomorrow if you want to kill me. I will definitely not raise your price!"

The audience was shocked when he said this.

Refusal to raise the price means that the following Sanxian will fight the fairy king!

"Sanxian took the initiative to fight the Immortal King? This...I have never seen such a ridiculous thing in Seventh Heaven for a hundred years!"

"This guy seems to really want to die!"

"There are really people who are not afraid of death. Maybe they are not running their heads. I guess the battle between the two of them will be resolved within 10 seconds."

Jin Hammer was thinking about how to deal with You Yue and the others, but was interrupted by Lu Chen's words, and could not speak for a long time.

The other fairy kings looked at Lu Chen like a monster.

You Yue narrowed her eyes slightly and sneered, "This kid is really funny. He must die at the auction house."

"Sanxian fights the fairy king, it's the following crime itself, Jin Hammer will never stay alive." Dongli watched Lu Chen with interest, "However, this kid can be considered a decent death. He actually died in the fairy. King's hand."

Mulong put his arms around his chest, snorted coldly, and faintly spit out two words, "boring..."

Only then did the host react, and he suddenly laughed, "This is what you said, all fairy friends have heard it, you refuse the price increase of the Golden Hammer King!"

Lu Chen gave the host a glance, "Your IQ is really touching! Of course what I said is clear. Let's start! Is there really no one in the Tianbao Pavilion? You are the one to preside over the auction!"

"You!" The host was ridiculed by Lu Chen over and over again, and his face was pale with anger, but he quickly thought of Lu Chen's next result, and he was relieved immediately.

"Okay, Immortal King Golden Hammer, this man is inexcusable for playing tricks on all immortal kings."

Jin Hammer snorted coldly, "You don't have to fan the flames here, I said, this rebel must die! Let's start the ring!"

When doing this, the host was very quick and quickly activated the defensive formation.

The other immortal kings do not need to leave the field. This is also the privilege of the immortal king. With their strength, they are naturally not afraid of the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Finally entered the ring stage, both sides have been fully alert.

"The ring stage begins, and one party concedes defeat!"

Jin Hammer raised his chin slightly and looked down at Lu Chen, "Unfortunately, under my hand, you have no chance to give in."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "It's just an auction. As for fighting with death?"

"The blame is that you forgot your identity! Since you dared to confront me before, you should know that you asked for it!" The murderous aura was already in the eyes of Jin Hammer.

Lu Chen nodded, it seemed that Golden Hammer didn't intend to let him go.

After two hundred years of penance, how big is the difference in strength between the one-star fairy king and his current self? Lu Chen also wanted to know.

"Are you ready to die!" Jin Hammer's smile gradually became cruel, "It's still not open, I think you have completely given up!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "On state? Excuse me, if I hit you...no need!"

With that, Lu Chen walked towards the golden hammer step by step.

"What is that guy doing, dare to be so close to the fairy king?"

"Can't you see it, he just came to die."

Lu Chen didn't stop until he stood half a meter in front of the Golden Hammer. He was half a head taller than the Golden Hammer. He lowered his eyes and looked at the Golden Hammer.

"I'll give you a chance, go all out!"

"What to play..." Before Jin Hammer's words fell, Lu Chen already had a black spear in his hand, passing it through Jin Hammer's ear at an incredible level!

In an instant, the second half of Jin Hammer's sentence was suddenly swallowed back.

He... unexpectedly did not react to this Sanxian's attack!

If the shot just passed through his ear instead of passing through his head, he might be dead now!

"You...what is your realm?" Jin Hammer looked at Lu Chen in horror.

Lu Chen said calmly, "The King of People!"

Jin Hammer's eyes almost stared out, Human King Realm? He would rather believe that he had heard it wrong, this guy is the fairy king realm!

"Didn't you always want to kill me? I said, give you a chance, the next shot will not be wiped from your ear." Lu Chen's voice was extremely cold.

Jin Hammer narrowed his eyes slightly, "Boy, even if you are the fairy king, I am not afraid of you! Do you really consider me to be the bottom of the fairy king?"

"This trump card was originally reserved for other immortal kings. Now, I have changed my mind!" Jin Hammer jumped away from Lu Chen and sneered at You Yue, "You Yue, fortune telling you, originally today The **** person is you! But since someone has jumped out of bad things, I can only open your eyes in advance!"

"The Immortal Level Bodyguard·King Kong does not move!"

With a loud bang, a violent spiritual force instantly exploded on the ring.

The spirit shield in front of You Yue waved away from the aftermath of the spiritual energy, her brows frowned, "This guy has a fairy-level body guard? Sure enough, she still left a hand, it seems that she really intends to yin me!"

Dongli squeezed the sword and pointed it to her chest, and the aura was cut directly by her fingers and rubbed across her sides.

"This golden hammer has some ability."

However, the man in white next to her was now looking at Lu Chen.

"The shot just now, did the golden hammer deliberately fail to flash, or... he didn't flash away at all!?

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