Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1303: Nine-level altar

"I'm going, no wonder the strange beasts here are so strong? This place is open!" Lu Chen said angrily.

As soon as she looked up, she saw that the elf beauty had not left.

"Sister, why are you still not leaving? Hurry, or I will be discovered!" Lu Chen said hurriedly.

The elf woman was a little embarrassed, turned and disappeared.

Lu Chen hurried into the grass.

Now Lu Chen's level has reached the Fourteen Star Savage King. The good news is that he has upgraded and his current strength is much stronger than before.

The bad news is that he is still a Savage King!

"Is it possible to keep going up like this?" Lu Chen shook his head helplessly. He hadn't thought about this situation, just a little depressed.

It seems that he won't be a fairy in this life.

But it wasn't the first day to be the Savage King, and Lu Chen was more delighted.

This upgrade is too timely. Because of Lu Chen's bloodline and mount bonus, a total of 70% of his attributes have been increased. After this upgrade, Lu Chen's spiritual power has reached 170 million!

And in Xianyu, every time you upgrade the 3D will also improve automatically, and his 3D has also been greatly improved.

"How many stars are my attributes now?"

"I can beat the six-star fairy king with ten three stars, and fourteen stars. I won't reach Xianzun..." Lu Chen thought for a while, but soon denied the idea.

The reason is simple, he is very confident that he must have been fighting "leapfrog" before!

If he is a leapfrog battle, then a one-star improvement is impossible to improve so much combat power.

It was like when the monk had one star, he could fight the major monk one star, but when Lu Chen reached the second star, the attributes he promoted were not much in the eyes of Emperor Xiu.

But anyway, after at least raising his level, his chances of survival have suddenly increased several times!

"There are still three days!" Lu Chen's gaze was extremely firm, "I don't believe that there is really no such equipment as God and Demon Wutian!"

In the last few days, Lu Chen quietly followed a large group of strange beasts, also moving to the depths of the dense forest.

Two days later, Lu Chen followed a 10,000-strong army of strange beasts and found the so-called ninth-level altar.

From a distance, the nine-level altar stood there like a mountain.

It is not known how many times larger than the seventh and eighth altar.

Around the altar is an open flat land, which seems to have been cleared out by alien beasts.

An army of millions of alien beasts gathered in front of the altar, distributed on all sides of the altar.

Lu Chen saw some new teams, and someone specially handed over the collected spiritual cores to a larger alien beast, and the alien beast placed the spiritual cores on the top of the altar.

At this time, the steps in front of the altar are already full of spiritual cores, I don't know there are hundreds of thousands of them!

However, many of these spiritual cores are different from ordinary spiritual cores, but they are more like beast cores!

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly, and after careful examination, he discovered that most of those spiritual cores were actually the spiritual cores of the alien beasts themselves!

In other words, in order to open the altar this time, they collected hundreds of thousands of beast cores!

"Good fellow, I've lost money!" Lu Chen retracted his head and leaned against a tree stump.

Now he could imagine how angry those guys would be if he succeeded in grabbing the altar summoned by the alien beast.

The most important thing is how to break through so many alien beasts and come to the altar!

At night, Lu Chen observed the team distribution and actions of these strange beasts.

Several huge alien beasts seemed to be counting the beast cores, still shaking their heads constantly.

"Couldn't it be enough..." Lu Chen looked at the strange beasts intently.

After a brief discussion, several large alien beasts found the leaders of the various alien beast army, and the two sides exchanged for a while, and then several leaders called to the alien beasts behind them.

Not long after, several strange beasts sprang out of the team, and followed those large strange beasts to a clearing.

Lu Chen watched every move in the field, frowning, and a bold guess appeared in his heart.

Not enough beast cores! They may have to wait until tomorrow. If there are still not enough by then, they will kill these voluntarily sacrificed monsters!

"Huh? There seems to be a chance..." Lu Chen suddenly had an inspiration.


In the morning of the next day, another group of alien beasts came to converge, and at the same time sent some spiritual cores.

Just looking at the look of a few large alien animals shaking their heads, seems to be not enough.

Half an hour later, a large alien beast led the alien beasts who were ready to contribute their beast cores to the altar!

Lu Chen began to get nervous, his eyes kept staring at a certain strange animal in the sacrifice team!

He has a very strong connection with Xiao Yuan, and he can distinguish that special beast from among the many beasts that look the same.

"Xiao Yuan!" Lu Chen yelled, his vision instantly shifted to Xiao Yuan.

It turned out that Lu Chen had changed Xiao Yuan into a strange beast last night and got into the sacrifice team!

"Lu Chen" looked around. At this time, there were strange beasts around him, and the strange beasts under the altar covered the entire plain.

Soon the team reached the top of the altar.

Hundreds of strange beasts were carrying beast cores, and all these spirit core beast cores were placed on the altar.

The sacrifice begins!

Several large alien beasts were also unambiguous, and they killed the first alien beast with one claw, took out the beast core, and placed it on the altar.

When Lu Chen saw this scene, his eyes twitched.

The strength of these alien beasts is comparable to the five-star fairy king, and as a result, they did not even resist, and were willingly taken away from the beast core.

At this time, Lu Chen even wanted to know what exactly these strange beasts wanted to use the ninth-level altar for!

However, it is not time for women to be kind, Lu Chen must seize this opportunity.

He quietly pushed the "kind" behind him forward and hid himself behind.

These strange beasts didn't expect traitors to appear among their companions, anyway, the strange beasts were not neat, and no one noticed Lu Chen's small movements.

There were still dozens of alien beasts left, and the pillars of spiritual fire around the altar gradually began to light up, and the energy was almost there.

The large alien beast started faster, and took out a alien beast core with one claw.

Lu Chen's eyes are round, should these strange beasts be so accurate? Just finished killing the sacrifice team, just to activate the altar?


At this moment, the four pillars of spiritual fire on the altar suddenly erupted, and the beam of light went straight into the sky, almost illuminating the starry sky!

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful phantom woman gradually emerged. She was dressed in purple veil, her clothes half covered and half exposed, and she was suspended in the air.

The altar is activated successfully!

The woman gently stretched out Qianqian's jade finger and tapped the void with her index finger, as if she was pointing the world. Her voice seemed to have a magical power, extremely ethereal and sweet.

"Do you want strength, or do you want guidance?"

An extraordinarily huge alien beast did not know when it appeared in front of the altar. It bowed its head to the elf phantom, and even said a prediction that Lu Chen could understand.

"I think……"

At this moment, a small alien beast suddenly rushed out of the sacrifice team, and then it directly shouted at the elf.

"The Beast" uttered words directly.

"I want guidance!"

"Where are the gods and demons!"

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