Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1307: Immortal couple?

To heal Xiao Yuan's injuries with the power of different elements requires controlling his spiritual power to the point.

Lu Chen didn't dare to be negligent. Following Xiaolv's guidance, he repaired Xiaoyuan's injuries one by one.

For one hour, two hours, Lu Chen was already sweating, three hours, four hours...

With the help of Jiutianxingxing, Lu Chen changed his spiritual affinity regardless of his injury.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, and ice thunder poison gu, some of which are mixed with multiple elements, he has to change into multiple elements to coexist...

This is an extremely complicated operation, so detailed to every meridian, blood vessel, and muscle, there can be no mistakes!

And Lu Chen had just returned to Dongtian, and his condition was not very good, which made it more difficult to heal Xiaoyuan.

However, Lu Chen persisted!

Five hours later, Xiao Yuan's injuries were basically dealt with.

Just when Lu Chen was about to close his hands, he suddenly observed that the spiritual power in Xiao Yuan was undergoing strange changes.

Lu Chen, who was already exhausted, hurriedly cheered up and called Xiaolu, "Xiaolu, what's the matter with Xiaoyuan? It, the spiritual power in it is changing rapidly!"

"Is there something wrong with my operation?"

Little Green hurriedly checked Xiao Yuan's condition, and then she was confused, "Boss, there seems to be nothing abnormal in Xiao Yuan's body... Are you sure that its spiritual power is changing?"

"I'm sure!" Lu Chen said anxiously, "It seems to be...replicating the elemental power I have left in it..."

Lu Yiyi frowned, "Elements are different combinations of spiritual power... and Xiaoyuan is the best of heaven and earth. As long as it changes its own spiritual power operation structure, it can imitate different elements...but it didn't imitate before. Elemental power, but why is it suddenly happening now?"

"Boss, Xiao Yuan shouldn't be... upgraded!"

Lu Chen froze for a moment, upgrade?

"Where is Xiaoyuan? Is it awake? Are you sure it's okay?"

Xiao Maotuan heard the conversation between the two and curiously smelled Wen Xiaoyuan.


Xiaoyuan is still very fragrant, it's still alive!

Xiao Maotuan doesn't eat dead things, and it makes it feel fragrant, which means Xiao Yuan is definitely still alive!

It's just... Lu Chen has a black line, and indeed in the eyes of Xiao Maotuan, they are still food!

Xiao Lv checked Xiao Yuan's situation again, "Boss, I am sure Xiao Yuan's body is okay. If I guess it is right, Xiao Yuan is evolving and upgrading! How long can you support?"

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry about me, I can hold it."

"Then try to increase the output of spiritual power, maybe it will help Xiaoyuan to evolve! I will keep watching!"

Lu Chen nodded, re-energized, and poured various elemental spiritual powers into Xiao Yuan...

Xiaoyuan recovered from his physical injury, and Lu Chen didn't have to be as cautious as before, but after all he was instilling spiritual power, and Lu Chen still had to be careful.


The next day, Mulong had already woke up, and just walked out the door to see the Feng Wu next door coming out at the same time.

"Are you awake?" A smile appeared on Feng Wu's face.

"Why are you here?"

"You must be defensive. I'm afraid you will be calculated." Feng Wu said as she walked to Mulong's side, the two of them walked to the creek and sat down in the pavilion.

Mulong smiled slightly, "It seems that you are worried for nothing."

Feng Wu nodded, "Forget it, this time you read it right, I read it wrong."

"I am the only one who is crazy. It doesn't match his celestial name. I don't feel that he is an arrogant person.

Mulong smiled and shook his head, "You didn't see him when he was crazy. When he robbed me of the cave that day, good guy, that guy was a king, deterring all the true gods! You said he was not crazy. It's crazy!"

Feng Wu smiled faintly, "By the way, he asked if I was your fairy companion."

Mulong turned his head to look at Feng Wu, his expression a little unnatural, "Why does he ask?"

"When you escaped from the crack, you were in a coma, and he took my hand and ran all the way to the cave."

"What!" Mu Long stood up, "This brat, I..."

When Mulong reacted, he found Feng Wu snickering.

Wrong, exposed!

"Okay, don't be angry." Feng Wu said with a faint smile on his face, "It was also an emergency at the time. How could he think of anything else, and he himself was injured. I don't think he was carrying it all the way. I’m not willing to hand you over to me."

Mulong seemed right to think so.

At that time, life was almost gone, who could think so much.

If Feng Wu could help to speak, that guy's character should be fine.

"Besides, I'm not your immortal couple, what's the matter with holding a hand?" Feng Wu looked at Mu Long with a smile.

Hiss~ Mulong took a breath, this general is good!

But when he talked about that woman, Mu Long could only change the subject, "By the way, what about the kid?"

"In order to save his battle pet, he spent spiritual transitions. It seems that the situation is not very good. A pharmacist is treating him." After that, Feng Wu stood up and said quietly, "Mulong, we have been in Seventh Heaven for hundreds of years, Have you ever seen someone treat a war pet regardless of safety?"

Mulong thought for a while, "I've seen a lot of warfare pets rescued, but they can do it regardless of their own safety...No!"

Feng Wu nodded, "Yes, I haven't seen such a fool for many years... Mu Long, I suddenly understand why you will save him at all costs."

"We will stay here for the first two days, and wait for that guy to wake up."

"Well, I thought so too."


This wait lasted three days, and after three days, Lu Chen woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Lu Chen saw a group of people in front of his bed, which shocked him.

"Hey, what are you doing with so many people around here..." Lu Chen sat up, "It made me hang up!"

"Dad, you finally woke up!"

"Where is Xiaoyuan?"

"Xiaoyuan and Rhubarb are in the training room." Lu Yiyi said, "Boss, rest assured, they are all fine."

"What about Mulong?"

At this moment, someone stepped in outside the door, "I woke up the next day! It is better to care about yourself as much as you care about me."

Mulong and Feng Wu walked in together.

Mulong looked at Lu Chen, angry and funny, "Bring me back, but you were in a coma for longer than me. Let us wait here for you for three days. Is this your way of hospitality?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "It's not bad to live more. Look at the Dongfu I snatched from you. Is the environment okay?"

Although the two had just met each other, after a battle in another world, the two had become friends of life and death.

Since it was the turn of life, Lu Chen regained his instincts and couldn't help but tease this fairy king.

Mulong glared at Lu Chen, "I still have thoughts that irritate me. It seems that the injury is not serious enough."

"I tell you, that auction ring, I just don't want to kill the net with you." Mu Long said coldly, "Hey, I'm not laughing at you, have you been to the ninth-level altar?"

Lu Chen nodded, "I've been there. I robbed them of the altar spirits and were chased by millions of strange beasts. Fortunately, I have your drag charm."

"Are there any gains?"

Lu Chen thought for a while, "There is a little bit of it, but... it's hard to see at a glance."

"Oh by the way, I didn't ask clearly about my affairs, but I knew what the alien beast wanted to do."

"Oh? What do they want to do?"

"They seem to awaken the Void Chaos Demon God."

"Void Chaos Demon God?!" Mu Long and Feng Wu exclaimed at the same time.

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