Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1316: I, human race, I am alone!

The largest immortal city of the Yao Clan is undoubtedly the "Demon God Immortal City", and there are only four immortals resident in the city alone!

Immortal king, there are countless true immortals, scattered immortals can only engage in trading and miscellaneous work in the outer city!

A Sanxian was buying medicinal seeds, and suddenly found that many true celestial kings were rushing to the inner city.

"The Immortal Lord, what are they going to do?"

His Immortal Lord frowned slightly, with the same doubt on his face, at this moment, he received a voice transmission.

"Brother Jade Lizard, hurry up to the demon battle arena, the death order of the human race uses the supreme death order! At this moment, the arena has been placed in the battlefield!"

"What? Supreme Death Order?" The true immortal widened his eyes, "Flower demon, you bought the seeds and went back by yourself. I'll go to the Fairy Arena."

After all, this person rushed to the door, following the vast crowd, quickly flocking to the Fairy Arena.


Demon God City Fairy Arena, as the largest Fairy Arena in the Fairy Region of the Demon Race, can hold hundreds of thousands of spectators.

The ring is even more prepared for the super powerhouse with the highest level of Xianzun. The scope is extremely wide, almost like a small plain.

The material is paved with the strongest sky-filling basalt stone, and there are three defenses around it!

At this moment, a demon fairy king is impassioned on stage.

"Dear friends from the demon race, the death **** of the human race, came to our demon race immortal domain!"

This was an opening that was not funny at all, but the audience went into a crash.

"Hahahaha, dare to come to our Monster Race Immortal Territory. I'm really bored!"

"I guess, anyway, I feel that I am bound to die. It's better to challenge our monster race, and it will save face if you speak out."

"Human crap, your lair is almost gone, dare to come to my demon clan immortal domain to put on the stage? Come out and let the Lord see, what kind of **** is so unimaginable."

As soon as the host raised his hand, the audience gradually calmed down.

"Moreover, he brought the Supreme Death Order of Human Race!"

The audience was a sensation again.

"Is it Pangu's one? Well, Pangu didn't dare to come to our Monster Race Immortal Territory at first, so this time I will leave the Supreme Death Order in our Monster Race!"

"Human race finally produced a Pangu, fighting for some face for the human race, but you actually inflated yourself and rushed to our monster race."

The host also had a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Every fairy friend knows that inter-ethnic fairy fighting is related to the face of all major races, so you should not rush to the stage for a while. After signing up, you can only come to the stage with the approval of the four immortals. Don’t fight for merit and disrupt order. ."

After all, the fairy king throws a shadow stone, "This shadow stone will transmit the scene of the battle scene to the human immortal domain."

"Even though the Shadow Stone transmits images, it doesn't matter if you live or die in the Fairy Arena. As for giving him a pleasure, it's still up to you how you want to play.

"Okay, now, please come to the stage for this "Courage to Know People" Human Race Fairy." When the host said the words "Courage to Know People", he deliberately prolonged the tone. The irony was very obvious, and it was ushered in again. There was a burst of laughter in the audience.

Courageous? I'm afraid it's not the brain disease!

In a burst of laughter, a tall man in black robe walked out slowly from the entrance.

When Lu Chen just showed up, there was already a booing sound.

"Human dog, did he get through the dog hole?"

"Oh, I'm not mistaken, I haven't even opened Xian Road? San Xian?"

"Human race is too persuaded, afraid that the immortal king will die here, so I will send a scattered immortal to die! Do you guys of the human race still need to show their faces!" A monster race was yelling at Shadow Stone.

"Human race boy, we will definitely let you survive and die in a while! Give you a lesson in Human race!"

At the same time, Terran opened the Heavenly City.

Tens of thousands of people are also sitting in the Fairy Arena.

But there is no one on the Fairy Arena.

On the contrary, a shadow stone was projecting a scene of the Fairy Battlefield of the Demon God City.

In a high glass room, there are three people standing side by side, all watching the scene played by the shadow stone.

"How are the three people you sent?" the woman on the left asked the man standing in the middle.

With his hands folded, the man looked at the picture of Shadow Stone. At this time, he couldn't see his appearance, only his deep and deep voice could be heard.

"Of the three, one went to the Goblin Immortal Territory and was killed in two games, one went to the Water Spirit Clan, and was killed in the third game. This is the last one." There was not much emotional fluctuation in his tone.

"The last one went to the Demon Race?" Another man stood side by side with the two of them. "The Demon Race and the Goblin, Shui Ling is not the same grade!"

The man in the middle nodded, "He is going to the Yaozu here to find someone!"

The woman didn't say much when she learned the inside story.

It’s not easy to experience anything in their identities and have never seen or heard anything before. It is not easy to surprise them.

"These monster races really don't take the Human race seriously, and they openly provoke Shadow Stone."

"It's not just one or two days for the human race to be weak. Within nine days, starting from the third heaven, the human race is in such a situation."

The three of them only exchanged a few words briefly, and then continued to look at Shadow Stone.

At this time, the crowd of immortal kings in the audience, although the true immortal also saw the arrogance of the demon clan, they were also used to it.

It's just that when they saw the human men on the field, someone suddenly became surprised.

"Really a loose fairy? What, what is going on?"

"This year, Immortal Pangu is looking for someone. He probably won't find a Sanxian."

"Isn't it going to be tortured and killed for a while? Hey, not only will the monsters kill people, but they will definitely hold on to this point and say that my human race has no one."

In the audience, five people reacted differently from the surrounding immortals.

Jiu'er, Ye Fan, Linglong, Mulong, Fengwu.

At this moment, even they can feel it, as if the whole world is laughing at that man, he has no support!

"Ye Fan, is the Shadow Stone ready? Li Shang and the others are very worried about Lu Chen." Jiu'er asked.

Ye Fan nodded, "It's done! These human immortals are really annoying, Master is fighting for the human race, but they are still talking cold words here!"

Mu Long said suddenly, "These human races have lost their confidence. This is the humbleness that has been formed for a long time."

After that, Mulong looked at Yingshi, "Lu Chen, you come back alive for me!"

Not long after, Lu Chen was already standing in the center of the Fairy Battlefield. He looked up, and the endless demons hurled, humiliated and laughed at him.

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly smiled.

Isn't this what he has been facing all the time!

Those who laugh at him, those who despise him, those who want to kill him, including those who want his life, even Jiutian!

A heavy mountain weighed on him!

And he never flinched!

Lu Chen twisted his neck and moved his wrists, then raised his head and shouted angrily at the hundreds of thousands of monsters.

"I, Human Race, I am the only one who is crazy here!"

"Today, I'm here to level the battlefield of your demon race!"

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