Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1325: Death is here

Lu Chen calmly put away the clear water beads, and glanced at Yuan Wu with a confused look, "Now I know why I am so confident, I have treasures! So you just can't kill me, are you angry?"

Yuan Wu just had no idea when he heard it, but Qianji, thousands of miles away, was already gritted his teeth with anger.

This seems to be said to him!

Yes, he has already put Lu Chen to death several times, but he hasn't killed Lu Chen until now!

One hundred demon fairy kings, not one to die alone? !

"Damn, he, he is definitely provoking me!" Qian Ji stood up directly, her face pale with anger, "He said this to me!"

"I'm the only one crazy, don't be proud! I must kill you! I must kill you!"

On the ring, Lu Chen felt particularly comfortable.

"It's not too early, this game should be over." Lu Chen said, holding a spear in his hand, and then looked at Yuan Wu, "Remember, as long as there is me, Human Race will not have any turn. People gesticulate!"

After all, Lu Chen stroked the gun body lightly, and the inside of the extinguisher gun showed red fire, as if the magma inside was about to gush out of the gun body!

"Arrogant! Let you see the strength of my gods!" Yuan Wu's eyes became cold.

With the long sword in his hand, the rune of the sword body flashed, standing in front of him, and countless spiritual energy around him began to flock to this long sword.

"Xianshu·The Catastrophe of God!"

At the same time, Lu Chen yelled in a low voice, "Missing Gun·Sky Fury Gun!"

In an instant, the two powerful moves collided, and the spiritual powers of both sides surged wildly and collided with each other!

The gods are good at subtle auras, this Yuan Wu's destiny is also quite formidable, and the spiritual power is as strong as the essence!

However, in less than two seconds, the Skywrath Spear broke through the core spiritual power of God's Catastrophe and hit Huanglong!

As the so-called defeat is like a mountain, God's Catastrophe just appeared defeated, and immediately afterwards, the sky fury spear became unstoppable!

"No, it's impossible!" Yuan Wu's eyes opened wide, and he watched the opponent break the move, but he was already unable to resist!

"Eighteen Arhats Diamond Spirit Shield!"

This time, however, Yuan Wu was no longer facing a counterattack attack by the Dragon God, but a super single attack like the Sky Wrath Spear!

The Diamond Spirit Shield was crushed instantly!

Yuan Wu was immediately counter-shocked with blood.

However, before he could make any more reactions, a black shadow passed by, but I was already standing behind him.

Yuan Wu looked at the big hole in his chest in horror. The fire burned his internal organs, and even the spirit core was taken away by that guy!

The hidden attribute of the Destroyer Spear, stealing spiritual core...

With a puff, Yuan Wu knelt on the ground weakly!

In his mind, he recalled how he used to smash into the Nine Heavens, how he was once so beautiful and admired by thousands of people.

In Seventh Heaven, he was also a powerful immortal king with strength ahead, only one step away from Immortal Venerable.

However, he never dreamed that he would fall into the hands of a human race...

"I'm the only one who is crazy, you are really...the king?" Yuan Wu suddenly said, "I have gone through all kinds of hardships, but I was actually defeated by a king? I, I am not reconciled..."

Lu Chen turned around and glanced at the background kneeling on the ground. He still had an obsession in his heart and refused to fall down!

Lu Chen walked in front of Yuan Wu, squatted in front of Yuan Wu, covering the badge with his hand, and at the same time removing the mist of spiritual energy.

After seeing Lu Chen's level, Yuan Wu's eyes opened wide, his eyes full of incredible.

Lu Chen stood up and recovered the spiritual mist of the badge, "Yuan Wu, you can look at it..."

Suddenly, Yuan Wu felt relieved.

Yes, this person is indeed the King of Humans, but he is not an ordinary King of Humans.

"The King of Heaven Defying...Haha, hahahaha...I am the only one who is crazy, and I am defeated in your hands. I am not worth this trip...Thanks..." After speaking, Yuan Wu fell straight down.

Once he succeeded in accomplishing ten thousand bones, Yuan Wu didn't tell Lu Chen's level until his death, and he was considered an upright person.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, but unfortunately he would not stop for anyone.

He turned his head to look at the hundreds of thousands of immortals who had calmed down, and said loudly, "Next!"


Ten minutes later, the second Nine Stars Immortal King, the super powerful Nine Stars Immortal King who had won 37 wins in 52 games, fell in front of Lu Chen.

Immediately afterwards, the third place, 53 battles 46 wins and lost to the nine-star fairy king, fell on the spot.

So far, Lu Chen has won all three games!

At this time, there was no sound in the Immortal Fighting Arena of the Godly Race.

The human king of the human race is only crazy, and in the arena of the gods, we will win all three battles! The people who were mocking Lu Chen before, all closed their mouths!

The strength of these three immortal kings is getting stronger and stronger, but without exception, they all die under the mad gun.

Qian Ji was already fidgeting.

Now I'm alone has played three games. At this time, as long as he says that he will not play, the Protoss can no longer force him. It can be said that he has now completed the Protoss arena.

The soloist seems to be getting closer and closer to himself!

"I haven't seen him use that bead yet! Damn, why did this guy become so strong in such a short time!"

"At the time of Fifth Heaven, he couldn't even beat me, and now he actually killed seven Nine Star Immortal Kings? What kind of monster is this person!"

"I knew this before, even if I tried my life, I would kill him!"

On the other side, human fairyland.

"It's too strong for me to be mad. Immortal King Yuan Wu said that he was the King of Heaven-defying Humans before his death. Doesn't it mean that I am the only madman to be the King of Humans?"

"It's hard to imagine that a king can be so strong!"

At this moment, in the shadow stone, Lu Chen yelled at the hundreds of thousands of immortals, "Who would dare to say that my human race has no one?!"

No one dares to answer!

"Who would dare to say that my human race is weak?!"

No one dares to answer!

"Nine days and tens of thousands of races have been remembered for me, wherever the Human Race Supreme Death Order goes, it is the place where Death visits!"

No one dared to say these words for thousands of years, and they were still speaking to the gods.

But I am the only one who dare to say! Not only dare to say it, but also in front of hundreds of thousands of gods! No one dared to respond!

Jiu'er was rubbing her hands subconsciously. At this moment, her heart was full of enthusiasm, and looking at the man who stood alone on the battlefield like a king, her heart surged.

"Brother Wuming is really too strong!"

Linglong took a deep breath, the Dao Xin for hundreds of years, since she gave up practicing Bing Xin Jue, it began to become more and more shaken.

At this moment, her eyes could not be removed from the figure.


Ye Fan and Mulong looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

It's three games, and the testimonials are over. Master (Lu Chen) should do the work, and they are also in the harvest season!

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly said, "Next!"

Hearing these three words, Ye Fan and Mulong's smiling faces were instantly stiff...

The next game...that will be the fourth game!

"Senior Mulong...you, how much did you suppress..." Ye Fan said with a trembling voice.

Mulong swallowed dryly, "Uh... I, um, cough cough cough... not much... just sold Taibai Dongtian... a total of 6 million..."

Ye Fan's hands trembled, "I, I, I was thinking about earning anyway, so I secretly moved the little beast's fifty thousand, forty thousand...the little beast came back, I'm afraid it will kill me!"

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