At this time, the fairyland of the Wanling Race!

The strength of the Wanling Clan is also able to rank in the first line of the ten thousand races, not much inferior to the Divine Clan, and even slightly stronger.

However, the Wanling Race has a fatal weakness, that is, the number of Wanling Race members is scarce!

Therefore, the status of the Wanling Race is also very embarrassing. It is said that he is weak. Every individual of the Wanling Race is very strong. Even the elemental power of the Wanling Race, even the gods and the demons, must avoid its edge.

However, if he is strong, the Wanling Race sits on a vast fairyland, but there are hundreds of thousands of immortals in total.

It is precisely because of this special situation that no one dares to provoke the Wanling Race, but the Wanling Race does not take the initiative to provoke other races.

For other races, hundreds of thousands of deaths are sprinkled with water, and they all feel distressed when they die!

This has also resulted in the Wanling Race being a very small minority of "uncontested" races.

It is a pity that the Wanling Race has the right to speak after all. To launch a war between the Wanling Races, the Wanling Race is also very important.

Qian Ji had been here for several days, but it seemed that Wan Ling had no interest in launching the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War.

However, they are also polite to Qian Ji, and they serve delicious food.

Heiyan walked quickly into the room of Thousand Chance, "Thousand Chance, I am the only one who has not found the bead. The ranking of artifacts and magic weapons of various races has been checked by ancient and modern people, and there is no such blue bead."

"No?! Could it be that it's nine days away again!"

"The Nine Heavens started from the Fifth Heaven and used the method of body transmission to pass through, so there are gradually many things that did not belong to the Nine Heavens in the Nine Heavens. This possibility is not small." Heiyan said.

"Damn it!" Qian Ji is not as carefree as it was a few days ago, and has begun to fidget.

I was the only one who broke through the immortal domain of the gods!

Moreover, he is now rushing to the side of the Undead Race, but the negotiations between himself and the Wan Ling Race are not going smoothly.

"Thousand Chance, we have obtained enough support, even if the Wanling Race disagrees, the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Battle is already a certainty."

Qianji frowned, "I don't like the existence of any uncertain factors! The individual strength of the Wanling race is extremely strong, and the battle of the ten thousand immortals is a battle between the immortals. It is an individual war. I am afraid that the ten thousand spirits will meet. Standing on the human side..."

Hei Yan looked at Qian Ji, and he was the first time he saw Qian Ji so anxious since he was ordered to assist Qian Ji.

"Thousand Chance, Wan Ling does not support Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Wars, but it is never possible to stand in the human race's position and be the enemy of Ten Thousand Clan." Hei Yan reminded.

Who knows that Qianji's anxiety has not diminished in the slightest, "No, as long as I am alone, everything can happen!"

"Thousand Chance, I think you are too sensitive, I am the only one who came to fight the ring and make enemies! How can the Wanling Race and the Human Race join forces?"

Qian Ji froze for a moment. Hei Yan's words were reasonable, and his worries seemed to be unnecessary.

However, I don't know why, when the soloist passed through the immortal domain of the gods race, he began to find it difficult to think calmly.

What exactly is that bead? What is the upper limit of the strength of the solo mad?

This solo mad, not only can't kill him, but now he is chasing himself like a mad dog!

"Qianji, you should take a good rest, your condition is not very good. Don't worry, our people have been staring at the solitaire. Once he enters the Immortal Realm of the Ten Thousand Spirit Race, we will leave immediately!"

Qian Ji suddenly said, "How many days are left on our visit order?"

"Two days."

"Let's go now!"

"Now?" Heiyan asked strangely.

"Yes, now! If we stay here, then we will be the bargaining chip in the hands of the Ten Thousand Spirit Races, and the soloist is likely to get this bargaining chip at all costs!"

"Regardless of whether the Wanling Race agrees or not, our life is not in our hands!"

"Anyway, the old stubborn people of the Ten Thousand Spirit Race are unwilling to launch the Ten Thousand Race Immortal War. Two days can't change much. Now we will return to the Profound Spirit Immortal Domain!"

"By the way, don't notify anyone, let's go straight! Let the solial mad not know our whereabouts!"

"This... Thousand Chance, are you... afraid of the solitaire?"

"Afraid? I will be afraid of him?!" Qianji suddenly became angry, glaring at Heiyan, "Don't forget, I almost killed him!"

"I can kill him in the fifth heaven, and in the seventh heaven, I can still pinch him to death!"

"The people we sent out are all rubbish! When I swallow the black tide to practice, I will solve him personally!"

Hei Yan sighed, stopped talking, packed up, and prepared to quietly leave the Immortal Domain of the Wanling Race with Qian Ji.

There is a long distance from the Immortal Domain of the Godly Race to the Immortal Domain of the Wanling Race, and Lu Chen is sitting cross-legged on the head of the ten-winged dragon.

"Dad, do you think Thousand Opportunities will still be in the Wanling Race?"

"No." Lu Chen opened his eyes and said affirmatively.

"Huh? Are you so sure?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "That guy was very afraid of death. Remember when he was in Sixth Heaven, he didn't even dare to show his head. After that, he went to cross the catastrophe before he was ready, but he was even a true fairy. Didn't make it, do you think he was afraid of death?"

The little beast nodded, "In that case, it is really scary. So when he sees you passing through the Godly Race Fairy Arena, he will inevitably escape."

Lu Chen nodded.

"Then we have been chasing after him, won't we never be able to catch up with him? He can see our whereabouts through the shadow stone, but we don't know his position."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. "The visit order also has a time limit. At that time, when the world of cracks opened, he had already gone to the Demon Immortal Realm, and by the way, he asked Chi Mang to intercept me. Then count the time, his The visit order is not long."

"And I deliberately released some smoke bombs. As long as he gets confused, it won't be difficult to catch him!"

"Dad, the smoke bomb you are talking about is...clear water drops."

"Hmm! Remember the Five Heavens? The reason why he was able to completely suppress me was because he had extremely accurate information about me. This time, I just let him know my strength!"

"A person like him thinks he can control everything, but once there is something he can't control, he will inevitably be in a mess, and this is our opportunity!"

Lu Chen added, "Oh, of course, when I showed that clear water drop, I actually hope to find the little golden carp. If he can see it, he will also know where I am."

After flying for a few hours, Lu Chen saw that he had reached the Immortal Territory of the Ten Thousand Spirit Race, and called the Little Beasts back.

The Wanling Clan has a strong individual strength, and no one here has ever come to the ring!

It can be said that as far as the ring is concerned, the ring of the Wanling Race is the most terrifying!

Lu Chen had just entered the Immortal Realm of the Ten Thousand Spirits, and a flying mount flew towards him.

It was a golden nine-headed phoenix with a full wingspan of three to four hundred meters.

You can fly in front of Ten Wings, this mount is not easy!

And its owner is definitely not simpler!

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