At this moment, Saint Wuxianzun actually turned around.

The surrounding fairy kings knelt on one knee.

When Lu Chen saw this person, he was also taken aback.

The most important thing is his appearance, which is more like...human race than other Wanling Races!

Shengwu Xianzun raised his hand, and the other fairy kings stood up.

He looked at Lu Chen with a rare smile, "Don’t stare at me like that, you’re right, I’m half human! My mother is a human... even though I know she didn’t give birth voluntarily. mine."

"Xianzun..." Gu Ying couldn't help reminding Shengwu Xianzun, this kind of secret matter, I didn't expect that Xianzun would mention the soloist, an outsider.

The Wanling Clan used a strong force to make Shengwu Xianzun's mother conceive him, which is obviously not a glorious thing.

Shengwu Xianzun looked calm, "After so many years, I have actually taken these things down."

"The natural powerhouse of the Wanling Race seems to be cursed while being favored. Our Wanling Race has a very low chance of getting pregnant. Ten fetuses, nine of them are still dead, so my mother Such things are not uncommon."

Lu Chen didn't know what to say at this time.

Saint Martial Immortal Venerable walked to Lu Chen and took a close look at Lu Chen, "Are you sure you want to put down the ring? That way you might miss the chance to catch up with a thousand opportunities."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I won't bypass any fairyland! As for Thousand Chance, he can't run!"

Shengwu Xianzun smiled slightly, "You are really crazy, a person like Thousand Chance, if you live longer, you will be more dangerous!"

"Sheng Wu Xianzun, since you have half of the human blood, why can't you help the human race?"

Shengwu Xianzun said, "First, I do have the right to speak in the all-spirit race, but I am not alone in the final say. Second, the blood of the human race has not brought me any glory, and some are just endless. Humiliation! Third, although our Wanling Race does not need to cut off the dust to deal with the catastrophe, I have taken lightly on the things in the world."

"But!" Lu Chen stared at Shengwu suddenly, "but adversity can also make people move forward, even if you are now the Immortal Venerable, half of the blood in your body is human!"

"Chen Yuan? Sorry, with all due respect, even if you are immortals, you will never be able to get rid of it! I know a lot of immortals, and there are so many ruthless people, but no one can really forget the past. You just choose to forget. Keep the past in the depths of memory."

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "If you don't care about Human Race's future at all, you shouldn't wait for me here!"

"You don't need to talk about me anymore, no matter how threatening you are, since I decided to open the ring here, I will not change!"

Shengwu narrowed his eyes slightly, "I am the only one who is crazy. If one day you are defeated, it must be because of your stubborn character!"

"But it is also my character that made me where I am today!" Lu Chen refused!

The other immortal kings had to look at Lu Chen more.

I am the only one who dares to talk to Shengwu Xianzun like this, but I am the only one!

However, Shengwu didn't get angry. After a while, Shengwu suddenly said, "You just said, no matter how I threaten you, you will not change your mind?"


"Then...what about the temptation?"

Lu Chen paused suddenly.

This Saint Martial Immortal Venerable is okay, even "coercion and temptation" knows it! If the coercion can't do it, then change the lure?

But in the face of big right and wrong, I should still be able to maintain my principles!

"Ahem... I'll make a condition, and you can see if you can accept it." Shengwu Xianzun said, "I will give you the ring, but you can only play three games at most!"

"Then, regardless of victory or defeat, I will take you to the Ancient Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits, and I will give you three years to cultivate in it!"

Lu Chen's "principles" are now shaken severely...

"Don't rush to answer me, you go to the Blood Spirit City next, let the people there take you to Shengwu Xiancheng, then tell me your decision." After that, Shengwu Xianzun turned around, "Okay. ,you can go now."

Seeing Lu Chen flew away on Ten Wings, Gu Ying took a step forward, "Xianzun, you still can't let go of Human Race..."

Shengwu said he came to discuss with Lu Chen, but he clearly came to send benefits.

Shengwu Xianzun held his hands and looked at the sky in the distance. That direction was where the Immortal Territory of Human Race was.

"Gu Ying, I've never been there before to see my mother's hometown... She gave me life, and I gave Humans a hope! Our mother and son... are clean..."

Gu Ying also looked over there, "Xianzun..."


Lu Chen thought all the way, what else to consider for this kind of transaction, he should have agreed at the time.

Playing two games less, that is, 20 million spiritual tablets are missing, but the name of the ancient realm is not easy.

"Hey, if I go to the Ancient Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits, don't I want Qian Ji to run away?" Probably this was the main reason for Lu Chen's hesitation before.

Now he is away from Thousand Opportunities, which may be half a day away, so he just gave up halfway, and I don't know when he will wait next time.

Just as Lu Chen was thinking about it, there was already a large fairy city in front of him.

As soon as Lu Chen landed, someone walked out of the city gate.

There were only three people, and the first one said, "Mr. Crazy?"

"You know me? You are not waiting for me here too, are you?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"We have seen your ring shadow stone. Here, the strong will be respected, regardless of race."

Lu Chen really felt the atmosphere of the Wanling Race, which was different from other races.

"It's just that if Mr. Du Kuang is here to discuss, our Wanling Clan is very welcome, but if you are here..."

Lu Chen interrupted him directly, "It's just a ring, others don't want my life, and I don't need to take others' lives."

The man nodded, his vigilant look turned into a smile, "Okay, that's the best. Actually, I have a disciple who belongs to the human race, but that kid is really unbelievable, hahaha, he should still be Really fairy."

A guard next to him asked, "By the way, I heard that the ten thousand races are going to launch an immortal war against the human race. Does Mr. Du Kuang know about this?"

"I've heard that it is difficult to maneuver with a high probability," Lu Chen said, "but I hope to pass my ring this time and make a little change."

The man nodded, "Hey, when I didn't come to Seventh Heaven before, some of my teammates belonged to the human race. I couldn't bear to see them exterminate."

"Once the Ten Thousand Clan Celestial War is launched, it will determine the survival of a race!"

Lu Chen's favor with the Wanling Race suddenly doubled, "Thank you, but if it is really hard to recover, we will also swear to protect the Human Race."

"Mr. Du Kuang, with all due respect, with your current strength, I am afraid that you will not be able to recover."

Lu Chen asked, "By the way, do you know the Ancient Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits? When is the training room? If you practice in the Ancient Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits for three years, how long does it take to practice?"

"The Ancient Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits?" The three people from the Ten Thousand Spirits tribe were all surprised, "How to say it, it can be regarded as a time cultivation space, but it is not completely."

"If you cultivate inside for three years, the short one is three years inside, three years outside, and the long... three years is the reincarnation of the three generations!"

When Lu Chen heard it, there was a buzz in his head.

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