Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1333: Three beasts

Lu Chen made moves with both hands at the same time, while Huang Ting used a super killer move.

With three collisions, the spiritual power on the scene exploded, and the two figures flew out at the same time, directly and fiercely hitting the defense shield.

Next, the two fell to the ground, motionless!

Everyone held their breath, what happened to these two superpowers.

"Who will stand up first?"

"I don't know, but I'm the only madman who can compete with Huang Ting's proof without direct defeat. It's incredible!"

"From skill to strength, I'm the only madman no less inferior to any nine-star fairy king."

The human race, the monster race, the gods race, the Wanling race, and perhaps more people who are paying attention to this ring, are now urgently watching the movements of the two.

In the end, whoever wins and who loses, as long as who can stand up, seems to be able to determine the final result.

Suddenly, Huang Ting's hand twitched, and everyone's heartstrings seemed to be moved by that twitching finger.

"Or is Huang Ting stronger?"

Huang Ting tried to raise his head, he saw Lu Chen motionless in the distance, gritting his teeth and trying to get up...

But just after moving, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale.

At this moment, the solitaire on the opposite side also moved.

Lu Chen raised his head and saw Huang Ting here, knowing that the other party's situation was not much better than his own.

But at this time, his spiritual power was exhausted, and the spiritual core was also in chaos. Not only could he not regenerate any spiritual power, but it also made Lu Chen extremely painful.

He tried to get up, but struggled a few times and also failed.

"Neither seem to be able to stand up? Is it... a draw?"

"Xiandouchang rarely sees a draw. It seems that the two of them can no longer beat each other."

Lu Chen looked at Huang Ting from a distance, gritted his teeth, and said weakly, "Xiao Yuan..."

A huge white tiger suddenly appeared beside Lu Chen!

Those who were not familiar with Lu Chen were already stunned.

Huang Ting is a powerful four-cultivator, and the solo mad in the previous battles also demonstrated the skills of fighters, sword spirits, psionic blasting experts, and even assassins.

No one knows, I am the only one who has also cultivated the skill of the Beast Master!

"This, I am the only one who has cultivated five professional skills?! Isn't it, who can have the energy and understanding to cultivate five occupations at the same time?!"

It is not difficult to practice five kinds of skills, but the difficulty is that each skill can be used to such a terrifying degree!

Xiao Yuan carefully held Lu Chen on his back, and then walked to Huang Ting.

"Don't hurt him..." Lu Chen said weakly.

The owner is dead, Xiao Yuan will naturally not hurt Huang Ting any more, just roar at Huang Ting.

This roar was full of breath, and it also represented that Xiao Yuan was in full state at this time!

I alone is not dead, so his pet is still powerful, but Huang Ting is completely unable to move now, the winner of the game is naturally I alone!

Huang Ting looked at Lu Chen who was lying on Bai Hu, and suddenly felt a little confused, "You, are you still the master beast control?"

"Well, I have no power to fight anymore now. I want to kill or cut, just listen to it."

Lu Chen smiled with difficulty, "You and I are just competing against each other, why should I kill you? It's just this competition, I won!"

Suddenly, there was a big round of applause.

There is no doubt that Gu Ying and Huang Ting are all strong in the Wan Ling Clan, and after Lu Chen won the two games, his strength has been recognized by the Wan Ling Clan!

At this time, an immortal king jumped onto the ring and walked towards Lu Chen.

"Wonderful, very exciting! I am the only one who is crazy. Congratulations, I won the second game and I will challenge the next game."

In the arena, the defenders have no time to rest. Even if Lu Chen is injured like this now, the game will continue.

Someone took Huang Ting down, and the information of the new challenger had appeared on the screen.

Lianhua, the nine-star fairy king, 67 wins and 67 wins!

"I am the only one who is crazy. The reason why Huang Ting can maintain a complete victory is because he didn't challenge me!" Lian Hua said with a smile.

Lu Chen lay on Xiao Yuan and looked at his opponent.

Regardless of whether Lianhua is bragging, but judging from the record, this guy should be stronger than Huang Ting.

And he was already unable to fight against a stronger opponent than Huang Ting.

Lianhua looked at Lu Chen, "It's a pity that Huang Ting took the lead, otherwise I really want to live with you. It seems that I can only wait for the next time."

Suddenly, Lu Chen's voice sounded, "Don't wait for the next time!"

"This Supreme Reaper Order has not failed, so it won't fail if it comes to me!"

Lianhua looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "I'm the only one who is crazy, I'm afraid you can't win in your current state."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It's impossible for me to win, but... don't forget, I'm still a beast master!"

"Little beast, little hairball!"

There were two more guys beside Lu Chen. One looked like a human being, and the other was a cute little white mouse.

"Dad, you finally thought of us." The little beast stared at the opposite Lianhua, "Hey, old man, my dad said, this game must be won, so you can't win!"

The small hair ball quickly grew bigger and roared at Lianhua, looking at Lianhua greedily with a pair of eyes.

In the third game, Lu Chen planned to send three beasts.

It stands to reason that the current strength of the three beasts is still far from that of the nine-star fairy king, but the three beasts have their own strengths. If you maximize your advantages and Xiaoyuan has just evolved, you may not have no chance!

"You, the beast control master, have been seriously injured, do you plan to defeat me by fighting on their own?" Lianhua laughed, "The battle pet lacks the help of the master, and the strength must be discounted at least!"

Lu Chen smiled back, "Who told you that they are all pets?"

"Psychic Puppet Technique!" Lu Chen directly used Puppet Control Technique to control Xiao Yuan!

After using this skill, the entire fairy arena is boiling.

Sole madness once again refreshed people's perception of him!

"Oh my god, this guy knows how to puppet!"

"How many professions did he practice? Puppet Master and Beast Master, what profession does this guy have yet to practice? Isn't he a full profession!"

"For a full profession, every attribute needs to be very high in order to give full play to professional advantages. At the same time, if there are multiple professions, there will be a slight pause when switching between exercises, but this guy has extremely powerful powers in every occupation. Horror, the switching between exercises is even more fortunate, and no flaws can be seen! What the **** is going on!"

"I just want to know, why one can be so strong!"

"By the way, do you know these two pets and a puppet?"

I don't know who said something, and the people around suddenly fell silent.

A high-star immortal king suddenly said, "If I guess it is right, the giant rat should be the legendary...swallowing the sky and killing the gods..."

A group of people around almost vomited blood.

Swallowing the sky and killing the sacred rat, only appearing in the legend, has changed everyone's taste, showing how terrifying this guy is.

"There is also a humanoid battle pet... Humanoid battle pet, why haven't I heard of it?"

"There is only one kind of battle pet that is in human form! And unless this kind of battle pet is synthesized by hand, otherwise it cannot exist directly in nature... the animal god!"

"Beast God?! You mean the **** of battle pets, Beast God?!"

"That puppet doesn't seem to be a simple white tiger puppet..." Finally, these knowledgeable powerhouses got stuck in Xiaoyuan, and no one knew Xiaoyuan's true identity.

In a cave mansion in the Xuanling Immortal Realm, Qian Ji was already frantic.

He knows that puppet!

"Idiot, that's not a white tiger puppet, it's the best of heaven and earth. If it wasn't this guy last time, I'm the only one who died in my hands!"

"The **** of war pet, the legendary animal swallows the sky and kills the rat, and the heaven and the earth are the most refined! This so-called madman, why is there so many terrifying battle pet puppets?"

With a ding sound, the third ring, start!

Little Beast moved his wrist and shook his head, "Dad, Little Mao Tuan, there is one less hatred, it's still a bit awkward."


In the fairy cave, in the battle pet training room, a big yellow dog moved a bit, continued to change a comfortable posture, and fell asleep again.

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