Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1335: Strongest source

Lianhua was confronting the little beast, and a white shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

The little hairball is here again!

Even the Space Leap can catch up, let alone Lianhua not moving at all!

The little hair ball ran directly on Lianhua's shoulder, and it took a bite!

"Ah!" Lian Hua didn't expect to be so painful after being taken by Xiao Mao Tuan, she couldn't help screaming!

Looking sideways, this little thing was eating his shoulder!

Seeing this scene, Lianhua also took a deep breath. He is being used as food for the dignified fairy king... What kind of pet is this!

Swallowing the sky and killing the sacred rat is not a joke, Lianhua no longer dare to be careless, "You **** fellow! Get out of me!"

A burst of spiritual energy suddenly exploded, shaking the small hair ball away.

With one hand, Lianhua controlled the classification flurry and the small beast's stalemate, and with the other hand he waved his sword energy towards the small hair ball.

However, the white tiger blocked all his attacks!

In the next second, the small hair ball had appeared on Lianhua's calf again, and it was just a bite!

"You!" Lian Hua is going crazy, this guy is just a piece of brown candy, can't get rid of it!

If he is alone against the little beast, he has full confidence in defeating the little beast, but now his main energy is all controlled by the little beast.

Can't run away, kill, the white tiger protects it, and can't kill it!

Lianhua also never expected that she was actually constrained by the Three Beasts!

Lianhua shook the small hair ball back again, and jumped directly into the distance.

The little beast returned to Xiaomaotuan and Xiaoyuan, and the three beasts looked at Lianhua.

At this time Lianhua's back, calves, and shoulders were all torn!

The little beast smiled and looked at Lianhua, "Old man, you are nothing but the Nine Stars Immortal King, you can't even kill us."

Lianhua was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He glanced at his wound, but he couldn't heal it, and the blood was flowing!

"I underestimated you!" Lianhua said bitterly, "but don't be proud of you, the show has just begun!"

Having said that, Lianhua once again launched a spatial leap, and instantly flashed between the three beasts.

Everyone thought that this time he was going to repeat the same tricks and break up the three of them, but what people did not expect was that this time, what broke out from Lianhua was not the power of repulsion, but the power of attraction!

The powerful suction force directly pulled the three beasts to Lianhua's side!

"Xianshu·Tianjing Wind Thunder Slash!"

While sucking the three beasts to his side, Lianhua simultaneously launched the fairy technique, and the whole body was flooded by thunder and gale, as if a tornado straight through the sky appeared in the field, countless thunder and lightning, and the sword energy crazily cut everything around him!

"It's the sky thorn, wind and thunder cut, super continuous group killing technique!" Gu Ying stared at the battle in the field, "The wind attribute disrupts the opponent's spiritual power operation, the thunder attribute increases the output, and the heaven and earth battle axe, and then space Jumping reversely involves hand control, it can be said to be an invincible existence..."

"Skythorn Wind and Thunder Slash seems to be infinite use, right?" Huang Ting asked from the side.

"Well, unless Lianhua's spiritual power is exhausted, you can continue to use it! I was defeated by this trick in the first place. It is too unsolvable."

Huang Ting nodded, "You are a sword spirit and assassin class. This trick really restrains your opponents who take a flexible route."

"Space jump is one of the most advanced immortal level physical skills. Unless you can predict it, you can't dodge it. With the force of traction, the opponent can't break free, and then be rolled up by the sky thorn wind and thunder."

"Disrupting the opponent's spiritual power operation is equivalent to leaving the enemy without the power to bind the chicken. It is really difficult to deal with such an infinite attack without special means!"

In the battlefield, a soaring tornado rushed straight into the sky, and the three beasts were drawn into the air, involuntarily, let alone breaking free.

As the movement of spiritual power was disrupted, the little beast's defense was completely unusable in Skythorn Wind and Thunder, and the first one was seriously injured.

The little hairball has a strong defensive power, but can't withstand such endless attacks, and the second one is unconscious.

Now there is only Xiaoyuan, and also Lu Chen!

In the gusty wind, Lu Chen finally caught the little beast and the little hair ball, and guarded them tightly.

Countless spiritual attacks blasted him, Xiao Yuan’s spiritual attacks grew crazily, but at the same time, massive lightning and wind elements also blasted him, Xiao Yuan was also suffering a large number of attacks while absorbing a small amount of elemental power!

I don't know how long it took before Tianshou Fenglei Zhan finally stopped.

Xiao Yuan directly threw it down from the air, still holding Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Yuan tightly in its arms.

Lianhua looked at the three beasts and smiled slightly, "I said, you are not my opponent...I was careless before and underestimated your strength, but now, everything is over..."

At this moment, Xiao Yuan shook his head and stood up unsteadily.

Seeing this scene, Lian Hua said half of the words, and suddenly got stuck. He stared at the white tiger, "You, how can you support it for so long!"

Xiao Yuan uttered words directly, but Lu Chen's voice came out, "Did you not find that you were bleeding all the time?"

Lianhua's eyes widened, looking at several injuries on her body. It was true that she hadn't healed yet, but because of the actual combat, she was bleeding!

He seemed to realize something and opened the "Guan Ling Shen Eye".

Observing his blood carefully, he suddenly saw a trace of aura, the blood flowing from him, connected to the three beasts.

The bite of the small hair ball is not a casual bite, the effect of the feast is to superimpose the opponent's vulnerability, and at the same time transfer the enemy's blood to himself!

As long as the wound does not heal, this link will always exist!

"I couldn't hold it, but thanks to your blood, you helped me through it." Xiao Yuan stared at Lianhua firmly.

Lianhua narrowed her eyes slightly, "So what, you are already at the end of the battle!"

"The end of the crossbow? No, you don't understand..."

"Hmph, I still have a hard mouth now!" Lianhua snorted coldly, "Okay, let me see if you still have the power to fight!"

Lianhua turned the world battle axe with both hands, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, "To be honest, the worst of the three beasts is your puppet!"

"I won't give you any more chances, just let me ruin your puppet! Xianshu·Gaofengxuanlei·Fengleitiandi!"

Suddenly, the sky was raging and the sky was full of thunder.

Everyone's elemental power is limited, and the elements between heaven and earth are infinite. The strongest moves of the element mage are all attacks launched by summoning heaven and earth elements.

But this time, the skills launched by Lianhua have caused a different world!

Lu Chen secretly cursed in his heart that this guy not only practiced both physical and mental skills, but also incorporated elements into the attack. If this move was only a purely spiritual attack, he was sure to win it, but now, he can only fight it.

Lianhua flashed directly in front of Xiaoyuan, and the battle axe of heaven and earth smashed down with the power of the thunder hurricane!

Xiao Yuan was ready to go, and the people stood up, gathered his whole body to attack, and both claws swooped in at the same time.

At the moment of contact between the two parties, the terrifying collision of spiritual power directly caused the spiritual power to explode!

The ground of Xiandouchang burst instantly, and the ground collapsed directly.

A wave of lightning bombarded Xiao Yuan, and Lianhua also felt an incomparable spiritual impact!

"Why...how could it be so strong..." Lianhua looked at Xiao Yuan in horror, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, "Impossible, it was not so strong in the beginning!"

"Could it be... the heaven and the earth are the most refined?!"

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