Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1339: Ancient Realm Practice

The gate of the ancient temple is like a teleportation whirlpool. When Lu Chen entered the ancient temple, he found that it was not a temple at all, and he was standing in the vast starry sky!

There are countless starlights in front of him, moving towards him at an extremely fast speed.

"This is the Ancient Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits?" Lu Chen frowned. "What are these stars?"

Lu Chen could not help cursing the three guys secretly in his heart and introduced them for a long time, why not talk about these most common things!

While talking, the starlight had already shot towards Lu Chen!

The starlight arrived in front of him in an instant, and Lu Chen realized that the starlight was not as small as when he looked at the stars!

A cluster of starlight has a diameter of thousands of miles!

Lu Chen was so small in the starlight cluster!

"Damn, this...can't escape!"

The starlight submerged Lu Chen instantly.

It's just that in the starlight package, Lu Chen didn't receive any harm, but could feel the surroundings being filled with surging spiritual power...

"This thing is the source of spirit?" Lu Chen was surprised.

The huge light group came and went fast, but after the light group left, Lu Chen could still feel the aura around him extremely full.

"By the way, Sage Wu Xianzun said that cultivating in the ancient realm of Ten Thousand Spirits can take three years as short as three lives and three lives as long as three lives. So, even if you haven't entered that ancient realm, cultivating here will be effective."

"Does it rely on these light groups?"

Lu Chen suddenly understood!

The reason why no one in Gu Ying mentioned the light group is because these light groups can't escape or catch up. They can only passively pass through them here.

The light group carries a huge amount of spiritual energy, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

"If I guess right, some of these countless light clusters use those ancient worlds... but I can't catch up with the light clusters at all, and naturally I can't say to look for those ancient worlds."

"Sure enough, it is something that can be met but cannot be sought... Forget it, let's practice here first!"

Since the light group did no harm to Lu Chen, Lu Chen sat cross-legged, activated the symbiosis of gods and demons, and entered a state of selflessness and spiritual energy.

The light group had just passed by, and the aura around Lu Chen was extremely full, and the concentration of the aura in Xianling Dongtian couldn't be compared to this time.

Lu Chen focused on training...

The stars in the galaxy were dotted with light clusters, passing through Lu Chen's body repeatedly, leaving behind a lot of spiritual energy.

Lu Chen has always maintained this extremely high concentration of aura, and he is also absorbing the aura around him frantically!

In the universe and galaxy, time has become a dispensable concept.

Cultivating and absorbing spiritual energy, Lu Chen was immersed in it, as if he had merged with Galaxy...

At the current practice rate, Lu Chen can increase 400,000 spiritual power a day, 12 million a month!

Not in the Ancient Realm of All Souls, the bonus of Ten Wings has disappeared, but the bonus of all things blood is still there!

The second-tier first-level bloodline of all things provides Lu Chen with a 60% attribute bonus!

After more than three months, without the Ten Wings bonus, Lu Chen's spiritual power exceeded 250 million! The spiritual core spiritual power of the body reaches 150 million.

He withdrew from the cultivation state, looked at his badge, his level has been raised to the fourteen star Savage King!

"Isn't 15 stars yet?" Lu Chen frowned slightly. If his mind level can be one level higher, his cultivation speed can be increased!

It's a pity that since he crossed the calamity, his mind has been unable to upgrade, even if his spiritual power has now reached 150 million!

"The upgrade of the spirit of the gods and demons requires the "next realm", but where is the next realm of Laozi!" Lu Chen is also a black line.

"Forget it, who made me unsuccessful in crossing the catastrophe... If I don't rise, I won't rise. Now this speed is much higher than usual, it's already very good."

After taking a break, Lu Chen looked at the starlight passing through his body time and time again. They did provide a steady stream of spiritual energy. He just didn’t know how many light groups flew by, but Lu Chen never encountered the legendary "Ancient World" ".

If you only practice here, it will take three years, and at the current rate, it would be a huge two to three stars.

And now he is not even sure of victory for a top nine-star fairy king like Lianhua, even if he gets two stars, no, he gets three stars, maybe he won't even win a single fairy.

From the Immortal King to the Immortal Venerable, that is a qualitative change! And he, only the quantity changes! Samsung is probably no better than others to break through from the fairy king to the fairy god.

"Hey, I probably won't have any luck." Lu Chen shook his head and sighed.

One reincarnation, that is a hundred years!

"Forget it, if you don't meet it, you won't meet it, and it's useless to be anxious. At least you must ensure that my strength can be greatly improved during the three years of cultivation!

After more than a month, Lu Chen's spiritual power reached 160 million, and he was finally promoted to the 15-star Savage King.


More than a year later, Lu Chen's spiritual power reached a terrifying 320 million, and his level was only raised to the 16-star Savage King!

There are still 18 months, but according to this trend, Lu Chen can't even rise to the seventeenth star, and will leave the ancient realm of all souls.


In the fairy battlefield, a graceful "woman lunatic" wearing a black grimace mask appeared!

In the beginning, when a female lunatic appeared, she would inevitably choose a two-star opponent higher than her. Even if the real fairy, it is very difficult to leapfrog two stars, so she tried her best every time in the game, fighting to the last moment.

But a few months later, she began to challenge her three-star opponents, and even began to challenge some famous masters...

This woman is very peculiar. Every time she is seriously injured, even two days after she is near death, she will reappear in the Fairy Arena!

And if she wins more easily in a certain game, she will play another one in a row, exhausting herself every time!

In two years, she actually played more than 500 fairy battlefields!

Someone has paid attention to her record.

Mufu Jiuer, a five-star true fairy, 307 wins and 241 losses in 548 battles!

Even so, she still wins more than loses, and has accumulated more than 60 planet coordinates!

Needless to say, this female lunatic is Mufu Jiu'er.

She would come to see Ye Fan and the others occasionally, but she would leave soon after staying for a while.

Both Feng Wu and Mu Long have moved to Xianling Cave Sky. In the last gambling, they lost their money and lost their lives. Currently, they can only live in Xianling Cave Sky temporarily.

However, with the two great immortal kings sitting in town, they would never have any trouble with Li Shang.

Ye Fan has already opened up the third layer of the special training tower, and the training effect of the third layer has reached 15 times the time ratio. Unfortunately, it can only be opened for 3 days a month.

But fortunately, it can accommodate many people to practice. Every time the third floor opens, Mulong, Ye Fan, Linglong, and Fengwu will practice in it.

When the time on the third floor is exhausted, use the second floor, and on the second floor, go to the first floor after 10 days of training time is used up. The first floor can basically be guaranteed to be open all year round...In short, everyone has brought the special training tower to its extreme.

Li Shang and others don't need to practice, but they keep a few medicine gardens in order.

According to Gu Yan, they can't help much, at least help everyone relieve some of the economic pressure. After all, whether it is Mulong and Fengwu or Ye Fan Linglong, they are all too poor.

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