Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1347: Run, the gods and demons mix the original mind!

The next day, the family sent Lu Chen to the entrance of the village.

There was no elixir in Lu Chen's backpack, no equipment, only two pieces of stitched and mended clothing that his mother had bought overnight.

"Chen'er." A Tie, a big man with moist eyes, "Be careful, and your spiritual veins must not be exposed!"

A Tie grew up watching Lu Chen from a young age, and treats Lu Chen as his own. This is no longer the relationship between master and servant.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Uncle Tie, don't worry, I understand. Uncle Tie, help me take care of my mother, Wan'er and grandpa!"

"I, Iron, will defend to the death!"

Lu Chen nodded, "Thank you Uncle Tie..."

Then Lu Chen walked to Wan'er and squatted to touch Wan'er's face.

In reality, he has Lu Yi, but here, he has another younger sister, Lu Wan'er, which is an extra bond.

"Brother, mother said Wan'er is not allowed to cry today." The little girl was holding back her tears, making Lu Chen feel painful.

He picked up Wan'er, "Wan'er, if my brother is not at home in the future, you have to be obedient, you know?"

"Wan'er got it." Wan'er hugged Lu Chen's neck, but finally couldn't help crying.

Mother wanted to hug Wan'er, but Wan'er hugged Lu Chen tightly and refused to let go.

"Brother, you said you would protect Wan'er forever...I don't want Brother to go!"

With tears in her tears, Yueqin forcibly pulled Wan'er away, and said to Lu Chen, "Go away, otherwise Wan'er can't help it."

Lu Chen's eyes were tearful and his heart was twisted like a knife, "Mother, grandpa, Uncle Qin take care!" After that, Lu Chen turned his head fiercely and left the village quickly.

After walking for a long time, Lu Wan'er's cry finally eased, but Lu Chen couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

He looked back at the village, clenched his fist tightly, "Ten years! In ten years, I want Dongfangjia to return it ten thousand times!"


The West Holy Spirit Academy is holding a new disciple introductory test today. All disciples need to test their spiritual veins on the Heavenly Ingot Orb.

Lu Chen glanced at the disciples who lined up in the test area. There was a lot of people there, not knowing if there was another good spiritual vein.

However, none of this has anything to do with him. He walked quickly into the academy from the side door and headed straight to the room of the spiritual courtyard.

Since Lu Chen can't use any external assistance right now, and Jiutianxingxing can't help him adjust the power of the elements, he can't hide his chaotic spirit vein.

Naturally, Lu Chen could not participate in the test. He had to find another way if he wanted to enter the spiritual house.

The building of the West Holy Spirit Courtyard is very large and it is a self-contained courtyard.

Lu Chen came to the room to the west, the door was open, and a steward was doing the accounting here.

"Grandpa Chen." Lu Chen knocked on the door and shouted.

This person is Chen Si, the head of the West Holy Spirit Academy. As soon as he looked up, he saw Lu Chen, then put down his hands and walked over, "Haha, Xiaochen, you are here, come and come, you are tired along the way, sit down After a while, I will pour you a glass of water."

"Grandpa Chen, I'm not tired. Just tell me to do something." Lu Chen said with a smile.

Chen Si held Lu Chen, "Oh, don't worry, I happen to have something to tell you."

"That's the case. The boss told me to go to Mizhuang to take care of things a few days ago. I may not be able to talk about this group of houses in the future."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Mizhuang is a serious business in the West Holy Spirit Academy. Grandpa Chen is on the rise. Congratulations to Grandpa Chen."

Chen Si smiled and said, "Hey, whoever is promoted or not promoted, I am so old, and I hope that I will be fooled in this room... Hey, let's not talk about it, you little guy, when I was in the market I can see that you are very clever and willing to help the family share the worries, so I just thought I would leave when you came."

Lu Chen quickly stood up, "Thank you, Grandpa Chen!"

"You and I have known each other for more than two years, and it can be considered a year-long acquaintance. I can still help with this little thing."

"Oh, in the future, there will be new stewards in the house, but no matter who comes, I believe you will be valued." Chen Si said with a smile, "In this way, I will leave in the afternoon. There will be some time. I will take you to you first. Take a look at the place where you live. After you settle down, I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the dining room and dining hall of our West Holy Spirit Courtyard."

"That's Grandpa Lao Chen."

Chen Si took Lu Chen around in the West Holy Spirit Courtyard.

Lu Chen lived in a Datong shop with more than a dozen people in a room. This kind of environment was naturally incomparable with Xianling Dongtian, but Lu Chen was also used to it.

After all, he had stayed in the city of exile for half a year, and the residence there was much more messy than here.

I could see that Chen Si liked Lu Chen very much, and he took Lu Chen to the main courtyard of the West Holy Spirit Academy.

West Holy Spirit Academy is the largest college in several nearby counties, but in Lu Chen's view, West Holy Spirit Academy is not big, less than 1% of the area of ​​Gods and Demons Holy Academy, and there are fewer than 1,000 students.

After turning around, Lu Chen roughly recognized the environment here.

"Xiaochen, although we are a subordinate of the West Holy Spirit Academy, we are also a member of the West Holy Spirit Academy. Our Spirit Academy is well-known in the nearby seven or eight counties." Chen Si said proudly, "You Do you know, the disciples of the academy, the minimum spiritual channel requirement is also three stars!"

"Three-star spiritual veins, those are all great people who have the hope of becoming spiritual masters in the future! This is only the minimum requirement. Think about it and you will know how amazing our West Holy Spirit Academy is."

"Speaking of this, you must pay attention, don't contradict the academy here, you know?"

Lu Chen nodded, "Yes, Grandpa Chen, I remember, Grandpa Chen, Lu Chen remembers your care for Xiaochen, and I will repay you in the future!"

"I said that I didn’t repay me. I used to come out of a poor family. When I saw you, I thought of myself when I was a kid... Okay, I should go, and work hard. The monthly salary of the West Holy Spirit Academy is still better than outside Not much taller."

After bidding farewell to Chen Si, Lu Chen returned to the room.

He didn't have any clothes to pack, and after hurriedly packing, he went to the woodshed to help chopping wood.

When Lu Chen was busy, several men around him looked at him coldly and talked loudly.

"This kid came in through Zhang Shi?"

"Isn't it? Just now, Zhang Shi personally took him to the academy. I didn't have this treatment."


"No, it's said that I met the young man in the food market. I really don't know how to indulge in Chen Zhang."

"It's okay, didn't Chen Zhangshi have left? Does the new one know who it is? It's Ding Hu, the one who was beaten out by Chen Zhangshi several times before and was kicked out of the house! Hey, I want to go through the back door to Pan Gaozhi. This kid has suffered!"

They didn't shy away from Lu Chen in chatting, so they talked like that directly in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not stop what he was doing, and continued to chop firewood...

In the afternoon, a new affair came, exactly what they called Ding Hu.

Ding Hu met all the workers in the house, but did not let Lu Chen pass!

After a busy day, Lu Chen returned to the bedroom in the evening and found that his mattress had been thrown on the ground.

"Hey, boy, it's already crowded here, you are a newcomer, don't sleep on the bed, sleep on the ground." A big man looked at Lu Chen coldly.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, bent over and picked up the bedding on the ground...

"What are you doing?" Another thin man looked at Lu Chen.

"I'll go wash it."

"It's so late, you still let us sleep!" The man grabbed Lu Chen's bedding and threw it directly outside the door. "You are not allowed to enter this door in the future. I looked upset!"

Lu Chen didn't say much, opened his cabinet, took out the clothes his mother had brought him, and walked out of the bedroom.

"This little bastard, he has a good temper, hum, I'll take him slowly in the future!"

Behind the dormitory is a bamboo forest. The forest is very deep. Lu Chen went deep into it until he entered the depths of the bamboo forest.

He found a rock and put his clothes beside him.

Sitting alone under the moon, Lu Chen sat cross-legged.

Without me! Refinement!

Run, the gods and demons mix the original mind!

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