Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1357: The truth is revealed

All the bones of Ding Hu's arm were broken into powder, and his right knee was shattered.

When everyone around saw it, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Yang Yong was stupid, Ding Hu asked him to call his uncle Ding Shanhe, but he stood there like a wooden person.

"This Lu Chen is crazy, crazy!"

Lu Chen walked to the pyre without anyone else, picked up the two axes on the ground, one in each hand, and instantly flashed to Yang Yong who was still in a daze, and an axe slashed directly on his shoulder!

Before Yang Yong could react, there was a sharp pain in his shoulder, and he let out a scream like a pig, "Ah! Lu Chen, you..."

After Lu Chen dragged so hard, Yang Yong didn't dare to let go of his axe, so he was dragged to Ding Hu with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at Ding Hu with a horrified face, sneered, and suddenly another father and son slashed on his shoulder.

The screams of Ding Hu and Yang Yong were endless, but Lu Chen didn't seem to hear them.

"Aren't you going to see your uncle? Let's go, I'll take you there!" After that, Lu Chen dragged the two to the martial arts ground of the West Holy Spirit Academy.

From the house to the martial arts ground, a long puddle of blood was left on the ground. Everyone who saw this scene followed Lu Chen in both horror and curiosity.

Even the academy disciples were completely scared of such **** scenes.

Lu Chen dragged the two to the martial arts field before letting go.

He didn't move his hands in a hurry, clasping his chest, as if waiting for someone.

Sure enough, the group hurried to the martial arts field.

A middle-aged man shouted angrily, "Who would dare to commit murder in the West Holy Spirit Courtyard in broad daylight?"

The visitor was Ding Shanhe, Ding Hu's uncle, and his face turned green when he saw Ding Hu's miserable condition.

At almost the same time, Bai Xing also hurried over.

When I saw the two people wailing in a pool of blood on the field, and then when I saw the young man standing behind them, my brain buzzed.

"Xiaochen? You, what are you doing!"

More and more people gathered around, already surrounding the martial arts grounds.

Yan Zhu now has six gods and no master, pulling Mengxi, "Mengxi, hurry, find a way to save my master! You also know that he was bullied by Ding Hu, that's why he made such a reckless move."

Mengxi frowned and was extremely anxious, "I, I don't know he will bring people here! Dean Bai and Dean Ding are both spirit kings, me, how can I save him!"

"By the way, where's his gun? He doesn't seem to have that long gun!"

Lu Chen didn't even bring a gun, which might make it more difficult to stand out from the encirclement.

While talking, Ding Shanhe was already violent, how could he watch his nephew die tragically in front of him.

In an instant, Ding Shanhe exploded with energy, his whole body was like a sharp sword, and he rushed towards Lu Chen, "Dare to hurt Ding Hu, the old man will kill you!"

Bai Xing's eyes widened and shot at Lu Chen at the same time, "Dean Ding keeps people! At least wait for the words to be clear!"

For many years, Bai Xing still attached great importance to Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen! Flash!" Mengxi screamed, and at the same time threw out a sword aura, trying to help Lu Chen stop Ding Shanhe temporarily.

The three powerhouses are at the same time, and Lu Chen is at the core of the contention...

Suddenly, Lu Chen's figure was in a trance, and then two Qi Jin shot at Ding Shanhe and Bai Xing at the same time, and then turned and pointed, instantly dissolving Mengxi's sword energy.

With a loud bang, Ding Shanhe was directly stunned by a violent vigor and slammed into the thick stone pillars of the Martial Arts Hall. The stone pillars that could be held by five or six people were directly penetrated!

At the same time, Bai Xing did not suffer a serious injury, but a gentle force pushed him away, preventing him from getting close.

In an instant, the moves of the two great spirit kings, a nine-star spirit sovereign, were directly understated by Lu Chen and resolved.

After Bai Xing landed, she looked at Lu Chen incredulously, "Xiaochen, you, what is your realm!"

Lu Chen smiled at Bai Xing, "Old Bai, it doesn't matter what level I am. The important thing is that you may be the dean for a while."

"Huh?" Bai Xing was puzzled.

Ding Shanhe got up from the gravel over there, watching Lu Chen in horror.

Even though he didn't do his best just now, but the little registered disciple of the other party, actually repelled his own Spirit King with one move?

What a joke!

"You! Who are you?!"

Lu Chen looked at Ding Shanhe indifferently, "I am a temporary disciple of the West Holy Spirit Academy, and of course, I am also the chef in the room."

"You bullshit! How can you be just a named disciple with your strength?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter if you don't know me. I have been in the West Holy Spirit Academy for eight years, but I already know what your relationship is with these two beasts."

Lu Chen walked to Ding Hu leisurely and said lightly, "Ding Hu, do you want to survive?"


"Why? Still counting on your uncle to save you? You saw it just now. If he comes to save people again, I don't mind killing you first!"

Ding Hu was breathing fast, don't look at Lu Chen's words, this guy is murderous!

He said to kill, that is to kill!

"I, I, I want to live!"

Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, "Don't be nervous, you want to live, it's natural. Since you want to live, now tell everyone that six years ago, a female worker in the house was raped and died in a dry well. Four years ago, the same The situation happened again..."

Ding Hu's face has changed.

Lu Chen continued, "Come on, tell everyone, who did it?"

"I, I don't know. At that time, the academy ordered someone to check and find the murderer!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly and turned to Yang Yong and said, "Yang Yong, now the chance to survive is yours..."

Yang Yong is not Ding Hu, he does not have an uncle who wants to be the dean.

Seeing Lu Chen smiling at him now, it feels like seeing a ghost...


With Lu Chen's sword pointing, Yang Yong's arms seemed to be lightly tapped.

But after a while, his left and right arms exploded directly, and suddenly flesh and blood flew!

Yang Yong let out a scream and burst into tears, "Lu Chen, you, you are not human...Ah!"

Lu Chen didn’t care about Yang Yong’s wailing and squatted to persuade him, “Yang Yong, you wouldn’t be naive to think that I hadn’t done anything for the past eight years? There’s only one opportunity, I missed it, tusk tusk, you Guess I will be merciful next time?"

Does this need to be guessed? This guy exploded his arms directly in front of thousands of people!

"I, I said..."

"It's Ding Hu! Ding Hu did it! The **** and murder of two female workers, and the female worker's husband was beaten to death by him the next year, but Ding Shanhe pardoned the handyman because he was in poor health. His responsibility!"

"Also, Ding Hu has more than three lives in his hands. In the past eight years, four people have died because of him, leaving more than ten disabled people!"

Lu Chen was quite surprised, Yang Yong could already answer...he didn't know some of them.

"Also, also, the terminal illness before Chen Si was caused by Ding Hu's long-term prescription of medicine. Originally, Chen Si was bound to die, but was later saved by Dean Bai Xing!"

In order to survive, Yang Yong gave out everything he knew.

Ding Hu shouted angrily, "Yang Yong, you are spitting blood!"

Yang Yong shouted angrily, "I'm bloody? Which one of these things didn't I see with my own eyes?! After following you in the past few years, has there been less blood on your hands! This group of houses is about to become your world!"

This time, everyone was in an uproar.

"Ding Hu is in charge of such a young man, so he has killed his life?"

"It's too bad to **** and kill father and daughter, and beat her husband to death."

"With my uncle's relationship, it's really lawless!"

Bai Xing was shocked. It turned out that there was such a dirty corner in West Holy Spirit Courtyard under his hands!

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