"Mom said, let me protect my brother!"

The little Lu Yi stood in front of Lu Chen.

At that moment, Lu Chen knew what his most precious thing in the world was, even if he tried his life, he still had to protect his sister!

"Even if Wan'er can't do anything, even if only once, let Wan'er protect you..."

Lu Wan'er, who was less than ten years old, was wounded all over, but stood in front of Lu Chen without hesitation.

Even the ancient world, but it is not a real world here.

The family he is protecting is also doing everything to protect him.

In my mind, the pictures of Lu Yi and Lu Wan'er... actually overlapped.


I don't know when, a large number of defenders have surrounded the martial arts field.

Dongfang Bai frowned slightly when he noticed.

"Guardian? The old fox, Shangguanhong, want to profit from the fisherman? Sorry, you have no chance!"

The city guards had arrived, but they had just arrived, only to see that Lu Chen had no idea about his life and death, and the battle had ended.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Xiang Wu asked.

Shangguan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, he was really a step late!

The sacred beast of the town clan of the Dongfang family is indeed here. As long as they are in trouble, the Dongfang Qinglong can easily escape by riding the sacred beast. When the time comes, the face will be torn and there will be no gain, but a great enemy will be set up!

"Hong'er." An old man next to Shangguanhong looked at the court indifferently, "The strength of the Dongfang family's divine beast is stronger than before. I am afraid it may have broken through to the heavenly spirit level! Don't act rashly now."

Shangguan Hong thought for a moment, and said, "Since Master Tianheng said so, then he will not move. I will explain it to Dongfang Qinglong myself after a while."

There was such a big disturbance in the Dongfang family, he was excusable when he came to check it, and he couldn't make it right now.


Dongfang Qinglong also knew that things shouldn't be too late and couldn't delay any longer, he looked at Lu Wan'er coldly.

"Okay, anyway, I have Chaos Spirit Vessels, you are not rare for me with these three types of Spirit Vessels! Then I, fulfill you!" Then, Dongfang Qinglong raised the purple starlight in his hand and stabbed Lu Wan'er with a sword!

The long sword turned into a cold light and pierced Lu Wan'er's throat, but Lu Wan'er refused to give up and stood in front of Lu Chen firmly!


If death is a kind of liberation, then some people are destined to be unable to liberate easily, because,

He can't die!

Even if there are eighteen layers of **** in the depths, he must climb up!

In order to protect the dust that was abandoned by the fairies!

Just as the sword was about to stab Lu Wan'er, a burst of terrifying spiritual power burst out behind Wan'er!

"Dongfang Qinglong! Die to me!" A terrifying roar!

The remaining blood is broken, and Lu Chen has no gun in his hand!

"Earth Shaman Xuanming Spear Tenth Heavy: Heaven and Earth are Spears!"

But there is no gun in his hand, the world is a gun!

Above the nine sky, the vast starry sky, a white light fell from the sky, like a laser, and like a long spear, directly piercing the Eastern Azure Dragon Sky Spirit Cover with thunder and no eyes and ears!

However, it was only the sharpest "spear tip", and then, the beam of light poured directly down, piercing the body of the Eastern Azure Dragon into blood, and then penetrated the ground!

Right in front of Lu Wan'er, there appeared a huge pit, about three to four meters in diameter, but it was not bottomed out, and it was pitch black, as if it went straight to the nether hell!

This scene came too suddenly, everyone had no time to react, the Eastern Patriarch Dongfang Qinglong, and the Ziwei Starlight Sword, one of the three great artifacts of Tianwu, had no bones left!

Hundreds of thousands of city guards have been shocked by this scene!

Shangguanhong's eyes almost didn't fall out even more.

"Master Tianheng, what Lu Chen used just now... is... the tenth piece of the Disha Xuanming Spear?"

Shangguanhong only felt that his worldview had been shattered along with Dongfang Qinglong!

No one can practice the seventh, eighth, and ninth level of the Disha Xuanming Spear. This kid has directly taken out the tenth level?

In other words, there is the tenth weight of the Disha Xuanming Spear? He hasn't even heard of it!

Master Tian Heng no longer had the calmness he had before, and was already stunned by the shock just now.

"The tenth level...I, I remembered that I also tried to study the Disha Xuanming Spear. There was a sentence mentioned on the last page of the exercise, which may be related to the tenth level."


"The gunner can be a common weapon, it can be a divine weapon, a mind, can be a gun, move at will, can be a gunway, the gun can break the sky!"

"This Lu Chen has become a master of guns, and the talented gun of heaven and earth is the avenue of guns!"

After Shangguanhong listened, he slowly turned his head to see Lu Chen's eyes even more incredible.

Eighteen years old, good guns? ! It's simply past and present!


Lu Waner was about to accept death, but suddenly, Dongfang Qinglong died tragically first.

She turned her head in shock, looking at Lu Chen standing behind her, finally couldn't help crying, and threw herself into Lu Chen's arms.


Lu Chen stroked Lu Wan'er's head, and said weakly, "Silly girl, you won't be allowed to be such a fool in the future..."

"Wait, brother, there is a little snake over there that needs me to deal with it." Lu Chen pulled Lu Wan'er away and helped her wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Take good care of my mother and Uncle Tie."

Lu Wan'er nodded sensibly.

Lu Chen was ready to fight the dragon to death, but who knew that after Dongfang Qinglong died, after the dragon roared, it seemed that Lu Chen actually... flew away!

Lu Chen blinked.

Ok? Ran?

Maybe it can't be said that he ran away, but some kind of contract, because Dongfang Qinglong was cancelled after his death.

The more Lu Chen thought about it, the more so.

The strength of this giant dragon is terrifying. In the first blow, Lu Chen mostly lost to this giant dragon. Such a terrifying creature should not surrender to the Dongfang family.

In any case, it is of course the best not to fight. Lu Chen has no deep hatred with this dragon anyway.

There was still one person left on the court, who was already shaking with fright.

Lu Chen flashed away and walked in front of Dongfang Bai.

Dongfang Bai's legs softened and he actually knelt directly in front of Lu Chen.

"Lu, Lu Chen, you, you, what do you want to do?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and with a move of his sword, Dongfang Baishoujin's hamstring had been broken.

After that, Lu Chen lifted Dongfang Bai up and walked to the iron pillar with only half of it left, and nailed him to the iron pillar with iron nails on the ground!

"Don't you like stealing spiritual veins? Well, I will also practice my hand to see how I can dig out spiritual veins without letting people die!" After that, Lu Chen showed a cruel expression in his eyes.

There were fallen tools scattered on the ground, and Lu Chen picked up a saw casually, "I'm digging, please teach me at the same time, don't cut the wrong place, it will make you suffer for nothing..."

Dongfang Bai was already scared to death.

This guy is so abnormal, even if he digs his own spiritual veins, he still needs to teach him himself? ! It's crazy!

Seeing the picture here, Qin Yueqin had to cover Lu Wan'er's eyes.

"Mother, I want to see! I want to see how Dongfang Bai died tragically!"

"Wan'er, you still don't look at it... Digging spiritual veins is really cruel..." Uncle Tie stumbled over.

"It's like cramping and digging bones! The Dongfang family has done such a conscienceless thing!"

As the saying goes, he should be treated by his own way, half an hour later, Dongfang Bai has become a useless person!

However, Lu Chen's technique is superb, and Dongfang Bai has not died yet.

He was dying to watch Lu Chen. At this time, he had no hope of resisting. He slowly said, "I didn't expect my Dongfang family to be destroyed in the hands of an orphan of the Lu family! I knew this before, so I should not hesitate at all costs. Kill you!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Don't repent!" After he said, his hands were stained with blood and long thorns pierced Dongfang Bai's throat directly!

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