Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 137: Super BOSS, Abyss Zombie

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"The giant fault swept away!" Lu Chen waved a few sword auras, and the surrounding zombies fell to the ground one after another after a series of spiritual damages, which could not last for five rounds.

[Kill the absentee zombie (level 22 elite), and capture the world aura 120. 】

Seeing the meager income, Lu Chen could only shake his head helplessly.

"Made, just do it once, I will never do it again when I do it!"

Even the two corpse kings contributed more than a thousand experience, and the fart was not lost.

Nine days of reward control for brushing low levels is simply outrageous.

[Ding, your team has cleared the underground mine (20) level dungeon. It took 2 minutes and 18 seconds. Congratulations to your team for creating a new level. Your record will be displayed on the dungeon clearance ranking. 】

For this kind of team dungeon, Lu Chen used the "team" mode, but he was alone in the team, but the system still believed that Lu Chen had cleared the dungeon as a team.

[Your clearance score has entered within 6 minutes, and the crazy killing of your squad has angered the anger of a sleeping creature under the ground. If you choose to continue to challenge, your clearance time will continue to be extended. If you quit the dungeon, this score will be yours The final result of the team. 】

"Damn, there are really hidden bosses!" Lu Chen was overjoyed.

"Say it takes 6 minutes to activate this BOSS? This is a bit demanding. If I don't have a giant sweep, it would be difficult to complete it."

The current record of the outside world is probably above 24 and a half. According to their clearance speed, I am afraid that this hidden BOSS cannot be touched.

"The requirements are so demanding... well, I hope you won't let me down, and better drop something useful."

Of course, Lu Chen didn't hesitate to answer, "Continue to challenge!"

[The Abyssal Zombie King is coming, preparation time 00:04:59]

With 5 minutes of preparation time, Lu Chen honestly waited in the cave.

The corpses of the zombies on the ground looked a little disgusting, each with incomplete hands and feet, and their bodies rotten, which was more real than the movies.

"It seems that the killer was too fast. I didn't seem to see their attack method."

"Forget it, I want to know what they attacked, this thing is so ugly, anyway, I will kill the blood of this thing."

Lu Chen was sure that there was no doubt about this!

"By the way, Xiaomin said that the essence of the dead creatures in the dungeon will be stored, how can I not feel..."

After spending his leisure time, Lu Chen began to look at the structure of the dungeon. His dungeon materials were about to be collected, and he didn't know what his future dungeons would look like.

Not long after, the underground of the central mine suddenly vibrated, and Lu Chen obviously felt that the entire copy was shaking.

"It's finally here." Lu Chen drew out tiger sobs, preparing to respond to the enemy.

However, five minutes passed, but what abyss zombie hasn't appeared yet?

"What the hell? What about people?"

As soon as the voice fell, when Lu Chen was standing in battle, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, a huge arm sprang from the ground and grabbed his ankle.

"Damn! This guy is below!"

Lu Chen was caught by his ankle. Although there was no blood injury, he could not move.

He could only watch the ground around him collapse, and then, a monster eight or nine meters in height climbed out of the ground.

This guy was completely dark, in a human form, and only wore a pair of torn pants. Instead of rotten, the flesh on his body was unusually strong and his muscles tensed.

Its face is hideous, its features are misaligned, a mouth full of sharp teeth covers half of the face, and its eyes are bloodshot.

"Nima, this monster looks so ugly!"

When he saw its level, Lu Chen was also taken aback.

"Level 30 Abyssal Zombie King (Diamond Hidden BOSS)!"

Lu Chen had never imagined that in a 20th-level instance, there was still a 30th-level hidden boss.

This level is actually 2 levels higher than him!

"Damn, no wonder the activation conditions are so harsh, it is actually a 30-level boss! What a surprise."

At this time, Lu Chen was under the control of the opponent, with an abnormal state of "partial restraint" on his body, and the restraint time was not displayed.

If caught by the opponent, no matter how high the blood volume is, Lu Chen hurriedly attacked the opponent's wrist with Tiger Weeping.

"Nima, let me go!"

Suddenly, the Abyss Zombie activated its skills and threw Lu Chen out and hit the cave wall!

-4000 (special attack: throwing collision), -617 (traumatic bleeding)!

Lu Chen's "partial bondage" was lifted, but three more abnormal states suddenly appeared.

[Fear: physical defense reduced by 20%]

[The whole body meridian is blocked: unable to use the exercises, slow movement, 40% slower movement speed, 10 seconds duration. 】

[Bleeding from trauma, losing 3% of the upper limit of life per second for 10 seconds. 】

"Nima, so strong?"

This guy is a 30th-level diamond boss. If you don't count the "story boss" of Senabis, this guy's strength is definitely the most terrifying guy Lu Chen has encountered so far.

Moreover, his first hand was almost incomprehensible, he sprang out from the ground directly, grabbing him directly was a fat beating, and he was given three DEBUFF by the way.

"The panic may be a halo reduction, which is similar to the eight heads, but the obstruction of this meridian and traumatic bleeding seems to be caused by the "overdraft collision" just now."

Lu Chen is now at level 28, with a blood volume of 20568, and this traumatic bleeding is directly deducted by a percentage. The more blood he has, the more blood he loses.

There was also the throwing collision, which seemed to be a fixed damage, directly exploding 4000 blood.

With so much blood volume, Lu Chen was directly knocked out of one of the four books!

"Nima, a bit strong!"

If other teams come to beat him, maybe the tank will be killed in seconds.

"Roar!" The Abyss Zombie ran towards Lu Chen. This guy was too big to take a few meters in one step.

"Made, I'm really afraid of you, come!" Lu Chen didn't run anymore. The main reason is that even if he runs, he may not win. The blockage of the meridians in his whole body makes him move faster than ordinary people.

The exercises were useless, but Lu Chen could still attack.

Lu Chen saw the timing and quickly swung three swords.

-407, -617 (poisoned), -617 (poisoned), -2216 (triple crit), -617 (poisoned), -617 (poisoned), -1450 (double crit), -617, -617 .

Juque sweeping was not Lu Chen's strongest attack. Perhaps the total amount of damage was high, but when it comes to outbreaks, his physical attacks were even more terrifying.

This still did not launch the tiger down the mountain, he has already dealt 7775 damage!

However, Lu Chen was still surprised by this injury.

"Nima, I have thousands of physical attacks, and I can only deal 400 damage without a critical strike. This product has a high defense! And the blood volume is also high, more than 60,000 blood!"

Hard and meaty! Also bring control!

After being attacked by Lu Chen, the Abyss Zombie suddenly went underground again and disappeared.

"I'm going, what do you mean? I can't run away, do I?"

Lu Chen thought for a while, BOSS shouldn't be able to run, it is very possible that he will repeat the same trick again.

In one wave of BOSS, it only lost less than 8000 blood, and 8 waves were required, but the opponent's attack directly killed a quarter of his blood.

If I keep on playing like this, I don't seem to be able to deal with it.

"It's not easy to do, it won't die in the 20th level dungeon..." Lu Chen's mind turned sharply, "What, what!"

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