Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1378: World in the mirror

During this time, Lu Chen went to visit Lu Wan'er, and now Wan'er and Xuanli's couple, both of whom are Heavenly Spirit level powerhouses, are respected.

Only when they saw Lu Chen, the two of them immediately resigned to glory, just like ordinary people.

Lu Chen is also the younger sister who loves this life very much, but it is a pity that he also has some gifts for her.

In order not to worry Wan'er, Lu Chen only said that he wanted to travel far, and then left Xuantian Mansion.

Before he knew it, Lu Chen came to the Heavenly Holy City Li Mansion again.

Mengxi is now also a powerful god, but Li Haobai had broken through the heavenly spirit realm thirty years ago, and is currently dedicated to the protection of the kingdom of the heavenly holy kingdom.

Today Mengxi was sending her great-grandson to school, and Lu Chen saw her from a distance.

Mengxi's appearance looks about forty years old, but her charm still exists, and her appearance is still bright.

With her strength, it would be no problem to live for more than a hundred years. If she could break through the Heavenly Spirit Realm, she might be able to live another hundred years.

Meng Xi asked her great grandson and suddenly raised her head...just now it seemed that someone was watching her in the dark, but now she found that there were no idlers by the roadside.

Mengxi stood there blankly, not leaving for a long time, as if she could feel that an old friend suddenly visited... Maybe it was to say goodbye to her.


After March, Lu Chen walked to Wuming Lake alone and picked up the fishing rod that was placed by the lake.

This fishing rod has been with Lu Chen for many years. With Lu Chen's fishing skills, Lu Chen catches a lot of fish and puts a lot of fish.

It is estimated that almost all the fish in Wuming Lake can be named.

Bending down to pick up the fishing rod, Lu Chen breathed in his nose and pierced the fishing rod violently.

On the surface of Baili Lake, a burst of energy broke through the air, and the water of the lake was divided into two directly. All of a sudden, the lake vibrated and the waves were rough.

Lu Chen came to the lake center in a flash.

In an instant, the aroused lake water was overwhelming.

After Lu Chen lost with one hand, holding the fishing rod, his eyes slightly closed...

The unimaginable endless lake water, like the sky collapsed, pressed towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not see any movement, countless gun shadows flashed around Lu Chen's body, forming an airtight defensive formation.

The moment the lake fell, Lu Chen was around a hundred meters away, as if a defensive cover had been placed, it was difficult for the water to get close to him!

What's more rare is that Lu Chen did not use spiritual power to help during the entire defense process, and only used spear intent to resist the sky over the lake.

Suddenly, Lu Chen jumped out of the lake and landed on the shore.

At this moment, none of his clothes were stained with a drop of water. It is unimaginable that he had just turned over the river for a while, but the water did not touch his body.

Lu Chen opened his eyes now.

In this life, he has lost a lot and experienced a lot, but the vicissitudes of a hundred years have also made him realize the realm of perfect gun intent.

The spear's intent can be thunderous, breaking through the sky, like when he slaughtered the Dongfang family when he was young, he turned the tide and broke through a thousand troops in an angry.

It can be endless, dripping water does not leak, as if looking at the clouds and clouds, the flowers bloom and fall.

The intention of the gun can move with one's heart, and the result of the gun pointed to by the meaning is like walking alone in the world, 10,000 people surrender, but also reversible, with endless changes, as if the world is unpredictable.

Lu Chen stroked the fishing rod in his hand and smiled slightly, "I didn't expect to be with me to the end. It was you. It seems that my fishing was not in vain."

In this life, Lu Chen's highest realm could only reach the eighteen-star Savage King, and he didn't know if it was the ancient realm who could only cultivate to this realm, or some other reason.

Of course, by being able to upgrade to a one-star level, Lu Chen's harvest in the ancient world is much better than others.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, put the fishing rod by the lake, and returned to the old house alone.

As the hour was approaching, Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly and recalled this life. Although there were regrets, he was also guarded by family members. More importantly, the spear intent was already great, and this life was not in vain.

Suddenly, a long-lost feeling of dizziness came. Lu Chen raised his mouth slightly and said softly, "Wan'er, Xuanli, mother, father, Uncle Tie, Zhuzi, Mengxi, Li Haobai...Thank you...bye."


According to Lu Chen's thinking, he was in the ancient realm of Wan Ling, and he entered the ancient realm in the last year. This time he should leave the ancient realm directly.

However, after that long period of dizziness, when Lu Chen opened his eyes again, the whole person was dumbfounded!

He did not return to the ancient world!

At this moment, he was in the wilderness, and a she wolf was licking her body.

Talking about his body, Lu Chen didn't react for a long time.

In fact, he is now a newly born wolf cub, and he can't help but scream.

If someone can understand Lu Chen's current language, the translation is actually just one word.


Not to mention going back to the Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal Realm, he didn't even go back to the Ancient Realm world, and went straight to reincarnation.

Moreover, in this life, he was reborn as a wolf cub!

This is so special that even people are not being fooled!

There were strange noises around, and the she wolf seemed a little nervous, grabbing the back of Lu Chen's neck, trot, and led Lu Chen into the jungle.

Lu Chen originally thought that at his age, nine days and several decades, Tianyuan Continent 100 years, he should have a strong ability to accept, but now his mind is buzzing.

what's the situation? Why is this happening? Where is this? who am I?

Not long after, a piebald tiger suddenly appeared in their previous nest. The tiger was four or five times larger than the average tiger, and it was full of muscles. At a glance, it was clear that the jungle here is not the jungle in the world of the earth. .

The she-wolf was hiding in the dark, Lu Chen could feel her trembling, his eyes fixed on the tiger's dynamics.

After a while, the tiger finally left, but the she-wolf was cautious and didn't dare to return to her nest, grabbing Lu Chen and fleeing all the way.

Lu Chen didn't have time to deal with these things now, and now he calmed down a bit.

Why didn't I leave the ancient world? ! Could it be that the moment he was returning to the ancient world, a light group from a certain world just hit him, causing him to reincarnate again?

This probability is too low, even Lu Chen thinks it is impossible for such a coincidence.

Well, there is another possibility!

The light group I entered before is the so-called... Mirror Realm World? !

All the information Lu Chen knew about the realm in the mirror was that Gu Ying told him that he should never enter the world in the realm of mirror, otherwise he might never get out.

Lu Chen didn't know what the world in the mirror was like and where it was.

It's not really the realm of the mirror world, the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War is imminent, and the fourth level of the Godskiller I have not started to practice!

Besides, now he has become a wolf!

If I go, is it possible to be killed here by the Ancient World of All Souls?

The she-wolf did not know where to find a piece of meat and swallowed it herself.

Lu Chen hadn't been interested in eating raw meat at all, but inadvertently, he saw the female wolf's body, after a meal, a circle larger than before?

Ok? what's the situation? Swallowing a stronger world?

Then...Is it possible for my bloodline of ten thousand races to be strengthened here?


All souls fairyland.

Xiao Beast, Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Yuan have been out of Shen Beast Island for three days, and the three guys are standing in front of the ancient temple, waiting here listlessly.

"Little Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan, why did you say that Dad hasn't come out yet? Didn't Gu Ying come out on the same day as us? It's been three days!" Little Beast leaned on Xiao Yuan comfortably.

"Squeaky, Squeaky!"

"Little Mao Tuan, it's impossible. My dad can't get married, and it's impossible in the ancient world. He won't have that life!" Little Beast said affirmatively, "How many times have I urged him? Look at him. Heart?"

"Fortunately, I have a younger brother. I really want to go back and see him. Then I will bring a lot of beast cores for him to eat. As a brother, I must spoil him!"

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